January 14, 2014
4:30 PM
Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Ben Jackson and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen. Commissioner Earl Hubbuch and Treasurer Bill Bennett were not in attendance. A quorum of the Commission was present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.
Mr. Brian Evans and Mr. Marv Blumquist of Jefferson Development Group were present to present their plan for the construction of a Panera Bread restaurant. They have already received approval from Louisville Metro and were present to answer any questions the Hurstbourne Commission might have. Commissioner Dahlem and others expressed their concern that the indicated wall to be constructed adjacent to the Wessex Place Condominiums is not at the location where it was originally planned, and the latest presentation is not acceptable. There also was discussion about the proposed berm and sidewalk. Attorney Singler recommended that City Engineer Chris Crumpton and City Administrative Officer Jim Leidgen come back to the Commission with more than one option for the wall, based on an objective review of the site, of its impact to the existing vegetation, of its impact to the existing topography and the way the land lays, and its impact on the phases of this development. Mr. Crumpton said the survey has been completed, and they should have the Detailed Plan ready this week. It was agreed that a recommendation would be presented at the next Commission meeting.
Mr. Norb Hancock of 9503 Wessex Place again thanked the Commission for their consideration during the development process of the land adjacent to their complex. He invited the Commissioners to any of their Board meetings and presented a list of the proposed new Board for their Association. He said the slate will be voted on in the near future and their term begins in April.
Commissioner Jackson mentioned an error in the Minutes of December 10, 2013. He made the motion that those minutes be approved after the correction is made. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
Attorney Singler presented a group of Municipal Orders that are required by state statutes to be approved each year:
1. Municipal Order 14-01, Relating to Appointing the Superintendents for City Departments. This MO re-appoints Commissioners Ed Dahlem to General Government, Earl Hubbuch to Public Safety; Lois Wagner to Public Works, and Ben Jackson to Sanitation/Code Enforcement.
2. Municipal Order 14-02, Relating to Designating a Mayor Pro-Tem. This MO re-appoints Commissioner Ed Dahlem as Mayor Pro-Tem.
3. Municipal Order 14-03, Relating to Re-Appointment of the City Administrative Officer/City Clerk/Alcohol Beverage Control Officer. This MO re-appoints James E. Leidgen in those positions.
4. Municipal Order 14-04, Relating to Re-Appointment of City Engineer. This MO re-appoints Chris Crumpton, Principal Officer of Blue Stone Engineers, PLLC as City Engineer.
5. Municipal Order 14-05, Relating to Re-Appointing the Attorney for the City. This MO re-appoints John Singler of Hodge & Singler as the City Attorney.
6. Municipal Order 14-06, Relating to Re-Appointing the City Treasurer. This MO re-appoints William H. Bennett, Jr. as the City Treasurer.
Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve all of the above listed Municipal Orders (MO 14-01, 14-02, 14-03, 14-04, 14-05 & 14-06. His motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler reported he is in the process of updating the City’s ordinances, including penalties associated with various violations. He said it appears that the fines associated with violations before the Code of Enforcements Board may not be strict enough or specific enough. He presented an ordinance which includes the repeal and replacement of section 42.12 of the City’s Codification of Ordinances for the Commission to consider before enactment at a future meeting.
C.A.O. Leidgen distributed information from the Kentucky League of Cities pertaining to the history of the classification system for cities in the State. A task force by KLC containing members and officials from all classes of cities and regions of the state met and made recommendations to develop legislation that would change the current classification system. The recommended new system would have only first, second, and third class cities and would create a structural basis to change the classification system, and is designed to leave controversial policy debates for future sessions. There should be no harm to any existing city, and arbitrary distinctions between cities based on classes would be eliminated. Mr. Leidgen will have more information on this in the future.
Mr. Leidgen reported that with the recent changes in ABC laws and fees, Metro sent a letter stating
that ABC Code enforcement shall no longer be the responsibility of Louisville Metro and therefore
shall be under the jurisdiction of each city that collects ABC fees and issues licenses.
C.A.O. Leidgen distributed individual Financial Interest statement forms to the Commissioners, an Ethics requirement by the State. They are to be completed and returned to Mr. Leidgen.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
No report.
Mr. Leidgen will attempt to set up a meeting of the Finance Committee on February 22.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
No report.
To a question from Commissioner Jackson, Attorney Singler reported on the status of a number of issues and violations in which he and/or the Code Enforcement Board are involved.
C.A.O. Leidgen updated the Commission regarding a joint effort between the Bullitt Trusts and the City of Hurstbourne supporting the continuation of a sound barrier wall adjacent to I-64; westbound along the Trusts ‘property. A letter of conditional support calls for a response within 90 days where the Trusts agree to send an opinion letter to the Kentucky Department of Transportation supporting the construction of the sound barrier wall.
Commissioner Jackson said he will present at a future meeting his suggestions for the possible construction of a City Hall building.
PUBLIC WORKS – Commissioner Wagner
There was discussion about the reconstruction of the destroyed entrance on Nottingham. Engineer Crumpton and C.A.O. Leidgen will meet and present renderings of possible plans to be used for this location.
There was additional discussion about the lighting at the entrances along Shelbyville Road.
At 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.