June 12, 2012
4:30 PM

Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.

C.A.O. Jim Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem and Lois Wagner; and Attorney John Singler. Commissioners Earl Hubbuch and Dick Hays were not in attendance. C.A.O. Leidgen determined that a quorum was present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.

Robert Rudd of 9209 Whitegate Court.
-Mr. Michael Sweeton of Rumpke and Mr. Bryan Slade of Ecotech were present to answer any questions
pertaining to their bids for trash collection and recycling which had been opened during the day. Industrial Disposal had also presented a bid. After listening to remarks from Mr. Sweeton and Mr. Slade, C.A.O. Leidgen presented to the Commission a spread sheet with the bids from each of the companies charted. Since Commissioner Hubbuch and Commissioner Hays were not in attendance and a decision should be made as quickly as possible, it was suggested that a special meeting be called for that purpose. It was decided to hold the special meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 14 if the date was agreeable with Commissioners Hubbuch and Hays.

– Mr. Dennis Cayot of 1008 Colonel Anderson Parkway.

– David Buchanan of 1100 Oxmoor Woods Parkway and president of the Oxmoor Woods Residents’ Association was present to hear the recommendations of Commissioner Wagner and Engineer Chris Crumpton regarding the entranceways into Oxmoor Woods. To Commissioner Dahlem’s question, Mr. Buchanan said the response was overwhelming that their association does not wish to take over the maintenance of their entrances.

– Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the May 22, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.


– None

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
– Attorney Singler gave second reading by summary of Ordinance No. 12-03, An Ordinance Relating to the Adoption of the City of Hurstbourne Ad Valorem Tax Assessment and the Levying of Ad Valorem Tax Thereon for City Purposes for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2013. This ordinance would keep the ad valorem tax for the City of Hurstbourne at $.185 per $100 of all real estate assessed for taxation. Commissioner Wagner made the motion to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 12-03. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Mayor English called for a roll call vote – Mayor English, Commissioner Wagner and Commissioner Dahlem voted yea. Ordinance No. 12-03 was thereby enacted 3-0.

– Ordinance No. 12-04, An Ordinance Adopting an Annual Budget for the City of Hurstbourne for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 by Estimating Revenues and Resources and Appropriating Funds for the Operation of City Government, was placed on the table for discussion. Attorney Singler went over highlights of the proposed budget. C.A.O. Leidgen went over some of the revenues and expenses in further detail with specific emphasis on allocating resources for building new and enhancement of existing entrances. Mr. Leidgen mentioned that the S. Lyndon Ln.-Oxmoor Woods Pkwy entrance project along with a couple of other locations would be included in the budget. City Engineer Chris Crumpton presented pictures of all of the existing entrances for reference during discussion. After discussion, Commissioner Dahlem made a motion to approve first reading of Ordinance No. 12-04 as read by Attorney Singler; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.

– Attorney Singler reminded the Commission that there is a City ordinance in place to create a Code
Enforcement Board and he asked if they wanted to proceed with that. A number of names have been presented for appointment to the Board but no action had been taken. Commissioner Wagner stated that she would follow through on this matter.

– C.A.O. Leidgen reported that there were a few problems during the recent rainstorm. Some of the City residents had water problems and there were some traffic issues with water in the streets. However, the problems were not as bad as they have been in past rainstorms. Engineer Crumpton explained that the pipes in the streets are not designed for the heavy flash flooding that occurred during this storm.

MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
– No report

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
– Commissioner Wagner had been asked at the last Commission meeting to bring a couple of options and
new estimates for the entrances into Oxmoor Woods. C.A.O. Leidgen had met with Horticulturist Mark Timmons and Andrea Hanlon of MTA Horticultural Consultants, Inc. regarding the overgrown bushes, trees, etc. Mr. Timmons had stressed that the walls into the City are assets and should not be covered up, and he recommended that most of the “scrub” material be removed as soon as possible and the new plants be placed in the ground this fall. C.A.O. Leidgen has received estimates for this project and he recommended that the City approve those expenditures. Commissioner Wagner then made the motion to approve the necessary funds to complete the landscaping work on both Oxmoor Woods entrances. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.

– Commissioner Wagner also made the motion to approve the expenditure of no more than $36,050 for the construction of a new brick gateway entrance at South Lyndon Lane. Attorney Singler stated that a project of that size must be placed in the newspaper for bids. Mayor English expressed concern that two of the Commissioners were not present to express their opinion on the project. Commissioner Dahlem said he would like to consider a couple of alternatives to the present plan – (1) not put a column on the opposite side of the street from the main entrance and connect with what is already there. (2) Place single column on each side of the street. Engineer Crumpton said he would put together a spread sheet for consideration. He also emphasized that the City would probably get a better price on the work if a number of projects are bid at the same time. After a discussion Commissioner Wagner then made the motion to table her motion until the next Commission meeting. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.

– The city-wide picnic will be held at 6:00 p.m. on June 24.

– To a question from Commissioner Dahlem, Mr. Crumpton said a request for funding package has been submitted for the ADA Sidewalks and Ramps Project, but no response has been received.

– Commissioner Dahlem stated that the medians on Hurstbourne Parkway need to be mowed. C.A.O. Leidgen said he would discuss this with Metro Louisville regarding participation for the season. He assured the Commission that they would be mowed as soon as possible.

At 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.