February 14, 2012
4:30 PM
Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Jim Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor Bob English; Commissioners Dick Hays, Earl Hubbuch, and Lois Wagner; and Attorney John Singler. Commissioner Ed Dahlem and Treasurer Bill Bennett were not in attendance. Mr. Leidgen determined that a quorum was present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.
– Karen Wine and Lewis Robinson of New Horizons Demolition and Aaron Thompson of Evergreen Real Estate
– Attorney Bill Bardenwerper
– City Engineer Chris Crumpton
Commissioner Hays made a motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the January 24, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.
– Attorney Bill Bardenwerper explained that Louisville Metro Division of Planning and Design Services and Louisville Metro Board of Zoning Adjustment have approved both a Revised Detailed District Development Plan and a Conditional Use Permit modification to add an outdoor swimming pool, replace three outdoor tennis courts, and expand the indoor swimming area at 9300 Blairwood Road. These approvals require a change to the Revised District Development Plan. Attorney Singler distributed Municipal Order 12-09, A Municipal Order Relating to Case Numbers 9-55-98 CV and B-16922-11, Approval of a Revised Detailed District Development Plan Associated with a Modified Conditional Use Permit at Property Located at 9300 Blairwood Road. The approval of this municipal order is subject to: (a) The approved Binding Elements; (b) All of the conditions imposed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment Minutes dated January 23, 2012; and (c) The Revised Detailed Development Plan presented to the City of Hurstbourne at this Commission meeting. After discussion,
Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve MO 12-09; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.
– Karen Wine, Lewis Robinson and Aaron Thompson were present to request a permit for demolition on
the site of the project known as “The Vinings.” Louisville Metro and MSD have signed off on a Wrecking Permit for one building at 9500 Williamsburg Plaza. Attorney Singler presented Municipal Order 12-08, A Municipal Order Relating to the Approval of a Demolition Permit for 9500 Williamsburg Plaza. This municipal order approves the Demolition Permit subject to full compliance with: (a) All the conditions imposed by the Letter of JHS Vinings, LLC, dated January 10, 2012 and its attachments; (b) The conditions imposed by the Wrecking Permit issued by the Department of Code and Regulations; and (c) The Demolition Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Certificate issued by MSD. After discussion, Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve MO 12-08; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
– Ordinance # 12-01, an Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Codified Section 111.03 of the City
of Hurstbourne Codified Ordinances Pertaining to License Fees, which had received first reading at the last Commission meeting, was placed on the table for discussion. Since there were a number of questions raised during discussion, Commissioner Hays made the motion to table this ordinance until the next Commission meeting; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.
– Attorney Singler reported that he has spoken to the opposing attorney in the Karla Davis case and a proposal may be made in the near future for the Commission’s review.
– Attorney Singler gave an update on the case involving 302 Buckingham Terrace. He will continue to monitor this and report back to the Commission.
– Attorney Singler referred to the City’s parking ordinance which requires individuals to fill their
driveway with vehicles before parking on the street. However, Wessex Place has garages in the rear but no driveways and Attorney Singler thought the ordinance was not applicable to those residents. Since this issue has previously been before the Commission, C.A.O. Leidgen will research the Minutes of past meetings and report back with the results.
– No report.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
– No report.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
– Commissioner Wagner and City Engineer Chris Crumpton reported that the ADA ramps and sidewalks project is about 95% completed. A number of reflectors will be installed around the curve on Nottingham. Mr. Crumpton said he has been talking with Councilman Ackerson’s office about the possibility of funding for the second phase of this project.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
– No report.
– No report
Commissioner Hays made the motion that the Commission go into Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(C) for discussion of pending litigation. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.
On their return from Executive Session, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion that the Commission come out of Executive Session and return to the Regular meeting of the Commission. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried. Mayor English reported that in Executive Session the Commission discussed pending litigation and that no action had been taken.
There being no more business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Hays made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.