December 11, 2012
4:30 PM

Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.

C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor Bob English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Dick Hays, Earl Hubbuch and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; C.A.O. Jim Leidgen; and Treasurer Bill Bennett. A quorum of the Commission was present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.

Mr. Don Lawson, of Stephens & Lawson Certified Public Accountants, was present to discuss their
2011-12 audit of the City of Hurstbourne and stated that it was a clean report. Highlights of the audit were: 1) The City received approximately $74,000 in new revenue from the bank franchise tax; 2) The insurance premium tax increased slightly; 3) Other significant revenues included the collection of property taxes and various grants provided to the City. Revenues exceeded expenses in all areas of the General fund as well as the Municipal Road Aid Fund. Mr. Lawson stated that it is very unusual for a City’s budget to show, in all departments, total revenues exceed expenditures – there was $1.7 million budgeted and $1.9 million collected. He was very impressed and found it interesting that there was no area in which the City went over budget and there were no negative balances in several pages of the audit. There are usually comments on the page for findings for internal control and compliance; however, they did not have any findings at all, and Mr. Lawson commended the City for the positive and clean report. He emphasized that the City Commission and City staff are good stewards of the City’s finances and therefore the City is in good financial shape. He asked for any questions from the Commission, who were also very pleased with the City’s audit. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion the Commission accept the audit as presented; his motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.

Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the November 27, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.


Commissioner Dahlem made the motion that the second meeting in December, which is scheduled for December 25, be cancelled; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried.

To a question from Commissioner Hubbuch, Attorney Singler said he would check on the status of the cable franchise tax.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler referred to a request from C.A.O. Leidgen to a local bank for assistance on the status of the foreclosure on property in Hurstbourne on which they are the first mortgage holder.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Mr. Bennett reported that the City is in excellent financial condition. Several changes have been made in the reporting and accounting system and he expects the reports to now be more timely and accurate. C.A.O. Leidgen said a second reminder letter has been sent to those individuals who have not paid their 2012 property taxes.

C.A.O. Leidgen presented the Traffic Control Activity Report for activity in December. He again emphasized that about half of the traffic violations are by Hurstbourne residents. Police patrol has been increased because of the rise in traffic through the City because of holiday shopping.

Mr. Leidgen also presented the Crime Incident Activity Report which will assist the City in determining the type of crime which may be occurring in the City. He again stressed how pleased he is with his communications with LMPD and Kentuckiana Law Enforcement. Commissioner Hubbuch stated that after receiving these reports, if it is warranted a “Public Safety Alert” could be sent out to City residents.

MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
No report.

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner reported that Flynn Brothers has now been paid for the road paving and repairs which they recently completed. City Engineer Chris Crumpton explained that during the road work, reflective cracking was found in certain areas, so a preventative maintenance process was used in order to prevent this from occurring again.

Bramer Brothers and Pro-Turf will again be doing the City’s snow removal. A new brine solution will be applied by Bramer Brothers to road surfaces. The brine is expected to reduce the number of bulk salt applications; thus lowering costs to the City.

Mr. Crumpton referred to the new striping on Blairwood Road and suggested that a new sign be added to emphasize which lane a driver should be in, depending on whether he will be turning right for Hurstbourne Lane south or whether he wishes to go west on I-64. The Commission agreed that the sign should be installed. In order to assist drivers in the area, a sign stating “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” was added on Liberty Bank Lane at Blairwood.

There was more discussion about areas which might benefit from “Stop Ahead” or “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” signs in the City. It was decided to monitor these areas closely for possible sign installation in the future.
No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that additional off-duty police patrols have been implemented for the holiday season. He again expressed his pleasure with the response from Kentuckiana Law enforcement.
Sidewalks, street striping, upgraded 25 mph signs, and additional new warning signs have been completed on Blairwood Road.

Commissioner Hubbuch referred to the City’s recent upgrade in City signs. All signs deemed unnecessary have been removed, new upgraded federal-compliant signs have been installed, and additional signs have been installed as needed. This first phase is part of the comprehensive signage upgrade project previously approved by the Commission. The next phase of the signage upgrades plan shall be prepared and submitted in 2013.

Mr. Hubbuch stated he has spoken with past Mayors and Commissioners who have congratulated the Commission on what they have accomplished over the past few years. He thanked the Commission, employees, and all other who were involved in the completion of those projects.

No report.

Commissioner Hays will not be on the City Commission after the end of the year. Mayor English and the other Commissioners thanked him for his many years of service and dedication to the City.

At 5:40 p.m. Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried.