June 9, 2015
4:30 PM


Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.


C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Rusty Wells, Commissioner

Others John Singler, City Attorney
Present: Faye Tanner, Recording Secretary


Mayor Schneider opened the public hearing, which is required by Kentucky State Statutes, for the purpose of collecting public comments and testimony for and against the proposed tax rate as well as for the expenditure of road funds. Notice had been given to those newspapers requesting such notice. Attorney Singler referred to Ordinance No. 15-03 in which the Commission sets the tax rate for the 2015-16 fiscal year at $.185 per $100 of all real estate assessed for taxation, and also to the Road Fund expenditures proposed in the 2015-16 City budget. It was noted that the tax rate was not increased from the previous year. Attorney Singler read the list of streets that are proposed to be paved and the list of work planned on gutters, catch basins, drainpipe addition, and sidewalk installation. In addition, road funds will be allocated for snow removal, street lights, and other street related expenditures. There were no residents in attendance who wished to speak about the tax rate or the expenditure of road funds. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn the Public Hearing and to proceed with the Regular Meeting of the Commission.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.


Ms. Rita Ellis of 1329 Leighton Circle was present to discuss the use of the City’s recently initiated Reach Alert program. She referred to a recent event in which several individuals were banging on doors, ringing doorbells, etc. late at night which frightened some of her neighbors. She thought it would have been an appropriate time to send out an alert. During discussion, the question was raised as to when it is appropriate to send out these alerts since an alert late at night could also unduly alarm residents. Ms. Ellis was told that the Commission will look at this and try to set criteria for the alerts and when it is appropriate to communicate these issues to residents. It was emphasized that the Louisville Metro Police should always be contacted when these incidents occur.


Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve the minutes of the May 26 regular meeting of the Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett

No report.


Ordinance No. 15-03, An Ordinance Relating to the Adoption of the City of Hurstbourne Ad Valorem Tax Assessment and the Levying of Ad Valorem Tax Thereon for City Purposes for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016, was placed on the table. This ordinance sets the tax rate at $.185 per $100 of real estate assessed for taxation and subject to taxation by the City of Hurstbourne. It was again emphasized that this tax rate has not been increased for many years. Commissioner Wagner made the motion to approve second reading and approval of Ordinance 15-03; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Mayor Schneider called for a roll call vote: Commissioners Hubbuch, Jackson, Wagner, and Wells and Mayor Schneider voted aye. Motion carried 5-0.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler

Attorney Singler presented an Addendum to the recent contract the City signed with Rumpke for solid waste collection, recycling and yard waste. This Addendum stated in part: “That in regard to Item 18 of the Contract, Rumpke hereby agrees to provide a maximum of 100 recycling toters free. Residents will not be charged unless and until more than 100 toters are requested.” Commissioner Wagner made the motion to approve the Addendum to the Contract; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried.

Attorney Singler presented Ordinance No 15-04, Series 2015, An Ordinance Revising Certain Sections of the City of Hurstbourne Chapter 37 Codified Ordinances. This ordinance adds information pertaining to performance appraisal procedures, amends the definition of part-time employees, sets the Kentucky League of Cities Guidelines to prescribe salary rates, made changes to the classification of each employee position and amends the sections pertaining to overtime/compensatory time, annual vacation, and insurance. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve first reading and introduction of Ordinance No. 15-04, Series 2015; his motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider. Motion carried.

To a question from Commissioner Jackson, C.A.O. Leidgen brought the Commission up-to-date on a couple of ordinance violations. He stated he would soon be receiving stickers or decals to be used on those vehicles that are in violation of the City’s parking ordinance.

CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Crumpton

No report.

C.A.O. Leidgen has received an estimate for striping of certain City streets.

Any changes to The Hurstbourne Herald must be given to Mr. Leidgen by June 10.

MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Schneider

Mayor Schneider reminded the Commission that the 60th anniversary celebration for the Jefferson County League of Cities will be held on June 17. She asked the Commissioners to let Mr. Leidgen know if they plan to attend.

The Commission has received an invitation for the Louisville Patriotic Night to be held on June 28 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells

Commissioner Wells reported the City-wide yard sale will be held this Friday and Saturday, June 12-13.

The City has still not heard from the Mormon Church regarding the drawings for the proposed sign and landscaping, but they had said it might be 4-6 weeks before their response. Attorney Singler said the easement problems on the other side of the proposed entrance at McDonald’s have now been resolved.

Commissioner Wells presented the revised plan for paving and other road repair for the next fiscal year which totals $99,000.

Commissioner Wells presented an estimate for installing refurbished lights at various entrances around the City. He said there are options for where these fixtures could be installed, and he presented a couple of options for the bulbs to be installed in the fixtures. Commissioner Wagner stressed that color and strength of the lights are important factors to consider for the over-all appearance of the entrances, and she suggested that a lighting professional be contacted before a decision is made. It was decided to postpone any decision regarding the lighting until the next meeting when the new budget will be approved.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch

No report.


No report.


Commissioner Jackson gave a report on the progress of the new City Hall building. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion that the Commission authorizes the City Engineer to write the specifications and receive bids for the next ADA sidewalk project; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried.


Commissioner Jackson made the motion that the Commission go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.

On the Commission’s return, Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn the Executive Session and to go back into Regular Session; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells. Motion carried.


Mayor Schneider stated that the Commission had discussed matters of personnel and no formal action had been taken while in Executive Session.

Commissioner Jackson made the motion that the City vehicle should have the “City of Hurstbourne” insignia signs placed on both sides at all times, effective June 10, 2015. Also, the vehicle is only to be used for City purposes, both inside and outside of the City, effective July 1, 2015 with permission for it to continue being used as it currently is until that date. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells; motion carried.

Commissioner Jackson made the motion that the Administrative Assistant position be reclassified as a part-time position based on a 35-hour work week and that the position qualifies for the City’s retirement program. Also, this position would have a rate of $16 an hour, effective September 1, 2015. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried.

Commissioner Jackson made the motion that in recognition of past performance and other considerations the current Chief Administrative Officer receive a salary increase of $4,000 annually, effective
July 1, 2015. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried.


At 7:21 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells; motion carried.