MAY 23, 2017
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order. 
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.
                Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Schneider.
No guests were present.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the May 9, 2017 minutes; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock. Motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 17-24—Approval of City Expenses
Mayor Schneider inquired about a check issued for $200 to D. M. Bagshaw and Company.  C. A. O. Jim Leidgen replied it was for the painting of the fence on the Lynn Station entrance.  With that explanation, Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval of MO 17-24; his motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider. Motion carried unanimously.
Committee Reports
There was no committee report on Investments. However, City Engineer Chris Crumpton distributed a handout stating the priorities of HSWAC. He gave an overview of (a) Colonel
Anderson/Country Club retention basin (b) How to create localized flooding solutions for the residents (c) Evaluation of the confluence basin alternative (d) Proposed basin in the area behind Ken Towery’s house    (d) An alternate impact for any basin by Lyndon Lane, and (e) Work remaining regarding property owners. On page 2 of the report beginning with the MSD report and starting with recommendations, it is broken down by (a) Country Club branch and (b) Hurstbourne Creek, South Lyndon Lane, and Colonel Anderson Parkway. Different areas on the maps were demonstrated in color codes for basin views.         MSD gave final cost figures which may be inflated for various reasons.
Mayor Schneider expressed her concern for children’s safety as she reviewed several areas in the City that have no grate covers over the culverts. She asked about standards MSD has regarding grates. Mr. Crumpton stated that MSD has changed their philosophy over the years because of debris that clogs the culverts.
After much discussion regarding flooding issues in the City, City Attorney John Singler injected that there are two classes of topics (a) Capital projects (b) Maintaining existing facilities. It may be helpful for HSWAC to view the problems from a maintenance basis and prompt MSD to return to the City to gain further assistance.
C. A. O. Leidgen asked about the process of cleaning up the area between 709-711 Nottingham. The owner is unable to take care of the property. The City Engineer replied that the City can, but cannot channel more than 200 feet. Otherwise, MSD would want a Corp of Engineer’s permit for water approval.
After a lengthy discussion, City Attorney Singler suggested that a report be compiled that listed properties and areas of maintenance of storm water facilities. The City could then do its own inspections and request that MSD come to perform a follow-up.  The City could use its resources to repair the problems.  He also recommended that the City keep an ongoing list and to have an annual inspection of the problem areas. Mayor Schneider asked if dead trees could be incorporated into the list.  C. A. O. Leidgen replied that he, Commissioner Hubbuch and City Engineer Crumpton will establish a standard identifying and gathering data.  This will be noted on a map and will be developed for an annual review.
Commissioner Hubbuch agreed with Mr. Singler’s proposal and added that a committee review and implement this plan which in turn would better prepare the City to approach MSD.  Commissioner Jackson asked if the current budgeted $100,000 for storm water could be expensed for a part of this year and the remainder used for next year.  City Attorney Singler stated that it could be and next year’s line item could be increased.
Commissioner Hubbuch asked if Mr. Singler had heard from the Jefferson Development Group regarding the remaining portion of the drainage fee owed to the City He stated that he had heard from their attorney who stated that the identified parcels of property had not been developed and Jefferson Development should not pay.  He added that he sent the attorney Binding Element 17 and asked him to review it. Mr. Singler will then present the response to the Commission.
Under Public Works, Mr. Crumpton distributed maps illustrating the phasing that has occurred for the ADA improvements for the past six years. He will be meeting with Metro Council Member Marilyn Parker on Thursday, May 25, 2017 to ask for additional funding to complete the final improvements.  The final phase is expected to total $80,000 to complete the handicap ramps and he will be requesting $30,000 in NDF funding from Marilyn Parker. Commissioner Hubbuch added that before the end of June this proposal will be presented to the Commission. At that time, additional funds will be requested.
For discussion purposes only, C. A. O. Jim Leidgen distributed a report regarding potential bike lanes in the City. He stated that he, Commissioner Hancock, City Engineer Crumpton and Commissioner Hancock were all in attendance. The report included the City of Louisville Bike Lane information, sample pictures of lanes, spec renderings of lane types, cost estimates from Atlantic Striping, and the National Department of Transportation funding opportunities sheet. During committee discussions, the question arose as to why we have bike lanes.  In summary, bike lanes could more clearly direct where walkers, runners, and bikers would travel inside the dedicated lane areas. The lanes could cause some slowing of vehicular traffic. Because pedestrians are resistant to education with regards to wearing bright/reflective clothing, an education program could be difficult. The primary motive for the City to install bike-pedestrian lanes would be for public safety vs. reducing vehicular traffic from City streets. Mr. Leidgen added that the traditional place to install bike lanes is near drive-ways.
