SEPTEMBER 22, 2020
Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
City Attorney John Singler conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Masick, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary
The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, body temperatures were taken of each guest.
Katie Custer from Run Switch was present.
Karl Weidner, 8915 Linn Station Road, addressed the Commission regarding the AT&T fiber optic upgrade, the new stop signs at Nottingham and Linn Station, and the possibility of posting a draft of the Commission meeting’s minutes on the City website. City Attorney John Singler replied that only approved minutes by the Commission can be released and posted because the minutes reflect an accurate representation of the actions.
Mr. Gene Winters, president of Wessex Place Homeowners Association along with resident Sheila Depp, 9418 Wessex Place, addressed the Commission seeking assistance in requiring the owners of the Gentry apartments to comply with the binding elements they agreed to in 2011.
Ms. Depp explained the expenses she has incurred in retaining the maintenance on the buffer wall which includes overgrowth and debris. After clearing a section of the property behind her house, she discovered it was not hers and that it belonged to the apartments. After a lengthy discussion about the lack of communication and responsibility of the complex to maintain the landscape buffer area, City Attorney Singler stated he would review the property line, with the assistance from City Engineer Chris Crumpton, to see if the 25 foot buffer is properly determined as the pictures depict. If the property line presented by Mr. Winters is correct and the property belongs to the apartments, there can be enforcement actions with penalties. Mr. Singler stated he would have a better understanding of the property line by the next meeting and agreed to stay in touch with Mr. Winters on the progress.
The September 8, 2020 minutes were presented for approval. After a minor correction, Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order No. 20-24-Approval of August 2020 Expenses
Mayor Masick questioned a charge for $33.14 from Merchant Payment Credit Card surcharge. City Treasurer Mike Rhodes stated he would research the charge and report back to the Commission. With that inquiry, Commissioner Wagner made a motion for approval of MO No. 20-24 of August 2020 expenses. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Masick reported that she, Commissioner Jackson, City Treasurer Mike Rhodes recently met with J. D. Chaney, Mayor Bill Dieruf of Jeffersontown, and Doug Goforth from Kentucky League of Cities. She stated that it was a good meeting and they discussed the CARES Act. She suggested that KLC initiate a customer service program that could be offered to the cities. Commissioner Jackson added that Kentucky League of Cities offers cyber security coverage and as Commissioners and employees you get identity theft insurance at no additional charge. Face masks were distributed to the Commission courtesy of KLC. Mayor Masick added that she and City Treasurer Mike Rhodes participated in a Zoom meeting with the Jefferson League of Cities which was a round table discussion regarding the CARES Act.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch deferred his report until the next meeting since he was awaiting bids on various projects.
Commissioner Jackson complimented the Kentucky League of Cities meeting. Also, he thanked City Treasurer Mike Rhodes for assuming additional responsibilities. In C. A. O. Jim Leidgen’s absence, he recommended that Mayor Mary Masick be the only spokesperson for the City. The Commission was in full agreement. He stated there will be an upcoming Finance Committee meeting involving himself, Commissioner Leavell, and City Treasurer Mike Rhodes. He reported that he had ordered a sign to place in front of City Hall advertising the available office space.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell reported the radar monitor on Nottingham has worked well detecting speeders. In addition, he stated he had spoken with Police Chief Grady Throneberry, from the City of Graymoor-Devondale, regarding police coverage for Hurstbourne. City Attorney John Singler added that a contract with Graymoor-Devondale was drafted and will be reviewed at their next Council meeting. If the contract is approved by the Council on October 20, 2020, it will be presented at the Hurstbourne Commissioner’s meeting on October 27, 2020 for passage. Commissioner Leavell will discuss with the Commission the benefits provided by Graymoor-Devondale police compared to what the City currently has in place. If both Cities approve the contract, Kentuckiana Law Enforcement will be given 30 days notification.
City Engineer Chris Crumpton reported he ordered a new pole to be placed going west on Linn Station where a yellow warning sign will be attached. Commissioner Leavell asked that 30 minutes per shift be dedicated to the Mormon Church parking lot to issue warnings to the residents so as they become familiar with the new stop signs. These shifts will occur for two weeks.
There will be an upcoming meeting regarding the homeless situation with Code Enforcement Officer George Stewart, City Attorney John Singler, Mayor Masick and Commissioner Leavell. Commissioner Wagner added that Mr. Stewart has been taking photos documenting the homeless problem. Mr. Leavell has instructed the police to designate 30 minutes at Bob Evans to observe any homeless issues.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
No report.
Mr. Crumpton reported the stream clearing will soon resume. The City’s catch basins are being replaced and modified before street paving begins. Also, he is awaiting a decision from MSD regarding the drainage problem on Hurstwood Court.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
Mr. Rhodes stated there will be a meeting with Commissioners Jackson and Leavell to discuss future financial actions. Commissioner Jackson added the Mr. Rhodes had noted some rusty beams atop the windows of City Hall along with a stucco problem on one of the exterior walls. Mr. Rhodes will obtain estimates to repair both problems.
No report.
In accordance with KRS 61.810, Mayor Masick made a motion to close the regular Commission meeting and enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Mary Masick made a motion to end the Executive Session and return to the regular Commission meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
At 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
_______________________________________ __________________________________
Mayor Mary Masick James E. Leidgen, City Clerk