APRIL 25, 2017
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present:Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Schneider.
Mr. Rich Riedl, 8914 Lippincott Road, addressed the Commission regarding the level of noise he experiences at his home due to the traffic on 1-64. He asked if the City of Hurstbourne could resolve the problem by constructing a noise barrier wall and then charge the state for the cost of building the barrier. City Attorney John Singler stated that the city had no authority to go onto state property to build a wall. Commissioner Jackson encouraged Mr. Riedl to contact Senator Julie Raque Adams to further ensure that the project is funded in next year’s budget. Mr. Riedl also suggested the City should place security cameras inside the city limits for 24/7 monitoring to gather pertinent information. He also said that sidewalks on Oxmoor Woods Parkway have never been replaced, leveled or shaved down. He has also saw a drone in the city and inquired about regulations against their use. On one occasion he saw a 2-foot tall heat generated balloon floating in Hurstbourne and asked if they were a fire hazard and if the City has evaluated the use of these objects and if so, whether or not they should be allowed. Lastly, he asked about Police issuing more tickets to drivers speeding on City streets. Commissioner Hancock responded that he receives daily police reports and that tickets are being issued.
Sally Judah, Karen McClure and Kevin Cogan of Jefferson Development addressed the Commission regarding the Vinings Apartments. They explained since the removal of the large advertising banners from the buildings, unit rentals have declined drastically; therefore, they requested a thirty-day permit for a banner to be placed facing Hurstbourne Lane. During this discussion, City Attorney Singler asked if Mr. Cogan was aware of the letter sent on April 6, 2017 to Erica Hodge regarding drainage fees due on three parcels. He replied that he was not aware of the letter, but he would promptly follow-up with an e-mail after he communicates with Erica.
After much discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to allow an advertising banner permit for thirty days for the Vinings Apartments, which will face Hurstbourne Lane, and this was strictly from a business perspective so that the apartments can be rented successfully. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hancock then asked Mr. Cogan if he was aware of the brush overgrowth, trash and debris running along the creek bed located near the walk-over bridge which connects Wessex Place and the restaurants. Mr. Cogan stated that he would take care of the issue immediately.
After some discussion about the April 11, 2017 minutes, Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the minutes as distributed, and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion passed with 4-1 vote with Commissioner Hubbuch opposing.
M.O. 17-20—Approval of City Expenses. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve M.O.17-20; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports
There were no committee reports on Investments, HSWAC or Road Closures. However, about storm water, Commissioner Hubbuch reported that a citizen was building a wall in their backyard and inquired if a permit application had been submitted for this project. C. A. O. Leidgen stated there had not been a request and he would follow-up with the resident. Commissioner Jackson asked about the status of bike and pedestrian lanes in the city. City Attorney Singler replied that he will research the laws for bike lanes for future discussion. Mr. Leidgen also stated that He, Commissioner Hubbuch and Commissioner Hancock are yet to meet and bring a proposal back to the Commission at a future date.
Mayor Schneider reported she had attended a Jefferson League of Cities meeting last week and thus far $32,000 had been collected from Jefferson County cities for legal representation regarding House Bill 246. She also reported she had recently attended a meeting regarding the Comprehensive Plan 2040. She reported they had gathered their data through November 2016 and are offering workshops. Also, they are inviting cities to have representatives come to their meetings to make presentations. She will keep in touch with Metro Council Member Marilyn Parker for any additional information and meeting times.
Mayor Schneider asked C. A. O. Jim Leidgen to give an update on the Linn Station project. C. A. O. Leidgen then presented a spreadsheet that illustrates sizeable projects that are spread over more than one budget year. In the past, projects have been budgeted but not completed within that year. They are delayed for one reason or another and then included in the subsequent budget year.
The spreadsheet entitled Special Projects/Jobs in Process Report was submitted for the Commission review. He proposed that if the Commission authorizes a special project, an initial funding M.O. would be passed. When expenses are incurred, details of the expenses tied to that M.O. would be reported to the Commission as they occur. If the project nears the initial funding limits, additional funding M.O.s would have to be presented to and approved by the Commission. He believes that the report will provide better tracking of these projects. Commissioner Hubbuch added that the only work still remaining on the Linn Station Entrance project is planting of flowers.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
Commissioner Hancock presented a letter written by an attorney for the Wessex Place Board. This letter was placed in Mr. Hancock’s mailbox regarding a resident living in Wessex Place that supposedly is conducting a business out of his/her home. Even though this is an issue between Wessex Place and the resident, C. A. O. Leidgen stated he will follow-up on this matter.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch referred to City John Singler on a presentation regarding “Professional Services Agreement: Arborist”. This agreement is between the City of Hurstbourne and Greenscapes Lawn and Landscaping, Inc. After much discussion, which included submission of hourly invoices and the date of the contract to be changed from December 31, 2018 to March 31, 2018, it was decided to present this contract as a municipal order at the next meeting. Commissioner Wagner asked who the arborist at Greenscapes was and who will maintain the tree inventory. She suggested that the tree inventory be kept up annually and that there be at least an annual inspection of the trees. C. A. O. Leidgen stated that this will be written in the contract and presented at the next meeting as a municipal order.
City Attorney Singler distributed MO 17-16 A Municipal Order Authorizing Chemical Services for One Year, under the Attached Terms, Conditions and Pricing. Mr. Singler explained there had been a meeting between the city and Pro-Turf to confirm the contract. Pro-Turf responded that all services and pricing will remain as stated in the contract as illustrated on pages 2, 3, & 4. After much discussion, Mayor Schneider wants all contracts to remain transparent. Commissioner Wagner agreed and stated that it is wise for details on contracts to be worked out before the Commission and not when the contract is ready to be signed.
Mayor Schneider also stated that Exhibit A was not attached to MO 17-16 for chemical services contract when she signed it. Commissioner Hubbuch apologized for that and believed that it had been included.
City Attorney Singler stated that MO 17-16 will remain as is and will be reviewed along with other contracts at the end of the year.
Commissioner Jackson stated that he would like the HSWAC Committee to bring back to the Commission a prioritized list of what flooding fixes the City may need and the Commission could then in turn restrict a certain amount of funds each year for the next five years. This would enable Hurstbourne to go to MSD, stating that the City could participate with them on certain projects; using the proposed participation as leverage to move forward on the designated projects. City Attorney Singler added that the formula of matching funds with MSD on certain projects has worked for other cities in the past.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
No report.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
City Engineer Crumpton reported that he and C. A. O. Jim Leidgen are working on funding applications with Metro Council Member Marilyn Parker and should be discussed at the next Commission meeting.
The sidewalk repair on Croydon Circle will be completed this week along with a small curb repair job located at city hall. In addition, the 2017 preliminary tax bills from the PVA have arrived and soon be reviewed.
Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch at 6:19 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.