July 24, 2012
4:30 PM
Mayor Pro Tem Dick Hays called the meeting to order.
Present were: Mayor Pro Tem and Commissioner Dick Hays; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Earl Hubbuch and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; Treasurer Bill Bennett; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen Mayor Bob English arrived later in the meeting. A quorum of the Commission was present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Hays.
City Engineer Chris Crumpton spoke during the Public Works report.
John R. Head, Marguerite Weis, F. Darlene Helm, Dorothy L. Sams, Barbara V. Barnett, Betty Hansen, and Charlotte Sutton who live in the Blairwood Apartments on Linn Station Road. She raised concerns about the high volume of speeding traffic on Blairwood Road. The residents of the community are concerned about not having any way to avoid traffic hazards when attempting to navigate on or across the street on foot or by other means. She also presented a petition signed by 90 residents who are asking for speed bumps on Blairwood Road. To Commissioner Dahlem’s question as to whether sidewalks would solve the problem, Ms. Hansen said they prefer speed bumps. Ms. Sutton said she thought sidewalks would definitely help the situation and would like them installed in addition to the speed bumps.
Ms. Helm mentioned that the trees belonging to an adjacent neighbor are never trimmed and hang over the parking lot. One resident had a window broken from a fallen limb. Mr. Leidgen stated he would contact the owner of the tree and the management of Blairwood Apartments to try to get a resolution to this matter.
Mayor English had arrived and took over as chair of the meeting.
Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the July 10, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.
Municipal Order 12-22 Relating to Check Register Approvals for June 2012. Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve MO 12-22; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler presented a list of delinquent taxes with the oldest being for 2009. Letters have been mailed to the 2011 delinquents.
Attorney Singler received a notice that a house at 615 Hatherleigh Lane has been donated to the fire department for training. There was some concern expressed about the details of the training program and if it would include burning of the structure. After some discussion, Attorney Singler stated that he would follow up with the fire department to let them know of the City’s concerns.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Treasurer Bennett stated that the numbers for the end of the fiscal year will soon be finalized.
C.A.O. Leidgen said the City has received several calls about trash that was not picked up. He will follow through on these problems.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
City Engineer Chris Crumpton presented to the Commission updated renderings of the various entrance columns, walls and lettering. There was a great deal of discussion about the specifications for these entrance signs. It will be necessary to get easements from some of the businesses before advertisement for bid, and Mr. Crumpton will meet with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet regarding rights-of-way. He will also work with Attorney Singler on the Certificate of Easements documents. When this is all completed, advertisements can be placed for bid by contractors.
Mr. Crumpton then presented a summary of costs for his recommended Fiscal Year 2013 paving and repairs. The estimated cost for paving was $102,600 and with the patching, pothole repairs concrete repairs, and crack sealing the total estimated improvements were $144,403 with other optional items totaling $39,900. There was discussion about the various options for the repairs.
Mr. Crumpton is meeting with Eagle Signs to go over the recommendations that have been made pertaining to city-wide upgrading traffic signage, and will get complete details for presentation to the Commission.
Mr. Crumpton referred to the request from Blairwood residents for speed humps on Blairwood Road. He emphasized that there are a number of trucks delivering in this area and speed humps would make it difficult for them, and the City would probably receive a number of complaints from the business community. He stated that sidewalks would greatly improve pedestrian access to Blairwood Club, Hotels, Convenient Marts and Restaurants along Blairwood Road and Liberty Bank Lane. He also said the city could propose an assessment project that would include cost sharing by business property owners along the affected streets.
Commissioner Dahlem referred to the Ethics reports which should be completed and returned to C.A.O. Leidgen as soon as possible.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch asked about the possibility of the City receiving grants, specifically for ADA construction of sidewalks. C.A.O. Leidgen said he will follow up with local and state agencies.
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that the City has received very few criminal reports over the past 2-3 months.
Mr. Hubbuch, Attorney Singler, and C.A.O. Leidgen will be meeting with two private police organizations to discuss what they might offer the City.
Mr. Hubbuch and C.A.O. Leidgen have met with an electrical contractor regarding the entrance to
Williamsburg Plaza. He stated that since lights will be installed at other entrances, he thought the City should also consider having the light fixtures, which had previously been removed, refurbished, put back up and turned on. He had received a bid of $8,861 to connect the columns, put an outlet on each column, and refurbish the light fixtures. He also mentioned that the City is paying a great deal to provide irrigation via “hand watering” to the entrance and the medians. There was discussion as to whether this expenditure should come from the Public Safety Department or from the Public Works Department. Commissioner Wagner expressed concern with putting the light fixtures back on columns that are deteriorating. C.A.O. Leidgen reiterated the fact that the City is spending a great deal of money on watering that entrance, and felt the City should at least consider providing power for the irrigation. Mayor English suggested that Commissioners Hubbuch and Wagner meet to work this matter out. After further discussion, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve the $8,861 bid to for this project, which would include connectivity to the irrigation system, connecting the columns and adding outlets, and refurbishing the light fixtures and having them reinstalled. His motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Wagner said she would follow up on restoration of power to the irrigation system.
Commissioner Hubbuch also referred to a bid for $675 to upgrade and put lenses in on the street lights at South Lyndon Lane and Shelbyville Road. Commissioner Wagner stated that the lights have never had lenses because they are antique lanterns that were modified.
No report
At 6:30 p.m. Commissioner Hays made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.