August 22, 2017
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
Mr. Ron McMichael of 211 South Lyndon Lane had some questions regarding the Commission’s plans to close some of the streets in the City. Attorney Singler explained the legal reasons that a street may or may not be closed. The plans for the intersection at Christian Way, Oxmoor Woods Parkway and South Lyndon Lane were discussed because part of that intersection is not in the City of Hurstbourne but in Metro Louisville. Mr. McMichael also expressed his concern with activities at a home on South Lyndon Lane. C.A.O. Leidgen explained that he has been talking with the owner and hopes resolve the problem soon.
Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2017 regular meeting of the Commission. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 17-30, A Municipal Order Relating to Approval of Tree Replacements for the City of Hurstbourne, was placed on the table for discussion. This MO would approve $15,000 to fund the tree replacement program. Mayor Schneider said she and Commissioner Wagner had driven around the City looking at locations where some of the trees are to be planted. They had a number of questions regarding the planned locations for some of the trees, why ornamental trees rather than shade trees are planned as part of the City’s tree canopy, and why some of the trees are on a “watch” list while others were listed as “hazardous”. She and Commissioner Wagner would like to meet with the City arborist to discuss these matters, and C.A.O. Leidgen said he would try to set a Special Meeting of the Commission for Friday, August 25. MO 17-30 will be discussed and probably voted on at that meeting.
Municipal Order 17-31, A Municipal Order Approving a Certain Contract Proposal, was placed on the table for discussion. This MO approves the continuation of the upgrading of controllers in the irrigation systems throughout the City and approves up to $10,500 for three controllers on Nottingham Parkway. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 17-31. His motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider; motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 17-32, A Municipal Order Relating to Award of 2017 Paving Contract was placed on the table for discussion. Commissioner Hubbuch explained that he, C.A.O. Leidgen and City Engineer Crumpton have been working together on the paving project.. Bid opening for paving work was held on August 18 and six (6) bids were received, and Engineer Crumpton verified that they all had bid according to the city’s specifications, which included the use of a Kevlar mix, and all had bond approval, The low bid was submitted by Hall Contracting for $134,882.30. The other bids were submitted from Flynn Brothers for $143,034.02, MAC Construction for $156,716.63, Allterrain Paving for $174,875.80, Riverside Paving for $175,314.90 and Louisville Paving for $176,928.49. MO 17-32 awards the paving contract to Hall Contracting of Kentucky and includes the amount bid by them and a change order for the City Hall parking lot repaving for a total approval of up to $165,000. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 17-32. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 17-33, A Municipal Order Approving Purchase and Installation of Qualifying Weather Station for Participation in Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) as Part of NWS/NOAA. Commissioner Jackson explained his reasoning for wishing for the City to have this weather station, including the fact that Hurstbourne would then be mentioned more often on weather reports and it would be a great marketing tool for the City. After discussion it was decided to research this matter further and to table this MO until a later Commission meeting.
To a question from Engineer Crumpton, there was discussion about the ownership and maintenance of the small strip of land adjacent to the area with respect to road closures.
The City-wide picnic will be held on September 10.
Mayor Schneider recently attended a meeting of the Jefferson County League of Cities. At the
September 21 meeting the guest speaker will be Dr. Marty Pollio, acting superintendent of Jefferson County Schools. The annual dinner for the League will be held on November 16 with Scott Brinkman, Governor Matt Bevin’s Chief of Staff, as the guest speaker.
Mayor Schneider reported that several cities are making efforts to regulate Airbnb and asked Attorney Singler if he felt Hurstbourne should take any action regarding this matter. Mr. Singler stated that none of his other municipal clients have an issue to Airbnb in their respective communities. He also said that there were several examples of legislation that used and put in place if it becomes a problem. He was then asked to create an ordinance for the Commission to consider at a future meeting.
Google Fiber gave a presentation at the JCLC Board meeting stating that cities will need to show their interest at this time in order to be considered for completion by 2019. Mayor Schneider suggested the City might want to wait to see how fast the technology develops and to determine the actual cost of this process.
In an answer to questions from Commissioner Hubbuch, there was a discussion about whether the City should sponsor a Holiday party for staff, contracted professionals and building tenants at City Hall during lunch. There was no decision on the matter.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
Commissioner Hancock presented a report of police citations and other activities in the City. He stated that citations and warnings increased in part due to activities coming from outside the City. Commissioner Hancock also expressed his concern that some of the drivers coming out of the Hurstbourne Country Club are not stopping while coming to South Lyndon Lane at high speeds. He thought the stop sign is not placed in the correct location and drivers may not notice it until it is too late to stop safely. C.A.O. Leidgen will address this matter with the Country Club.
There were two accidents recently at Shelbyville Road and Lyndon Lane. C.A.O. Leidgen said he has been in active dialogue with the Kentucky Department of Transportation and LMPD about this location. He is attempting to chart a list of the accidents and near-misses and asked the Commission to notify him of any incidents they hear about.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
No report.
No report.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
No report.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
No report.
C.A.O. Leidgen reported that the large bush on Nottingham and South Chadwick that was blocking the view of drivers and pedestrians has been removed. Another on South Chadwick at Edinburgh has been identified and will be removed in the near future. He asked the Commissioners to report any other locations where bushes or trees are creating safety issues.
C.A.O. Leidgen stated that the City has an Urn and asked for suggestions as to where it should be placed. After discussion it was decided that it should be placed on the median on Oxmoor Woods Parkway where it intersects Linn Station Road.
At 6:10 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock; motion carried unanimously.