July 26, 2016
4:30 PM
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order. 
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
                        Earl Hubbuch, CommissionerBen Jackson, CommissionerRusty Wells, Commissioner
            Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Absent: Bill Bennett, Treasurer
Present:  John Singler, City Attorney
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Schneider.
Ashley Bartley, from QK-4 Engineering addressed the Mayor and Commissioners regarding the possible development of the property at 9200 Leesgate. She assured them she will be attending all required meetings scheduled with DRC regarding the additional parking spaces. In addition, a representative from Mortenson Dental, the proposed buyer, addressed other concerns. He stated that he will be speaking with the surrounding neighbors of the building to gain mutual agreement.
Mr. Sam Salvo, of 9420 Wessex Place, expressed his disappointment in the height of the Vinings Apartments.  He believed there had been a breakdown in communication because the apartments were four stories and he understood there were only to be three. C. A. O. Jim Leidgen and City Attorney John Singler presented documentation, in chronological order, illustrating that all proper procedures including multiple notifications to Wessex Place residents had been followed.
Mr. Norb Hancock, of 9503 Wessex Place, thanked Mayor Mary Schneider, C. A. O. Jim Leidgen,      City Attorney John Singler and the Commissioners for their dedicated work regarding the Vinings Apartments.  He added that he is no longer the president on the board of Wessex Place.
Mr. Mark Blomquist, an engineer with Blomquist Design Group, LLC, expressed that he has always been forthcoming to all parties regarding the Vinings Apartment project. He believes that the problems are perceptions and expectations of the appearance of the buildings. He then distributed and discussed renderings that showed line of sight points to be lower with the buildings at their present locations compared to positioning them closer to the Wessex Place community.
The minutes of the July 12, 2016 meeting were placed on the table for approval. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to accept the minutes; motion seconded by Commissioner Jackson.  Motion carried       4-0-1 with Commissioner Wagner abstaining.
No business items.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
City Attorney John Singler stated he will report on the new law regarding Code Enforcement Boards at the August meeting. In addition, he will have proposals for a nuisance ordinance.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Mr. Bennett was absent—no report.
CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Crumpton
City Engineer Chris Crumpton stated if the school board does not get back with the City regarding the placement of the new school zone signs, he will suggest placement for them. He also stated that Hall Construction is now in the pavement rejuvenation business and will look at Marlboro Circle and give the City an analysis. He added that a proposal from Precision Concrete was lost in the mail and will arrive soon.
C.A.O. Jim Leidgen distributed his Management Report.
The installation of the new windows at City Hall is 90% completed; only the exterior calking remains to be done.
The City Hall irrigation system is waiting on the Louisville Water Company to order meters.
Regarding the Linn Station entrance; meters for water and electric are ordered, the foundation has been poured, coordination of under-street boring is ongoing, block and masonry work will begin within two weeks.
The school zone signs have been ordered. The painting of the stop bars, lines and directional arrows have been temporarily placed on hold due to the hot weather.  The suggested application of paint should take place when the temperature is below 90 degrees.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Schneider
Mayor Mary Schneider stated she will attend a meeting regarding solid waste ten year master program.  In the coming months, there will be several meetings regarding this topic. The Jefferson County League of Cities is encouraging cities to get involved. In addition, she had contacted retired Judge David Strasburg about serving as the City’s Code Enforcement Hearing Officer. City Attorney John Singler and C. A. O. Jim Leidgen will contact him for a future meeting.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells
Commissioner Wells reported there will be a meeting with MSD in mid-August to review findings, recommendations and to finally develop an action plan.
There was a meeting July 13, 2016 with C. A. O. Jim Leidgen, Commissioner Hubbuch, Lowe Elementary Principal Allain, Christopher Noe (JCPS safety and Environmental Service and Facility Planning), Dave Self (JCPS Safety Director) and Eric Hodge (JCPS Facility Draftsman) to discuss afternoon car pick-up rerouting at Lowe Elementary.  A decision was made to roughly double the width of the existing rear pick-up route. This should increase on-property pick-up capacity and remove several cars in line on Nottingham.  In addition, “Slow, School Zone” signs will be placed along Oxfordshire and South Chadwick.  Commissioner Wells met with resident Kordes last week and he is in agreement that if nothing else, it is a good start.
Commissioner Wells will tour the City on August 8-9 with City Engineer Chris Crumpton to assemble a fiscal 2017 priority street listing.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch distributed the minutes of the Lowe Elementary meeting.  He stated that the “Slow, School Zone” signs are ordered.  The City will provide a police presence the first few days of school. Mayor Mary Schneider agreed with Commissioner Hubbuch. In addition, LMPD Eighth Division command staff will be invited to the August 23 Commission meeting.
Commissioner Jackson suggested that the City pursue the idea of acquiring the bridle path on Nottingham Parkway, which is owned by the Country Club. This would provide a good walking/stroller path for the residents. In addition, he also discussed the idea of placing a contractual postal unit in the City Hall building for the convenience of the citizens.
Commissioner Wagner had no report.
Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn at 6:48 p.m.  His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.