May 14, 2013
4:30 PM
Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor Bob English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Earl Hubbuch, Ben Jackson, and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; Treasurer Bill Bennett; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen. A quorum of the Commission was present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.
Barb Madore of 1232 Inverary Court in the Inverness (condo complex) asked the Commission if it would be possible for the City to financially assist them with work that needs to be done on the brickwork at their entrance. She has received two estimates of $9,700 and $20,000. Mayor English told her the Commission would look into this.
Ed Wilson of 9 Muirfield Place informed the Commission that the Hurstbourne Country Club has
formed a foundation for preservation and restoration in Hurstbourne. He said that at one time there were many beautiful dogwood trees along Shelbyville Road and he wondered if this foundation, with supervision from the City, might pursue the possibility of planting new trees in that area. After discussion Commissioner Wagner said she would talk with a horticulturist to get their opinion and suggestions.
Attorney Bill Bardenwerper and Mr. Colin Underhill were present to discuss the proposed construction of the Maserati car dealership on Whittington Parkway. The revised plan calls for a one-floor building of 9,586 square feet. During discussion the Commission requested changes in the proposed service signs and those changes were made in the municipal order. Attorney Singler then presented the amended Municipal Order 13-18, A Municipal Order Relating to the Approval of Revised Detailed Development Plan and Revised and Additional Binding Elements on Property Located at 340 Whittington Parkway, Containing 1.2 Acres, Which Property is a Portion (Lot Five) of the Property Previously Rezoned in Planning Commission Case Number 13545; Being in the City of Hurstbourne (Case Number 118563). Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve MO 13-18 as amended; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried.
Mr. Edward Schadt of 9201 Whitegate Court expressed his appreciation for the many improvements made in the City. However, when he has been walking in the City he has noticed some areas of concern. He thought the recent road resurfacing did not have a smooth finish. City engineer Chris Crumpton said he will look into this matter.
LMPD Sgt. Phil Russell of Kentuckiana Law Enforcement was present to answer any questions the Commissioners might have. Commissioner Dahlem asked if it would be possible to identify whether an officer patrolling in the City is one that the City has employed through Kentuckiana. Sgt. Russell will check into this.
Commissioner Dahlem asked that the minutes of the April 23, 2013 regular meeting include the sentence in the paragraph pertaining to possible construction of City Hall, “No funds will be expended until the cost analysis is complete.” He then made the motion that the minutes be approved as amended; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.
Treasurer Bennett referred to the financial statements in the packet of the last meeting and said that the
City is doing well financially. He had met with Commissioner Jackson to go over the City’s finances and historical prospective at they relate to the possible construction or purchase of a building to be used as City Hall.
C.A.O. Leidgen will have the 2013-14 proposed budget ready for first reading by the first of June.
No Business Items
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
In the Vinings property update, Engineer Crumpton reported there has been discussion with the owners pertaining to possible modifications to the medians and curbs.
Attorney Singler reported that the Code Enforcement Board met and heard the case pertaining to a
gate which had been placed in an incorrect location. The Board agreed with the City’s findings and the resident stated he would comply with the Board’s decision. Attorney Singler said he felt this Board would be a good tool for the City to use in future cases.
C.A.O. Leidgen presented the new City newsletter and said it would be sent to residents by the end of the month unless he has received corrections or additional information within that time period.