JANUARY 14, 2020
Mayor Mary Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Masick, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.
No guests spoke.
The December 10, 2019 minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Wagner and was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Singler presented the following Municipal Orders and Mayor Masick explained the procedures for the election of Department Supervisors.
Municipal Order 20-01—Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion for Commissioner Jackson to serve as Mayor Pro-Tem; his motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. MO 20-01 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-02—Appointment of Superintendents for City Departments
With some discussion, the Commission agreed to retain Commissioner Jackson as Superintendent of General Government, Commissioner Hubbuch of Public Works, Commissioner Leavell of Public Safety, and Commissioner Wagner of Sanitation/Code Enforcement. Motion to approve these appointments was made by Commissioner Jackson and was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. MO 20-02 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-03—Appointment of Additional Commissioner to Investment Committee
Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to appoint Commissioner Leavell to the Investment Committee and his motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. MO 20-03 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-04—Appointment of C. A. O., City Clerk, ABC Officer, Code Officer
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to re-appoint James E. Leidgen to the position and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. MO 20-04 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-05—Appointment of City Attorney
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to re-appoint John Singler, Attorney at Law, as the City Attorney and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. MO 20-05 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-06—Appointment of City Treasurer
Mayor Masick made a motion to re-appoint William H. Bennett, Jr. as the City Treasurer and her motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. MO 20-06 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-07—Appointment of City Engineer
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to re-appoint Chris Crumpton of Blue Stone Engineers, PLLC, as City Engineer and his motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. MO 20-07 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-08—Appointment of Financial Assistant
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to re-appoint Trisha Sikkema of Veritas Business Solutions, as Financial Assistant and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. MO 20-08 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-09—Appointment of Code Enforcement Field Officer
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept the contract of Louisville Code Enforcement and Mediation, LLC and her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. MO 20-09 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-10—Appointment of Horticulturist
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to retain professional horticultural consultation with Hanlon Horticultural Consultants and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. MO 20-10 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-11—Appointment of Board of Ethics Member
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to appoint Robert Rudd as member of the Board of Ethics of the City of Hurstbourne and her motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. MO 20-11 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-12—Appointment of HSWAC Committee Members
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion that the following representatives remain on the HSWAC Board for the calendar year 2020—Mayor Masick, C.A.O. Jim Leidgen, City Engineer Chris Crumpton, City Attorney John Singler and Commissioner Hubbuch. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. MO 20-12 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-13—Expense Approval Policy for Calendar Year of 2020
After some discussion, two amendments were added to the Expense Policy to read “$10,001 to $30,000 Full Commission Approval” plus “Over $30,000 Open for Bid and Full Commission Approval” and was moved for approval by Commissioner Jackson. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. MO 20-13 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-14— Approval of KLE Hourly Rate
Commissioner Leavell made a motion to approve the contract for Kentuckiana Law Enforcement at an hourly rate of $45.00 and his motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. MO 20-14 passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 20-15—Relating to Check Register Approvals for November 2019. With a few questions, Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve MO 20-15; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Masick reported that Scott Brinkman, Secretary of Executive Cabinet of then Governor Matt Bevin informed her that the I-64 sound barrier wall project was approved by Governor Bevin before the end of his term. Bids were let out, reviewed, awarded with pre-construction and construction to take place in August 2020. Also, on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 7 p.m. at Middletown City Hall, the monthly meeting of the Jefferson County League of Cities will be held. Mr. J.D. Chaney, Executive Director of Kentucky League of Cities will review the issues presented to this legislative session.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that Andrea Hanlon, horticulturist, is preparing a landscaping list. Also, there are bids for concrete base estimates for the Days Inn basin project and pending estimates for storm grade upgrades for Phase II and Phase III. City Engineer Crumpton added there will be a map illustrating where the drains have been upgraded.
Commissioner Jackson reported that a matured Central Bank certificate of deposit in the amount of $250,000 will be the initial investment in the Kentucky League of Cities Investment Pool Plus Fund. In addition, he distributed a letter of engagement from Stephens and Lawson, Certified Public Accountants, stating they will start their audit of financial statements of the governmental activities of each major fund of the City of Hurstbourne for the year ended June 30, 2019. He reported that Suite 204 at City Hall has been leased starting March 1, 2020.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell distributed the December 2019 crime report along with the annual totals which were 206 Warnings and 93 citations. Regarding the traffic control at the intersection of Nottingham and Linn Station, he stated that engineer Crumpton is still gathering data on the round-about option for presentation to the Commission to take place at a later date.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney Singler reviewed four properties in the City of Hurstbourne that have on-going delinquent tax issues, code violations as well as enforcement options. At this stage of these violations, they have been turned over to his office and are being addressed by correspondence, phone or in-person communication.
No report.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
After calling attention to the C. A. O. Management Report, C.A.O. Leidgen requested any additional input for the upcoming Hurstbourne-Herald. In response to questions regarding addition plan approvals for the new apartments and hotel, Mr. Leidgen stated that he the only new plans received for approval were preliminary signage renderings for the Viking property signs and apartment signs
Nothing was brought before the Commission.
At 5:57 p.m. Commissioner Wagner made the motion to adjourn. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Mary Masick James E. Leidgen, City Clerk