April 12, 2016
4:30 PM
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present:Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Rusty Wells, Commissioner
Absent: Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Others John Singler, City Attorney
Present: Chris Crumpton, City Engineeer Faye Tanner, Recording Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
There were no guests in attendance.
There were a number of changes by the Commission to the distributed minutes of the regular meeting of March 22, 2016.  Commissioner Wells made the motion to approve those minutes after those changes are made; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson.  Motion carried unanimously.
No Business Items.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
There has been no action on the Leicester Circle lawsuit.
There has been a response to the letter sent to the homeowner where there is a tent and an excessive amount of trees and other landscaping.
The high-speed fiber optic internet agreement has still not been finalized by Louisville Metro.
Attorney Singler will check on the transfer of the property at South Lyndon Lane and Oxmoor Woods Parkway at Christian Way.
The Commission is waiting to hear whether the state budget will provide funds for constructing the sound barrier wall.
Attorney Singler had been asked to draft an ordinance to change the time of the Commission meetings but has since been asked to not draft the ordinance.
CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT – Engineer Crumpton
Engineer Crumpton brought the Commission up-to-date on various matters during the Public Works Report.
Mr. Leidgen presented his C.A.O. Management Report.
C.A.O. Leidgen previously extended requests to bid the project of replacing all of the windows at City Hall. Only four companies responded and only two bids were submitted. There was a $10 difference between the two bids.  After discussion Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to award the contract for the amount of $19,715 to W.R. Cole & Associates; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
C.A.O. Leidgen reported to the Commission that if any change is to be made in the Commissioners’ compensation it should be done before May first of this year.  It was further explained that elected officials may not increase the compensation for those individuals currently in office, but may do so for those who will be serving during the next term.  He had asked Attorney Singler to prepare an ordinance for the Commission to consider which would set their compensation at $683 per month; effective January, 2017. It was also noted that the proposed change would not affect the Mayor as her term does not expire until December 31, 2019. After discussion, C.A.O Leidgen was instructed to obtain compensation of other like Cities for comparison purposes. Leidgen offered to poll other KY Cities and return to the next meeting with results of that survey. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve first reading of Ordinance 16-04; Series 2016, An Ordinance relating to fixing the compensation of elected and appointed officials of the City of Hurstbourne. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Schneider
To a question from Mayor Schneider, Commissioner Jackson said he is working on the contract for the new leasing agent for the offices in the City Hall building.
Mayor Schneider, Commissioners Jackson and Wells, and C.A.O. Leidgen attended the Wessex Place Homeowners’ Association meeting on April 11.
Norb Hancock had attended a recent Commission meeting requesting additional police coverage, and the police have responded and are monitoring the speed of vehicles in that area.  The Blacketer Company had also made a presentation regarding their proposal to develop the tennis court area into additional condominiums.  A definite answer has not been given to their request for an easement from the adjacent church property.
Mayor Schneider, Commissioner Wagner, and C.A.O. Leidgen and the office staff met to discuss new landscaping plans for City Hall.  C.A.O. Leidgen presented a detailed schematic of the plan.  He had received an estimate of $19,500 for this work.  Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve this expenditure in an amount not to exceed $19,500; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch.  Motion carried unanimously.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells
Commissioner Wells reported that he and Engineer Crumpton are aware of the pavement cracking that is occurring on some of the City’s streets.  At this point they are not sure if it is caused by the subsurface grade, abnormal moisture/flooding, or if the project was inferior.  Seal coating may be an option in the future to try to prevent eventual potholes.  Commissioner Wells and Mr. Crumpton will look into the possibility of purchasing a higher quality but more expensive product.
There was concern expressed that the City has still not heard from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet regarding the proposed entrance at Linn Station.  The City made revisions based on their recommendations but has not received a response from them.  It was decided that C.A.O Leidgen was to send a letter on behalf of the Mayor and Commission regarding the issue and requesting another meeting with decision makers of KYTC District 5 Office. The letter is to be copied to State Senator, Julie Raque Adams, State Rep. Phil Moffett and Secretary of the Governor’s Cabinet, Scott Brinkman.
There was discussion about the proposed Linn Station entrance, and the Commissioners agreed on a design for that entrance.
Commissioner Wells, C.A.O. Leidgen and Engineer Crumpton will be meeting with MSD officials on April 13, and they will report back at the next Commission meeting.
There was discussion about the sidewalk shaving process; Commissioner Wells will get cost estimates.
Mr. Crumpton said he has a revised design for the Hurstbourne Country Club retention basin which they requested.  The new design will reduce the basin volume but should still be sufficient.  He will obtain a new estimate for this work.
The seal coating, striping and crack filler will be completed at the City Hall parking lot after the dumpster pad is constructed.
Commissioner Wells went through some of the suggested policies for installation or removal of speed humps.  One of the suggested policies is that a percentage of the cost for installation/removal would be paid for by those residents requesting the installation/ removal.  Mayor Schneider asked that Julie Raque Adams be kept informed of any movement in this process.  It was decided to table this issue until a later date.  April 16 is Junk Pick-up Day, and the City-wide yard sale will be on June 10-11.  Commissioner Wells and C.A.O. Leidgen will work out the details for the picnic.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
There had been a recent break-in in the City, but Commissioner Hubbuch emphasized that this appeared to be an isolated incident.
Commissioner Jackson referred to the Kentucky League of Cities meeting to be held in Louisville and said he thought it was important for Hurstbourne to be involved.  Anyone planning to attend should contact C.A.O. Leidgen.
Commissioner Jackson expressed concern that Hurstbourne does not seem to be recognized locally as a viable entity.  Television stations and newspapers sometime mistakenly refer to incidents in the City as being in adjacent cities.  C.A.O. Leidgen will draft a letter to each station asking that they acknowledge incidents or weather in the City of Hurstbourne.
Commissioner Jackson is working on the real estate contract for the City Hall building.
The shredding project went well.
The Oxmoor Woods Residents’ Association will meet on April 27 at 6:30 p.m.
Junk Pick-up Day is April 16.
At 6:10 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.