Commissioner Hubbuch proposed that the Commission review this information to better understand the process. Mayor Schneider agreed and added that all resources such as the newsletter and Reach Alert be used to promote safety (i.e. wear light clothing, carry flash lights).
Mr. Leidgen added that letters had gone out to specific residents regarding Road Closures and there has been no response.
Jobs in Progress/Special Projects and Events
C. A. O. Jim Leidgen presented a draft municipal order regarding the upcoming 2017 City concert/picnic. After much discussion by the Commission regarding the date, timing, and location of the event, it was decided to vote on this MO at a later Commission Meeting.

Mayor Schneider announced that on June 14th at 4:30 p.m. the Vining’s Apartments will have their ribbon cutting. Also, on May 30th at the University of Louisville campus there will be a town hall meeting conducted by Metro Council Member Marilyn Parker. The Lyndon Fire Department firetrucks will come through the City on May 27th collecting for the Kosair Children’s Crusade and they have an open house scheduled on June 3rd. In addition, there will be a patriotic celebration called “From Sea to Shining Sea” performed at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Heather French Henry will be in attendance.
Mayor Schneider asked City Attorney John Singler if he had any updates on House Bill 246.  He replied that he did not and that it would likely be in the Fall of 2017.  To the question regarding the Hurstbourne Business Association, C. A. O. Leidgen stated that it is officially dissolved due to lack of member participation.  Checks have been issued to 20 plus founding members.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
No report.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that by the end of June, there will be a list of proposed street pavings. Also, there will be a proposal for some of the storm drains with a possibility to enlarge some of them. Also, for 2 or 3 areas of Lyndon Lane (southbound) pricing will be collected for those areas. On Nottingham Parkway (west) there have been specific areas that have been paved 6-7 times. The problem could be caused by sub-pavement base issues.
Commissioner Hubbuch asked C. A. O. Jim Leidgen to discuss the hiring of an arborist. Mr. Leidgen distributed MO 17-25 “A MUNICIPAL ORDER RELATING TO APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT”. Mr. Leidgen explained that this is the same service contract with an hourly rate of $50 which was inserted along with a limit of 200 hours. The contract has a value of $10,000 and expires on March 31, 2018. The person interviewed for the position of arborist is Ryan K. Lewis. After much discussion and clarification of the arborist duties, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to accept MO 17-25 with attachments and contract included; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock.  Motion passed with a 4-1 vote. Commissioner Wagner opposed.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
City Attorney John Singler distributed Ordinance 17-03 “AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF HURSTBOURNE AD VALOREM TAX ASSESSMENT AND THE LEVYING OF AD VALOREM TAX THEREON FOR CITY PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2018”. Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion for introduction and first reading of Ordinance 17-03 setting the rate at .169 for the year 2018; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock. Motion passed unanimously.
Also, Mr. Singler distributed a draft Ordinance 17-04 “AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF HURSTBOURNE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2017 TO JUNE 30, 2018 BY ESTIMATING REVENUES AND RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT”. Mr. Leidgen stated that he will be meeting with each Commissioner to review their individual departments prior to the passage of the budget. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for introduction and first reading of Ordinance 17-04; his motion seconded by Mayor Mary Schneider.  Motion passed unanimously.
There was a brief discussion among the Commissioners regarding their upcoming schedules that may conflict with June meetings. C. A. O. Jim Leidgen stated that he would confer with them soon regarding a potential Special Meeting date if one is needed.
No report. However, Commissioner Jackson had several questions for the City Treasurer regarding the financials. Mr. Leidgen made note of the questions and stated he would get back to the Commission with the answers. Mr. Jackson’s questions were concerning; C.D. at Central Bank maturing, property taxes, insurance premium taxes, base court revenue, rental income for April, City Engineer Chris Crumpton’s pay, and the complaint report from April 2018-May 2018.
No report. However, Commissioner Hubbuch and Commissioner Jackson expressed their dissatisfaction with Rumpke regarding the tossing of recycle bins and the lack of returning the totes to the properly instructed places according to their contact.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
No report.
No report.
Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner  Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.