JANUARY 24, 2017
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present:John Singler, City Attorney
Bill Bennett, City Treasurer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
Mr. David May, of Certified Public Accountants Stephens & Lawson, 5203 Dixie Highway, Louisville, KY 40216 presented the City’s audit for 2015-2016. He discussed the highlights of the audit which were very favorable. He stated that all financial statements were presented fairly. The City’s long term liability is the pension obligation under CERS which reflects the City’s obligation to the Kentucky Retirement System.
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to accept the 2015-2016 City Audit; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Wagner moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 10, 2017; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 17-12—Relating to Check Register Approvals for December, 2016.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve M O 17-12; seconded by Commissioner Hancock. The motion passed unanimously.
Investment – Commissioner Jackson stated there had not been a Finance Committee meeting since the last one because there was nothing coming due. Commissioner Hubbuch asked about the Storm Water Drainage Mitigation funds which is approximately $18,000. He asked if it should it be invested? Commissioner Jackson replied he would research the current rates of a money market or a savings account to see which would be more beneficial.
HSWAC – Mayor Schneider gave a brief status report regarding the Hurstbourne Storm Water Advisory Committee. A meeting will be scheduled soon to discuss current MSD actions and the possible establishment of a storm water flooding mitigation policy for the City.
Road Closures
C. A. O. Jim Leidgen stated there was nothing new to report. Commissioner Jackson added that he knew of a resident who had a specific timeline and they are willing to sign. Mr. Leidgen agreed to follow up with them.
Mayor Schneider reported she had attended the Jefferson County League of Cities board meeting. At that meeting, representatives from the Kentucky League of Cities assisted cities in constructing a three-year strategic plan. The area of focus for KLC is to improve memberships in KLC, to improve their communication through newsletters and emails, and be a unified voice for the cities with the State and the City of Louisville.
The next Jefferson County League of Cities is February 16, 2017 at Middletown City Hall at 7 p.m. At this meeting, Angela Akridge and others from MSD will be on the agenda to discuss storm water issues. In addition, Ms. Akridge mentioned that no project manager had been assigned to the City of Hurstbourne. Ms. Akridge added that there will be a presentation to the Louisville Metro Council this year regarding a rate increase. There will be updates throughout the City of Louisville to keep the citizens updated on this subject.
In addition, in the future Mayor Schneider will be more involved with the newsletter. She stated there will be timelines for articles to be printed in the Hurstbourne Herald and that articles should be sent to her for distribution to C.A.O. Leidgen.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
Commissioner Hancock reported he had attended the Kentucky League of Cities City Official Academy in Lexington, KY and the sessions were very informative. In addition, he had an opportunity to meet with John Aubrey from Kentuckiana Law Enforcement and stated that sometime in the future he would like to ride along with one of the LMPD officers. They also discussed increased speeding in the city.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch distributed a real estate market update illustrating homes sold in the City of Hurstbourne. This chart displayed homes depicting the prices and dates they were sold. He also commented on how well the lights and signage looked at the new entrance on Hurstbourne Lane.
Commissioner Jackson reported that Mayor Schneider, former Commissioner Wells, Commissioner Hubbuch and Commissioner Jackson conducted an interim evaluation regarding C. A. O. Jim Leidgen. This review consisted of months July through December 2016; therefore, Commissioner Hancock was not involved since he had just joined the commission. These evaluations are conducted twice annually and have produced positive results.
Commissioner Hubbuch asked if a Shred-It date has been set. Commissioner Jackson replied he was working on the date and it will be posted in the newsletter.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
City Attorney Singler distributed Ordinance No. 17-01 “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HURSTBOURNE, KENTUCKY REPEALING ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND ADOPTING A NEW ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CHAPTER, USING HB-422 AS A MODEL.” Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve second reading of Ordinance 17-01 as amended to include an agreed upon rate of $25 per meeting hour for the board members and a rate for a hearing officer to be determined by the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion passed unanimously. A roll call vote was taken—Mayor Schneider—yes, Commissioner Hancock—yes, Commissioner Hubbuch—yes, Commissioner Jackson—yes, and Commissioner Wagner—yes. Ordinance 17-01 was enacted with a 5-0 vote.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
City Treasurer Bennett reported he had reviewed the 2015-16 audit and found it to be in good order. The auditors, Stephens and Lawson, will help prepare the F-65 form which is the City’s financial report that is due by May 1, 2017. He remarked that Stephens & Lawson is a competent accounting firm.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
No report.
C.A.O. Jim Leidgen distributed the C. A. O. Management Report. He reported he will contact
LMPD Officer Hamlin, who is a resource officer, to obtain a two-year history of criminal activity in Hurstbourne such as types of crime, what days and times of day they occur, locations of each incident and seasonal activities. He hopes this data will prove to be beneficial when deciding where to deploy crime prevention resources.
City Day and City Night will be held on February 8, 2017 in Frankfort, KY. Commissioner Hancock is registered to attend and Mr. Leidgen invited other commissioners to join him.
With regards to the returned post cards by the residents for the upcoming directory, 323 records out of 618 responses have been updated. These numbers represent individual residential households.
C. A. O. Leidgen distributed a handout displaying the pay rate of City Engineer Crumpton. The pay rate remains the same as last year. This handout is to accompany Municipal Order 17-07 that passed on January 10, 2017 reappointing Mr. Crumpton as City Engineer.
In addition, Mr. Leidgen reported that a representative of the Vining’s Apartments met with him and paid $25 for each advertising banner. They signed their permit, which expires the end of March 2017, and they understood this is a one-time allowance. He added that he will be meeting with the Hursbourne Grand Apartments to discuss their signage issue.
Guest, Eric Effinger of 9109 Nottingham Drive, then addressed the Commission regarding flooding issues at his property and other locations. He suggested that the Commission invest in resolutions at resident properties that are directly impacted by flooding. He also asked how he could obtain a copy of the Audit Report.
Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to adjourn at 5:57 p.m. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.