August 28, 2012
4:30 PM
Mayor Bob English called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. Present were: Mayor English; Commissioners Ed Dahlem, Dick Hays, Earl Hubbuch and Lois Wagner; Attorney John Singler; and C.A.O. Jim Leidgen. Treasurer Bill Bennett was not in attendance. A quorum of the Commission was present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor English.
Barbara Barnett, Betty Hansen, Frances Helm, Dolly Lind, Dorothy Sterrett, Catherine Engleman &
Fred Engleman were present to discuss several matters concerning Blairwood Apartments. Ms. Hansen asked about their request for speed bumps on Blairwood Road and expressed their concern about debris falling from trees on neighboring properties.
C.A.O. Leidgen reported he had met with the property manager at Blairwood Apartments and alerted him to the residents’ concern about the debris from trees. He stated that type of matter is handled by property owners. He suggested that any clean-up of debris on the apartment property should be conducted by the apartment management company regardless of who initially planted the trees. Since there is a potential hazard created by the trees which overlap the property line, Attorney Singler advised them that the owner of the trees should be sent an official letter from the apartment management placing them on notice stating such potential hazard condition which should be resolved within a specific timeline.
Concerning their request for speed bumps, City Engineer Chris Crumpton explained that the process of designing locations for speed bumps typically would not put them in a commercial district. He felt that their concern for safety of pedestrians could better be served if sidewalks were constructed. The City is looking at potential funding options which could include cost sharing with affected businesses. Commissioner Hubbuch said he would also request additional police patrols in the area. Commissioner Wagner said they would get back with these residents after a decision has been made about the best course of action.
Nancy Hafendorfer of Cromwell Hill Road referred to the condition of the trees on the medians, specifically the median at Seaton Springs at Denington. Also, the grass in some areas appears to be dead. Commissioner Wagner said some of the grass has been killed in order to be reseeded. C.A.O. Leidgen explained that because of the drought the irrigation system is being used as much as possible, but this may not help large trees with deep roots. They are trying to determine the best treatment for the trees before the fall and winter seasons. He said he would check to make certain that the sprinkler system is not malfunctioning.
Robert Rudd of 9209 Whitegate Court.
Commissioner Dahlem made the motion to approve as distributed the minutes of the August 14, 2012 regular meeting of the City Commission; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.
Municipal Order 12-24 Relating to Check Register Approvals for July 2012. Commissioner Hays made the motion to approve MO 12-24; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Municipal Order No. 12-26 Relating to the Appointment of a Member of the Board of Ethics of the City of Hurstbourne for a Term to Expire on December 31, 2014. This MO appoints Robert Rudd as a member of the Board of Ethics, with a term to expire on December 31, 2014. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve MO 12-26; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.
Attorney Singler referred to the delinquent tax report. The oldest delinquency is for 2009.
Attorney Singler stated that he has received a letter from Wm. Dennis Sims, Legal Advisor for the Metro Police Department, dated August 22 recognizing that Hurstbourne has cancelled the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement.
Commissioner Hubbuch then distributed a report which contained information and recommendations on the proposed plans to upgrade city signage and to comply with new federal guidelines. The study was prepared by C.A.O. Leidgen, City Engineer Chris Crumpton of Integrated Engineering, Inc., and Public Safety Commissioner Hubbuch. The following is a summary of the report:
A. Federal Guidelines mandated that all municipalities prepare a complete survey of all existing signs located within their jurisdiction. A copy of the complete guideline is available for review in the Hurstbourne City Office.
B. A sign survey prepared by Integrated Engineering was included.
C. Complying with the suggestions from the Commission that it may be possible to eliminate some signage, the Engineer was asked to prepare a list of all signs (quantity included) in the City. After review of this inventory, the study group proposes that some signs can be removed. Those recommendations were included in the report.
D. There are limited sources for sign/installation/maintenance in the local area. After review of possible companies, the Committee recommended that Eagle Sign & Design be used as the primary contractor.
E. A summary of proposed program and implementation was detailed in the report.
F. Should the Commissioners agree with the Committee’s recommendation (or amended recommendations), they asked for approval of the appropriate Municipal Order.
Mr. Crumpton reported on the recent changes in the MUTCD requirements for traffic signage in all cities and outlined extended deadlines and dates for updates to and replacement of traffic signage past 2018. The inventory for the City includes: 1) Field review and map of each sign location, sign type & condition, post type, direction and height; 2) Development of a log database with unique qualifier for identification and tracking long-term for replacement; and 3) A test for retroreflectivity of each sign and compare to the established baseline for each sign type and lettering. Mr. Crumpton went through their method of determining which signs would be acceptable, which should be removed, replaced or leveled, and the new signs to be installed.
