November 13, 2012
4:30 PM
Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor Bob English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Dick Hays, Earl Hubbuch and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen. Treasurer Bill Bennett was not in attendance. A quorum of the Commission was present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.
David Buchanan of the Oxmoor Woods Residents’ Association stated that their entrances now look wonderful and expressed appreciation to the Commission for the work that has been done. He also asked that appropriate plantings be added at a suitable time in the future.
Ben Jackson of 8716 Linn Station Road, who had been elected to serve on the Hurstbourne Commission, stated he was looking forward to working with other members of the Commission. He also asked about regulations pertaining to churches operating out of a private residence. Attorney Singler responded that they are permitted in all zoning districts, including residential; however, there are specific regulations in the Land Development Code which establish certain limitations. He will research this and send a copy of the specific language to CAO Leidgen.
Joseph Fallon of 908 Oxmoor Woods Parkway who had requested replacement of the stop sign at Oxmoor Woods Parkway and Stamford Court.
Claudia and Richard Bache of 8606 Nottingham Parkway asked that a stop sign be installed on Notting-
ham Parkway near Lowe Elementary School. Since this is a matter which was to be discussed later in the meeting and since an officer with Kentuckiana Law Enforcement was present, it was decided to place the issue on the table for the ensuing discussion.
LMPD Sgt. Phil Russell was present to answer any questions pertaining to the police coverage provided by Kentuckiana Law Enforcement, and specifically about stop signs. Sgt. Russell stated that speed humps and stop signs deter speed – the speed humps force drivers to slow down or damage their cars and violations at a stop sign are easy to enforce by LMPD. Commissioner Hubbuch said it was a surprising fact to learn that 67% of the warnings or citations issued for speeding in the City are issued to residents rather than cut-through drivers.
City Engineer Chris Crumpton had been asked to give his recommendation on replacing stop signs at various locations. He presented to the Commission three letters of recommendation:
1. Nottingham Parkway at Cheltenham Circle – Mr. Crumpton stated it does appear “speeding is consistently a problem through this section of Nottingham Parkway, and has been confirmed by officers stationed along this section to identify speeders.” This intersection is close to mid-block and the installation of stop signs at this location would: a) Provide for stop by vehicles going west on Nottingham to better allow vehicles to exit Cheltenham heading west; and b) Provide a stop for vehicles heading east on Nottingham “prior to entering the school zone which regularly consists of stopped or slowed vehicles waiting for pickup at Lowe Elementary.” Mr. Crumpton felt that a stop sign is justified and would allow for minimal intrusion into existing private yards. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve the installation of stops signs at Nottingham and Cheltenham; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.
2. Oxmoor Woods Parkway and Stamford Drive – Mr. Crumpton had reviewed this location for the
possible reinstallation of stop signs and said that traffic volumes are not equal on these streets and a stop sign would not typically be warranted. However, because of multiple complaints from residents “noting significant increase in speeds through this section of Oxmoor Woods Parkway, we are recommending that new STOP signs be reinstalled at this location.” After discussion, Commissioner Hubbuch noted that the reinstallation of stop signs at Oxmoor Woods Parkway and Stamford Drive is recommended by the Oxmoor Woods residents and also that the Commission can see advantages and disadvantages to their reinstallation. He then made the motion to reinstall the stops signs at Oxmoor Woods Parkway and Stamford Drive; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.
3. Bedfordshire & Cheshire Way; Stop Sign Installation west of Colonel Anderson Parkway – Mr.
Crumpton stated that traffic volumes appear to be very low on Bedfordshire, and there have been few complaints about speeding. He said it does not appear that the characteristics of the intersection would be improved with a multi-stop sign. A stop sign is probably not warranted by counts; however, more information may be needed to determine if there is a safety threat at this intersection. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion the Commission accept the recommendation of the City Engineer and that a stop sign not be installed at this location; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried. Commissioner Dahlem referred to the fact that there are visibility problems at some intersections in the City which might be improved by maintenance, such as cutting back tree limbs or shrubbery, and suggested the City be proactive in this endeavor.
Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the October 23, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.
Attorney Singler reported he has received the plans and official minutes from the Planning Commission
on the Panda Express project. Those minutes should be approved by the Hurstbourne Commission and he presented Municipal Order 12-29, A Municipal Order Relating to Case Number 17915, Approval of a Revised Detailed District Development Plan; Associated Waivers and Change to the Binding Elements at Property Located at 1232 S. Hurstbourne Parkway. During discussion, City Engineer Crumpton noted that Public Works required Panda to add sidewalks around the perimeter of the project for pedestrian connectivity which will connect to sidewalks being constructed by the Transportation Cabinet. The landscape berm will be extended and there are two waivers related to landscape buffer setbacks. After discussion Section 1 was amended to read “. . . are adopted in full by the City of Hurstbourne with the condition that the final landscape plan, lighting plan, building renderings, and signage renderings must receive the approval of the City of Hurstbourne prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.” Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve MO 12-29 as amended; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.
The Commission has received a list of individuals who have agreed to serve on the City’s Code Enforcement Board. The ordinance calls for three members and two alternates. Attorney Singler suggested action be taken on this matter at the next Commission meeting.
Attorney Singler presented Municipal Order 12-30, A Municipal Order Declaring the intent of the
City to Rename Liberty Bank Lane and Municipal Order 12-31, A Municipal Order Declaring the intent of the City to Rename Caritas Way. Commissioner Hays explained that there is no longer a Liberty Bank at that location and the name is confusing to the public. MO 12-30 would make application to rename Liberty Bank Lane to Charles Osborne Way. Also, there is no longer a business called Caritas on Caritas Way and the name is confusing to the public. MO 12-31 makes application to rename Caritas Way to Hurstbourne Commerce Way. During discussion of these possible name changes, Commissioner Hubbuch said he could not vote for these MO’s because he does not believe streets or public buildings should be named after individuals. Also, many streets are named for various landmarks or settings that may no longer be in existence. After further discussion, Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve MO 12-30. His motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Hays then made the motion to approve MO 12-31. This motion also died for lack of a second.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler said he has no news on the Kaplan foreclosure but has sent a letter to the mortgage holder to try to get this case to move forward.
The house on Buckingham was withdrawn from the sale docket.
Attorney Singler has discussed with the Property Valuation office the valuation issues with the house on Rugby.
C.A.O. Leidgen presented a progress report on the LG&E upgrades along Nottingham Parkway. Work is up to 85% complete with no major customer complaints.
Mr. Leidgen presented an incident report representing the first full month of coverage by Kentuckiana Law Enforcement. He said he has been very pleased with the cooperation and type of reports presented by KLE. There was discussion about recent break-ins in the City.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
Mayor English referred to a building which is being constructed in the City of Lyndon.
Mayor English mentioned the construction at the South Lyndon Lane and Oxmoor Woods Parkway entrance and asked if the fence is to be extended. Commissioner Hubbuch said he understood that the fence was to extend almost the entire way to the existing fence. Engineer Crumpton said it should not be a problem to enlarge the fence at that time.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
City Engineer Crumpton reported that the sidewalk contractors have started work on Blairwood Road and should be completed within a week or so. The striping contractors should also be finished soon. The work on the entrances should begin this week.
The ADA paperwork has been revised and forwarded to Metro Councilman Jon Ackerson. C.A.O. Leidgen said he has spoken with Marilyn Parker, the new member of Metro Council, and she indicates her plans are to honor the commitment made by Councilman Ackerson.
No report.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that a street light which been knocked down on Lyndon Lane has been replaced by L G & E.
No report
At 6:10 p.m. Commissioner Hays made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.