March 25, 2014
4:30 PM


Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.


C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Earl Hubbuch, Ben Jackson (later in the meeting), and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen. A quorum of the Commission was present.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.


There were no guests in attendance who wished to speak to the Commission.


Commissioner Wagner made the motion to approve the Minutes of the March 11, 2014 regular meeting of the Commission. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett

No report.


Municipal Order 14-10 Relating to Check Register Approvals for February 2014. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve MO 14-10; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler

Attorney Singler reported that he sent to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet a copy of the notice that the Trustees of the Bullitt Trusts have no objection to construction of a sound barrier wall adjacent to I-64.

The Judgment Order of Sale on the Kaplan house was filed on February 19 but has not yet been signed by the judge. Once it has been signed the house will be assigned for a Commissioners’ sale.

Regarding a proposed Business Association in Hurstbourne, C.A.O. Leidgen explained that he has been approached by individuals with businesses in or near Hurstbourne who are interested in starting up an association to focus on revitalizing business in the area. Mr. Leidgen explained that, although the City would not control this organization, proposed By-Laws could allow for two individuals from the City to serve on the Board. This matter will be discussed again at a future Commission meeting.

Attorney Singler received notice from the attorney of the owners of the property on Nottingham Parkway who were informed that they should clean up the property that work has now begun on this cleanup.


C.A.O. Leidgen has been notified by the State Department of Transportation that stops signs on state rights-of-way on Shelbyville Road and Hurstbourne Lane must be raised. City Engineer Chris Crumpton explained that they are requesting the signs be tall enough that truck drivers can easily see them.

C.A.O. Leidgen distributed a tentative City Calendar of Events for 2014. This will be amended as new dates and changes are made.

Mr. Leidgen asked the Commissioners for their input on the next Hurstbourne Herald, which he hopes to have ready for publication by May 1. Commissioner Hubbuch asked that the target dates of May 8, August 1, and October 10 be added to the City Calendar of Events.

Mr. Leidgen referred to the Call Traffic Log for the past month and noted that many of those calls were related to the many storms in the City (snow removal and storm debris).

MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English

No report.


No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch

Commissioner Hubbuch had attended a recent meeting of the Jefferson County League of Cities, and it appears that the issues before the Kentucky General Assembly that they were most interested in will not be acted on during this session, specifically the requirement that legal notices may no longer be published in the Neighborhoods section of the Courier Journal. This requirement, if passed, would have caused a significant increase in cities’ publication expenses.

Mr. Hubbuch reported that Hurstbourne has not had the large number of break-ins that other cities have been experiencing.

Commissioner Hubbuch referred to notification from C.A.O. Leidgen that any change in the compensation for elected officials must be done within the next few weeks. State law indicates that elected officials cannot raise compensation while in office but may do so for those elected in the next term. After a discussion about this matter, Commissioner Wagner made the motion that the pay scale for the Mayor and Commissioners remain at what they are currently paid. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.


Commissioner Jackson referred to a recent article in the Courier Journal which stated Louisville Metro is considering banning plastic bags for yard waste. He said Hurstbourne may also want to look into this matter. There was discussion about other possible methods of leaf and grass disposal (putting leaves at the curb to be vacuumed up, paper bags, separate containers, etc.) C.A.O. Leidgen will discuss this with Rumpke and report back to the Commission.

Commissioner Jackson referred to a couple of minor corrections which need to be made to the minutes.

To a question from Commissioner Hubbuch, Commissioner Jackson said he is continuing to look into a location for a new City Hall building.

PUBLIC WORKS – Commissioner Wagner

Engineer Crumpton distributed new renderings of potential brick signs at the Hurstbourne Lane entrances at Nottingham Parkway and Linn Station Road. He is still waiting for information pertaining to the placement of utilities on Linn Station. He will follow through on this project and report back to the Commission.


At 5:45 p.m. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.