AUGUST 9, 2022
Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Acting City Clerk/City Treasurer Mike Rhodesconducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Mayor Mary Masick
Norbert Hancock, Commissioner
Ben Jackson,Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.
The July 26, 2022 minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Jackson moved approval of the minutes and his motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
City Attorney John Singler introduced Municipal Order 22-21an Interlocal Agreement between the Lyndon Police Department and the City of Hurstbourne for police protection. This agreement represents an increase of 25% police patrolling. Commissioner Leavell made a motion to adopt MO 22-21 from Graymoor-Devondale to Lyndon Police Department. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson.
Mr. Rhodes took aroll call—Mayor Masick—yea, Commissioner Hancock—yea, Commissioner Jackson—yea, Commissioner Leavell—yea, and Commissioner Wagner—yea. MO 22-21 was enacted with a 5-0 vote.
Acting City Clerk Mike Rhodesreportedthat the Kentucky League of Cities asked if the City ofHurstbourne will consider making a donation to the victims of the Eastern Kentucky Flooding.After somediscussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to donate $5,000 to the Eastern Kentucky flood victims and the Commission will contribute an undermined amount as neededin the future. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Masick reported that she and City Attorney John Singler met with a Top Golf representative. They discussed traffic, lights, hours of operation and noise. She expressed the concerns of the citizens which include an increase in traffic on the back access road or will the road be closed. The road will be open to better manage traffic in the area. The representative stated that Top Golf the hours of operation are still being discussed. There will be no lights on the poles and only lights will shine from the business. The noise will have the lasted technology regarding the speakers. They added that they have their own security and police in addition to managing their own property. They plan to open in November 2022.
No report.
No report.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell reviewed the July 2022 police activity report.
PUBIC WORKS – Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner reviewed the 2022 Tree Canopy Program and proposed a correction on the application date. With that correction, Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve the Tree Canopy Program. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
In addition, Commissioner Wagner reviewed City Engineer Chris Crumpton’s report which provided details of the city-wide traffic count to be performed in mid-September 2022 and mid-April 2023. These traffic studies will supply the Commission with additional data when they meet with representatives from Top Golf and with NTS regarding the proposed apartment complex. The traffic count will be conducted in twenty-seven areas within the City and will cost $12,879. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept the estimate from Michael Baker International to conduct the traffic counts. Her motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
Mr. Singler distributed photos of two Hurstbourne properties that have been in violation for a period of years. He stated there are provisions in the City’s ordinances which allow the City to enter onto the property and remediate abate nuisance conditions under Ordinances sections 92.33 and 92.34. He stated that in order to do this, there needs to be a five-day notice to the property owner of the two locations stating there will be workers entering the property to clear the debris/overgrowth and charge it as a lien on the property.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to proceed with Ordinance Sections 92.33 and 92.34 to perform an emergency clean-up at the two locations. In addition, toauthorize City Attorney John Singler to send a letter to the homeowner notifying themprior to the clean-up. A copy of the pertinent ordinance will be included. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Crumpton was not in attendance.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Rhodes
Mr. Rhodes discussed the second deposit of the American Rescue Plan Act money.
Mayor Masick reminded the Commission that the city-wide picnic will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2022.
At 5:45 p.m. Commissioner Jacksonmade the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded byMayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
________________________ _________________________
Mayor Mary Masick Mike Rhodes, Acting City Clerk
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