OCTOBER 25, 2022 

 Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnsonconducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

 Present: Mary Masick, Mayor
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Ben Jackson,Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner

Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary                  

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.

City of Hurstbourne residents Jamie Gatti, Susie Letourneau, Eric Carrico, and Rob Cissell addressed the Commission regarding their concerns on Oxmoor Woods Parkway. Mr. Cissell represented the Oxmoor Woods Homeowner’s Association and stated that in the past six months two brick mailboxes were hit and destroyed, debris is thrown in their yards, loud music and obscenities are often heard.  In addition, he witnesses many speeders that do not obey the stop signs. Another concern expressed were the potential problems that may occur when Top Golf opens and the increase in traffic in their area.

Mayor Masick stated when Top Gold opens there is a plan designed for four to six weeks of additional hours of police patrol. This will include the late hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with extra staff from the Lyndon Police Department. 

Guest speaker Chief of Police Grady Throneberryaddressed the Commission and audience explaining police duties that the City of Hurstbourne receives from the Lyndon Police Department.  The benefits and statistics he noted were numerous illustrating the ongoing police activities and procedures throughout the City on a daily basis.

There was much interactionbetween Chief Throneberry and the residents regarding the data he providedinvolving the topic of speeding. Mr. Cissell asked the Commission what will be done to assure that Oxmoor Woods Parkway is given protection. Again, Mayor Masick assured Mr. Cissell and all citizens of Hurstbourne that a plan has been created and the Top Golf area will be monitored when itopens. She assured him that this is the baseline for police patrol for the initial opening of Top Golf and only time will tell if the schedule requires adjusting. Mayor Masick added that the City delivers services for all of the citizens of Hurstbourne fairly and equally.She thanked the audience for attending and invited them to return for future meetings.

 Guest Ebert Haegele addressed the Commission regarding his campaign for Circuit Court Judge in the upcoming 2022 election.



The October 11,2022minutes were presented for approval.Commissioner Wagnermade a motion for approvaland her motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously. 

MUNICIPAL ORDER 22-26—Relating to Check Register Approvals for September 2022.
After some minor inquiries, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve MO 22-26 with the understanding the resident’s name is to appear on the report rather than the property identification number. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson—Management Report
C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported that due to the weather the street paving should be completed by the end of the week. He added that he had received calls regarding chunks of asphalt on the curbs and it will be removed prior to the completion of paving.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported the snow removal, mowing, landscaping, chemical treatment, and turf bid package was advertised. There were four companies that responded, and they have until November 4, 2022 at 10 a.m. to submit a sealed bid. The awarded bid will be submitted for approval at the November 8, 2022 Commission meeting. He added that an AT&T open fiber project will begin on Whittington. In addition, the installation of four Flock cameras began today. The fifth camera on Christian Way is delayed until Louisville Metro gives approval.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported there was no longer an interest from the last inquirers to lease the upstairs office at City Hall.


Mayor Masickencouraged everyone to get out and vote on November 8, 2022.

No report.

No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
No report.

PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
No report.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney John Singlerdistributedto the Commission an attachment to review concerning updates to the City’s parking ordinance. In addition, he discussed his concerns regarding the implementation of an ordinance regarding security alarm systems. He stated the topic will be discussed at a future meeting.

In City Engineer Crumpton’s absence, C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson gave his report. He stated that Mr. Crumpton has scheduled a meeting with MSD to review the proposed plan that Hurstbourne Country Club presented. Also, Mr. Crumpton will be scheduling a meeting with Louisville Metro for the Communities Facilities review for the Lowe Elementary plan regarding the Safe Routes to School grant project.

No further actions were taken. 

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
No report.

At 6:34p.m. Commissioner Jacksonmade the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by CommissionerLeavell. Motion carried unanimously.


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Mayor Mary Masick                                     Tyler Johnson, City Clerk