August 25, 2015

4:30 PM







Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.




C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.


Present:                 Mary Schneider, Mayor

Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner


Rusty Wells, Commissioner

Lois Wagner, Commissioner


Others              John Singler, City Attorney

Present:          Bill Bennett, City Treasurer

Chris Crumpton, City Engineer

Faye Tanner, Recording Secretary


 The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.




There were no guests in attendance who wished to speak to the Commission.




Commissioner Jackson asked that it be noted in the August 11, 2015 minutes of the regular meeting that the handout distributed by C.A.O. Leidgen is to become an addendum to the minutes.  Commissioner Wells then made the motion to approve those minutes as amended; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson.  Motion carried.


The minutes of August 18, 2015 meeting of the Hurstbourne Stormwater Advisory Committee were placed on the table for discussion.  Commissioner Wells made the motion to approve those minutes as distributed; his motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider.  Motion carried.


TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett


Treasurer Bennett presented the fiscal year-end report through June 30, 2015.  He said the auditor could make some minor adjustments, but each department stayed within their budget.  He explained the process


that was used in accounting for the purchase of the new City Hall building.  Ad valorem tax bills have been mailed and those funds have started coming in.  Commissioner Jackson asked that the expiration dates for the City’s investments be included in future financial reports.




Municipal Order 15-31 Relating to Check Register Approvals for June, 2015 was placed on the table for discussion.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 15-31; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner.  Motion carried.


ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler


Attorney Singler researched his file and Binding Elements for the Vinings project and that information has been forwarded to the Board of Directors at Wessex Place.  He has since talked with them by phone but has not heard further from them.


CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Crumpton


Engineer Crumpton reported that bids for paving will be opened on August 28.


The sidewalk extension at Lowe Elementary School has been completed.


Lawrence & Associates will be working on Phase 6 of the ADA sidewalks (handicap ramps) project on Colonel Anderson Parkway.  A second crew will be working on the City Hall ADA improvements.  Engineer Crumpton referred to Precision Concrete Cutting which, instead of replacing concrete panels, uses a process where a machine shaves back the concrete.  He mentioned some of the benefits and also some of the disadvantages to using this process.  He and C.A.O. Leidgen have discussed this, and said they will get pricing in order to determine whether that process would be advantageous to use.  Mr. Leidgen said he has talked with other cities that have used this method and did not receive any complaints about it.


Attorney Singler now has the Latter-Day Saints exhibit for the fence so that agreement should be finalized in the near future.  Pricing for the entrances project at Linn Station and for the installation of Bollards at the MSD drainage flume at S. Lyndon and Colonel Anderson should be received this week.  MSD will be paying most or all of the cost for this work.  There also was discussion about the height of the bushes at this location.  C.A.O. Leidgen will again contact the homeowner at this location to discuss the matter with him.




C.A.O. Leidgen reported that there is conference room furniture available to purchase from the former owners of the 200 Whittington building and they are to sell the furniture to the City for $1,500.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to authorize the purchase; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch.  Motion carried.


C.A.O. Leidgen is working on the Hurstbourne Herald and asked for input from the Commission.  Mayor Schneider asked that any known information be included regarding what may be coming in at the shopping center and other locations.


Commissioner Hubbuch referred to the flags outside City Hall and the possibility of moving them to the new City Hall location.  He asked C.A.O. Leidgen to verify the estimate from Oates Flag Company of


Oates quoted $1,600 to move the poles and $2,760 to install new ones.   Commissioner Hubbuch also stated that an estimate of $710 was submitted by Joy Monument Company for moving and reinstalling the existing Hurstbourne granite monument sign.  He also referred to the existing large brick sign at 200 Whittington. The sign insert is to be repurposed by Eagle Sign Company as previously rendered and submitted. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion that the Commission authorize C.A.O. Leidgen and Commissioner Wells to finalize plans with Oates Flag, Joy Monument and Eagle Sign to perform the work as outlined.  His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  During discussion it was decided that C.A.O. Leidgen should discuss the matter of re-locating the flag poles with David Henderman, the current landlord, before any action is taken.  Motion carried.


MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Schneider


Mayor Schneider reported she has been doing research on health insurance for City employees.  She has also discussed this matter with the City’s agent, Joan Peak.  Anthem is allowing an early renewal because of the Affordable Care Act, and she explained some of the possible options, including rates and benefits.  She has asked Ms. Peak to provide some Health Savings Account (HSA) plans.  She then recommended the Commission hold off on any action until at least December to solidify rates, and that research is conducted regarding what other cities offer and what their employee contribution is.


PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells


Commissioner Wells gave an update on the plans for the City picnic to be held on Sunday, September 20.


It was decided that the next meeting of the Hurstbourne Stormwater Advisory Committee will be scheduled after surveys have been reviewed; storm data models have been received from MSD and run for analysis.


C.A.O. Leidgen reported he has met with elevator specialists about the possible options of installing an elevator in the new City Hall building.  A cost benefit analysis will be done regarding the feasibility of an elevator installation.


PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch


In answer to individuals who ask why Hurstbourne doesn’t have its own police department, Commissioner Hubbuch distributed a copy of the City of St. Matthews budget which includes their expense for a Police Department at over $6 million. He also questioned whether more traffic tickets should be issued in Hurstbourne because so many individuals run stop signs and speed through City streets.




Commissioner Jackson said he had asked for input regarding the job description for the Chief Administrative Officer position. Two amendments had been made to that job description. Job performance evaluations will be conducted after the format is adopted.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve the job description for the C.A.O. with those changes; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch.  Motion carried.





No report.




At 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to adjourn.  His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson; motion carried.