C.A.O. Leidgen explained how their research led them to their recommendation that Eagle Sign and Design be awarded the contract for this project. He said this undertaking would coincide with the recommended street paving. It was recommended that the initial phase of this project begin with the major arterial streets, including Colonel Anderson Parkway, Linn Station Road, Nottingham Parkway, Oxmoor Woods Parkway, South Lyndon Lane, and Leesgate Road. The estimate for the cost of this project is $18,184.50, and there are enough funds in the city budget to accomplish the project.
Some of the signs that were recommended for removal were “Block Watch” signs, and Commissioner Dahlem reminded the Commission that the Block Watch program had not officially been closed down. Since the program has not been active in some time, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion that the City’s Block Watch program be discontinued. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.
Municipal Order 12-25 was changed to reflect the removal of the signs recommended by the City Engineer. Commissioner Hubbuch then made the motion to approve as amended Municipal Order 12-25 Approving a Proposal with Eagle Sign & Design to Upgrade Signage in the City of Hurstbourne. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hays. Motion carried.
Since Louisville Metro Councilmember Jon Ackerson had arrived at the meeting, Mayor English recognized him and thanked him for his support of the City of Hurstbourne. He has approximately six months left on his term and said he would be leaving funds for his successor to use. He will follow through on commitments to Hurstbourne for $700 to help with grass cutting and $25,000 for sidewalks, with the possibility of other funds. There was discussion about possible assistance in construction of sidewalks on Blairwood Road.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
In Treasurer Bennett’s absence, C.A.O. Leidgen reported that the Financial Statement of Operations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 showed that the City ended up with a surplus of approximately $270,000. He also stated that as part of improved reporting, a detailed breakdown of the City’s investments will be included in future monthly reports to the Commission.
C.A.O. Leidgen said that there were no unusual calls or complaints in the monthly call log.
The property at 220 S. Lyndon Lane has been cleared of tall weeds.
Meetings will be scheduled with John Aubrey of Kentuckiana Law Enforcement to aid in the transition in utilizing their company for police patrol.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor English
To a question from Mayor English about the sinkholes developing in Hurstbourne, Mr. Crumpton said he felt the City should meet with MSD on that matter and other issues developing in Hurstbourne.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wagner
The city concert and picnic will be held on September 16 at 5:00 p.m.
Bids for the city’s paving will be received on September 7.
Engineer Crumpton presented an estimate of $31,322 for Phase 2 of the ADA ramps and sidewalks plan and said the city should move forward as this is a reimbursement project and the work must be bid, selected and performed before the funds are received from Metro Louisville. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to authorize C.A.O. Leidgen and Mr. Crumpton to proceed with this project and place it out for bids. His motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.
Mr. Crumpton then presented estimates for the construction of entrances at Lyndon Lane/Oxmoor Woods Parkway ($35,500) and at Seaton Springs Parkway ($12,900). Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to authorize C.A.O. Leidgen and Mr. Crumpton to proceed with placing the bids for this project at an approximate cost of $48,400. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried. Commissioner Wagner said she had met with the city’s horticulturists and they have recommended that ivy beds be planted at the Oxmoor Woods entrances.
Commissioner Dahlem brought to the table for discussion Ordinance #12-06, An Ordinance Adopting a Financial Management and Investment Policy for the City of Hurstbourne. This ordinance sets out the policy of the City of Hurstbourne to invest public funds in a manner which will provide the maximum security of principal and highest investment return while meeting the daily cash flow demands on the City and conforming to both KRS 91A.060 and KRS 66.40. Commissioner Hays made the motion that the Commission approve the introduction and first reading of Ordinance #12-06. His motion was seconded by Mayor English. Motion carried.
Commissioner Dahlem then presented Ordinance # 12-05, An Ordinance Defining the Duties of Each City Commissioner to Supervise Departments within the City Government. He explained that this ordinance addresses the questions of specific duties of each Commissioner. Commissioner Wagner made the motion that the Commission approve the introduction and first reading of Ordinance # 12-05. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Hubbuch voting nay.
Commissioner Dahlem stated that the Commissioner’s packet includes a list of the City’s investments which fits the requirements of the ordinance regarding the Investment Committee.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported on additional LMPD-City funded services. At the August 14, 2012 meeting, the Commission approved Municipal Order 12-23 authorizing the termination of the contract with Louisville Metro and contracting with a private company, Kentuckiana Law Enforcement, Inc. (KLE). A letter of termination to Louisville Metro dated August 14, 2012 was sent to Louisville Metro Police Administration on the same date. Also, a similar termination letter to Detective James Rice was sent on August 14 as well. A contract with KLE, Inc. has been signed and forwarded to the City for signature. The transition to new services is scheduled to begin on October 1, 2012. Copies of these documents are available should anyone want to review them. A more detailed report on the transition will be presented at the September 11 Commission meeting.
No report
At 6:30 p.m. Commissioner Hays made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahlem. Motion carried.