JUNE 9, 2020
Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
City Attorney John Singler conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mayor Mary Masick
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary
Zachary Taylor, of Run Switch, was present but chose not speak.
With a modification, Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve the April 14, 2020 minutes. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
The May 26, 2020 minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Jackson. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-18—Relating to Check Register Approvals for April 2020
M.O. 20-18 was moved for approval by Commissioner Wagner. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney John Singler presented Ordinance No. 20-01, Series 2020 for second reading —AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF HURSTBOURNE AD VALOREM TAX ASSESSMENT AND THE LEVYING OF AD VALOREM TAX THEREON FOR CITY PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2021. Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 20-01 with the ad valorem tax rate at .0169 per hundred ending on June 30, 2021. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Roll call vote was taken: Commissioner Jackson—yes, Mayor Masick—yes, Commissioner Leavell—yes, Commissioner Wagner—yes, and Commissioner Hubbuch—yes. Ordinance No. 20-01 was enacted by a 5-0 vote.
Attorney Singler also presented Ordinance No. 20-02, Series 2020 for second reading—AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF HURSTBOURNE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2020 TO JUNE 30, 2021 BY ESTIMATING REVENUES AND RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval of Ordinance No. 20-02. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll call vote was taken: Commissioner Jackson—yes, Mayor Masick—yes, Commissioner Leavell—yes, Commissioner Wagner—yes, and Commissioner Hubbuch—yes. Ordinance No. 20-02, Series 2020 was enacted by a 5-0 vote.
City Attorney Singler noted for the minutes that Ordinance 20-01 and Ordinance 20-02 remain numbered in that sequence for the annual budget and tax rate.
Mayor Masick reported that C. A. O. Jim Leidgen will be taking a leave of absence for an extended period. City Attorney John Singler added that each Commissioner will conduct their own departments and if they need assistance to contact himself or the mayor. Mayor Masick stated she will be going on vacation soon and Commissioner Jackson will replace her as interim mayor. Victoria Lemke, Administrative Assistant, will be taking a vacation around July 4 and Rheba Roten, Municipal City Clerk, will fill in for her. The Commission approved this proposal. She stated that City Hall will reopen on June 15, 2020 with restrictions. In addition, Mayor Masick stated she had an inquiry about a traffic light at Hurstbourne and Linn Station, going east, which is currently not synchronized. She asked if there are any further inquiries to forward them to her and she would contact Mr. Pat Johnson, Mayor of Murray Hill, who also works for Louisville Metro. In addition, she attended a Jefferson County League of Cities meeting on June 8, 2020 and the main topic was the creation of a task force to focus on COVID-19 and people were asked to serve on focus groups to include racial equality. She asked if there was any interest to serve on these groups to contact Since the City of Hurstbourne qualified for $316,004 under the CARES Act, there was a discussion about donating a portion of that money to area ministries for their food bank and community services. Commissioner Leavell stated he would be happy to take lead on the project and City Attorney Singler stated he would research the topic. Commissioner Jackson added that a total of $1400 had been spent on supplies for City Hall and no tenant had requested a rental abatement during the COVID-19 shutdown. Mayor Masick stated that the annual Jefferson County League of Cities dinner is scheduled for November 19, 2020 if the current restrictions are eased and if not, the dinner will be scheduled at a later date. She distributed a draft of the Hurstbourne-Herald to be reviewed by the Commission and asked for any suggestions. Commissioner Wagner volunteered to help with the newsletter.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch stated that Bramer Brothers performed a good job in planting flowers and trees in the City but there is a complicated root problem in Oxmoor Woods. He stated that there is still some creek clearing that needs to be done but Cornerstone has done a good job so far. Commissioner Jackson inquired how to obtain a phone app to regulate the irrigation sensors and Commissioner Hubbuch replied that he would ask Pro-Turf.
Commissioner Jackson addressed the City Financials under Investments and there is a Storm Drainage certificate of deposit that matured on February 13, 2020 and that is an error which will be updated on the next balance sheet. The certificate of deposit was rolled over to February 13, 2021 at 1.85%. He stated there is a $80,000 check from the Road Fund that needs to be transferred to the General Fund for reimbursement because it is in the 2020 budget. Mayor Masick made a motion to transfer the check. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to transfer $100,000 from the General Fund to the Storm Drainage Fund for the year ending 2020 and this will be deposited into the Kentucky League of Cities Storm Drainage Fund. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell discussed the potential round-about on Linn Station and Nottingham and questioned if the project should be tabled. Mayor Masick suggested that the data which has been collected thus far should be presented to the Commission for discussion. In another issue, he complimented the City staff on how well they communicate with the residents and presented some additional dialogue that could be utilized. There was a discussion using social media and Mayor Masick stated that the Commission decided some time ago not to communicate using Facebook or Next Door. Instead, the residents are encouraged to use the City’s website and to enroll in the Reach Alert program where they will receive the latest updates. Commissioner Leavell added that he contacted John Aubrey, from Kentuckiana Law Enforcement, and was only successful in gaining one additional shift.
Commissioner Wagner reported that the grass at Lowe Elementary School has been cut. She also discussed scooters and golf carts in the City and Attorney Singler stated that Hurstbourne does not have an ordinance to allow them on the streets of the City. She discussed a fence issue that is well over the regulated height and included lattice placed on top. After a lengthy discussion, City Attorney Singler stated that a permit for the extra lattice will be denied. Commissioner Wagner also discussed a property owner that has continued to collect debris in the front and side yards. Mr. Singler stated that he would send the Enforcement Officer out to the property to take photos and to write a violation notice to the owner. Commissioner Jackson stated that a leaning lamp post is located at the corner of Oxmoor Woods Estates and Leighton Circle.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney Singler reported he had discussed with Mayor Masick and Commissioner Jackson to document C. A. O. Jim Leidgen’s vacation, attendance records, FMLA and any paid time due Mr. Leidgen. A letter was sent to him with the information.
No report.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
No report.
At 5:48 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
_______________________________________ __________________________________
Mayor Mary Masick James E. Leidgen, City Clerk