SEPTEMBER 13, 2022

MayorMasick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.


C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Mary Masick, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner

Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
George Stewart, Code Enforcement Officer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.

Mayor Masick welcomed the newly appointed Chief Administrative Officer, Tyler Johnson.

Bob and Tari Myers, 304 Canton Court, addressed the Commission regarding the violations occurring next door to them. Mr. Myers discussed a long list of problems and Code Enforcement Officer George Stewart addressed the latest issues and the current notices that had been sent to the homeowner. Mayor Masick stated that she along with Commissioner Hancock, City Attorney Singler and Code Enforcement Officer Stewart will meet to form a plan of action.

Jeff Hurst, 9211 Seaton Springs Parkway, addressed the Commission regarding speeding and potential resolutions.

Carmen Mathis, 9221 Marlboro Court, addressed the Commission and reported that two vehicles were recently stolen from her driveway.


With some minor changes, the August 23, 2022 amended minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Wagner made a motion for approval and her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.


Mayor Masick welcomed Tyler Johnson and stated she looked forward to working with him. She explained at future meetings he will give updates and will represent the City as one voice. In the interim, City Treasurer Mike Rhodes reported that a garage permit at 403 Edinburgh Place had been approved by City Engineer Crumpton. He stated a complaint for creek side clearing had been called in for Nottingham and in addition, the other side of the street had registered a complaint for clearing on their side.

Mr. Rhodes stated there needs to be a new formulation for a Code Enforcement Board and that Mike Bewley has agreed to serve again. City Attorney Singler added there needs to be three people plus two alternates. After some discussion, several names were mentioned to contact to see if there was an interest in serving.

No report. Mayor Masick stated that October 8, 2022 has been chosen to be the second citywide Junk Day and notifications will be mailed to the citizens.

No report. Mr. Jackson did thank City Treasurer Mike Rhodes for his role as Acting City Clerk and the additional work that Mayor Masick performed.

Commissioner Jackson presented for discussion delayed invoices from the Information Technician that services the City’s computer needs. After much discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to pay the invoices submitted for years 2016-2021 in the amount of $3330.00 by Dynamiq. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.

 PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell distributed and reviewed the August 2022 police report. There was additional discussion about police issuing warnings verses citations.

PUBIC WORKS – Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner deferred her report to City Engineer Crumpton. Mr. Crumpton reported that he and C. A. O. Johnson met with four contractors at a pre-bid meeting regarding the annual paving work. In order to clarify the American Rescue Plan Act funding, they handed out guidelines for procurement. The bid opening is scheduled for Monday, September 19, 2022, and the award letter will be presented at the following Commissioner’s meeting September 27, 2022.

Mr. Crumpton reported the first meeting with Lowe Elementary and the Jefferson County Public Schools engineers went very well, and they were very complimentary regarding the sidewalk grant. After the meeting, they walked the site together and answered their questions. The next step is to submit detailed plans for approval from different agencies.

The field survey regarding the City catch basins is nearly completed and the summary will be presented to the Commission. The map will illustrate which catch basins need repair or replacement.

MSD has agreed to meet to discuss the 50/50 cost share with APRA funds regarding additional stormwater projects. City Attorney Singler has prepared the standard agreement which will be reviewed by MSD.

Mr. Crumpton reported there will be a meeting next week with the Hurstbourne Country Club because the board has asked for additional details. He stated he has worked on cost analysis and construction timeframe for the upcoming meeting.

The Hurstbourne Stormwater Advisory Committee should meet to discuss the Nottingham and Paddington stormwater project. He added the Seaton Springs creek reclamation project has a new contact at MSD and they will be assisting him with updates.

Commissioner Wagner added that the Tree Canopy Program was a success. Andrea Hanlon, City Horticulturist, will be reviewing some landscaping in the City.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
Mr. Singler discussed two addresses which were sent notices for cleanup and liens. This cost is in regards to the abatement of the nuisance ordinance which was filed against the properties.

On Blairwood, the chronic nuisance was used to deal with criminal activity at the hotels. After a review of the calls for service, two hotels had calls which indicated there were not in compliance. The hotels were sent notices and requested to contact the City, and as of today there has been no response. The next step is enforcement board action.

Mr. Singler reported about a residence on Leicester which has ongoing litigation and George Stewart, Code Enforcement Officer, has scheduled pictures every 10 days to document the progress of the violations or compliance.

Additionally, Mr. Singler will present a revised edition of the City’s parking ordinance for the Commission to review and discuss.

No further report.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Rhodes
Mr. Rhodes discussed the annual allocated funds of $100,000 for the Storm Water Account. After some discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to allocate $100,000 for the fiscal year 2022 restricted to the Storm Water funds. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.

In addition, Mr. Rhodes reported there will be some certificate of deposits that will be maturing, and the local banks are offering the same rates. Commissioner Jackson stated the Finance Committee will be meeting to discuss the possible purchase of Treasury bills and will report to the Commission at a future meeting.

At 6:01 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.

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Mayor Mary Masick                                     Tyler Johnson,City Clerk