JULY 25, 2017
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
                Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Schneider.
Newly appointed LMPD Eighth Division Commander, Major Jamey Schwab was present and introduced himself to the Commission.  He reported that most crimes are driven by the drug epidemic which creates property crimes. He explained that some car break-ins are due to unlocked cars and valuables left inside. Because speeding is an ongoing issue, he encouraged the City to use speed sign machines. He offered the Commission his contact phone numbers and offered to write a biography for the Hurstbourne Herald.
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve the July 11, 2017 minutes; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
No report for Investments.
Under Road Closures, City Attorney John Singler reported that the plats are prepared and they will be filed by the next meeting.
Mayor Schneider reported that she had received an email from Jack Will, Executive Director of Jefferson County League of Cities, stating that there will be a presentation regarding the 2020 Census at the next meeting.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
No report.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported the status of the Williamsburg irrigation project should be completed in a two to three-week timespan. Jefferson Development has been invoiced for damages to the irrigation system that had previously occurred in this area.
Greenscapes will submit an estimate for pricing and how the “Weathermatic” system operates in the Whittington Parkway area by the next meeting. C. A. O. Jim Leidgen further explained that a full and details inventory of the City-wide irrigation system is underway and will be presented to the Commission at a future meeting.
Commissioner Hubbuch stated that he, City Engineer Chris Crumpton, and C. A. O. Jim Leidgen had met and agreed that the ADA requirements for the City need to be completed in this fiscal year. Mr. Crumpton also added that the timeframe may span from fall into the spring due to weather.
After a discussion, Commissioner Wagner made a motion to waive the time requirement for presentation of municipal order number 17-27 before the Commission meeting. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hubbuch proceeded to make a motion to accept Municipal Order 17-27 in order to piggyback certain contract prices applied to Louisville-Metro sidewalk repair projects. Lawrence Concrete Design, of 3418 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky was selected as the lowest and best bidder for this year’s annual Louisville-Metro sidewalk bid and said winning bidder has agreed to honor that attached unit prices for the City of Hurstbourne. His motion seconded by Mayor Schneider. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hubbuch added that it was reported in Business First that MD2U bought the building next door on Whittington Parkway.
City Engineer Chris Crumpton distributed an annual priority list for paving in the City of Hurstbourne. The list included sections of Ayrshire, Denington, Hatherleigh and Laughton. Streets designated for crack sealing were: Linn Station, Seaton Springs, Muirfield and Whittington. Catch basin repairs and upgrades were also identified. In addition, the parking lot at City Hall will be included in the bid but it will be expensed to another line item in the budget. He also supplied a list of streets that are in need of patching.
Commissioner Jackson discussed the process and results of the second annual evaluation of C. A. O. Jim Leidgen. He added that all of the Commissioners participated in the evaluation with the exception of Commissioner Wagner. He expressed that the meeting between he, Mayor Schneider, and Mr. Leidgen was very productive and constructive along with some frank comments. Additionally, Mr. Leidgen conducted Victoria Lemke’s evaluation and she had some personal input.  He further explained that the while the upgrade of the City website and the creation of a Standard of Operations Manual (SOP) were not completed by certain deadlines. However, the SOP was a superior work and will be reviewed and updated twice annually. He added that Mr. Leidgen is encouraged to become more involved in other city associations and continuing education. Mr. Leidgen replied that he agreed that the website needs updating and expressed that the annual evaluation process is positive and promotes healthy dialogue and communication.
Commissioner Jackson distributed a copy of an addendum to lease agreement for Family Heritage in unit 202 at City Hall and a copy of a check for $4500 that was signed by David Borum. The amount represents pre-payment of ten months of rent for unit 203 at $450.00 per month. Furthermore, Suite 203 will be leased in an “as is” condition. Mr. Jackson also asked the Commission for approval to render $200 payable to KW Commercial for the realtor’s fee. Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the addendum. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson expressed his dislike of some areas of the City’s landscaping for this year. After much discussion, it was decided it would be better to present a master plan to the full Commission for approval for next year’s plantings. A printed plan with renderings was also suggested as it would be easier to follow by all parties concerned.
Mr. Jackson then asked about the status of the Williamsburg entrance. After some discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion for City Engineer Chris Crumpton and Commissioner Hubbuch to develop a design and pricing for the Williamsburg entrance and present it to the Commission. His motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider. Motion carried unanimously.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
No report.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
City Engineer Crumpton asked if there was an update on the Viking’s Development.  C. A. O. Jim Leidgen commented that he will be talking with them soon and will encourage them to include the City in their discussions.
Mr. Leidgen reported that the Hurstbourne Hearld was recently published and had received many positive comments.
At 6:21 p.m., Commissioner Wagner made the motion to adjourn. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson.  Motion carried unanimously.