March 26, 2013
4:30 PM

Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.

C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor Bob English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Earl Hubbuch, Ben Jackson, and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen. Treasurer Bill Bennett was not in attendance. A quorum of the Commission was present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.

City Engineer Chris Crumpton

Rick Shaw of 8901 Denington Drive reported on the committee which had been formed to discuss a possible solution to the coyote problem in the City. They had sent out 300 fliers to residents and received 67 responses, most of which indicated they would like to see some form of eradication of the coyotes. Mr. Shaw has received some quotes for setting snares but will continue to research this. He recommended that he and Commissioner Hubbuch meet within the next two weeks to try to come up with some options for solving this matter.

Jim Patterson of 615 Willowhurst Place.

Attorney Bill Bardenwerper, Todd Blue and Colin Underhill of Blue, Ltd., Kevin Young of Land Design and Development, and Greg Wright of Kelley Construction were present to discuss the potential development of the property facing Hurstbourne Lane that was formerly the Lone Star Steakhouse.

Michael Davidson, Gene Winters, and Norb Hancock of Wessex Place.

Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the March 12, 2013 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.


Commissioner Jackson stated that the City is paying for off-duty police officers to patrol the City at various times, and he therefore made the motion that one of these uniformed officers be required to
attend each of the City Commission meetings to give a status report to the Commission at that time. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. After discussion Mayor English called for the vote on the motion. Motion carried.

Attorney Singler presented Municipal Order 13-16,, A Municipal Order Relating to the Approval of Revised Detailed Development Plan and Revised and Additional Binding Elements on Property Located at 340 Whittington Parkway, Containing 1.2 Acres, Which Property is a Portion (Lot Five) of the Property Previously Rezoned in Planning Commission Case Number 13545; Being in the City of Hurstbourne (Case Number 118563). This municipal order includes additional binding elements that were previously recommended by the Commission prior to approval of this property as a Maserati car dealership. Attorney Singler went over these proposed binding elements and some of them were amended or deleted. Attorney Bill Bardenwerper, Mr. Todd Blue and other individuals were in attendance to answer any questions the Commission had. After discussion, Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adopt Municipal Order 13-16 subject to the changes which have been made at this Commission meeting and the Mayor is authorized to sign the municipal order only if the draft shows all of those changes; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Mr. Michael Davidson of Wessex Place said he was glad something nice will be on this property, but he was concerned that the Commission is considering allowing this car dealership which would not have been approved under the old binding elements (and after a great deal of time, effort and finances) and that this might be setting a precedent for changes on some of the other lots in the area. Attorney Singler explained that the binding elements state that this change is only allowed on Lot 5. Mr. Jim Patterson said he is a 36-year resident of Hurstbourne and works in the area, with his office overlooking this property. He said a Maserati dealership would be much better than the present building which is currently deteriorating. Mayor English called for a vote on the motion to approve MO 13-16 with the changes; motion carried.

There is nothing new to report on the rest of the Vinings property.

Commissioner Hubbuch and City Engineer Chris Crumpton spoke to the proposed change of street
names and to Attorney Bardenwerper’s suggestion that during the construction process on Hurstbourne Lane some type of city signage be constructed which would identify the businesses on Blairwood Road. Mr. Crumpton explained the steps to be taken in changing the name of a street. The fire department, the addressing office and E911 must all approve the name change and then the Planning Department must review and approve. Mr. Crumpton also presented a rendering of a possible directional sign with changeable name plates for identifying the various businesses in this area. After discussion, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve a road name change application in accordance with the Blairwood name change exhibit with the exception that the short road off Shelbyville Road will be called Blairwood Access. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried. Commissioner Hubbuch then made the motion to approve the installation of a directory sign in accordance with the concept identified as Eagle Sign Concept Plan at the intersection of Caritas Way and Liberty Bank Lane contingent on total contribution from the businesses for the project. His motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.

In Treasurer Bennett’s absence Attorney Singler reported to the Commission that the February 2013
financial report was in their packets.


ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler presented Municipal Order 13-15 Relating to Check Register Approvals for February 2013. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve MO 13-15; his motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.

C.A.O. Leidgen presented the Call Traffic Log and Crime Activity & Traffic Control Reports. In the future reports from Kentuckiana Law Enforcement will contain more detail.

He is working on the next Hurstbourne Herald.

The City directory was delivered today.

The City has received the $30,000 check from Metro Louisville for the sidewalk construction and improvement projects.

MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
No report.

No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
No report.

Commissioner Jackson reported on a citation which is being issued.

Junk pickup day will be in April 27th.

Commissioner Jackson has been talking with the Kentucky League of Cities about possible grants for various projects in the City.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
No report.




At 6:50 p.m.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn; his  motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem.  Motion carried.