NOVEMBER 8, 2022

MayorMasick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnsonconducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Mary Masick, Mayor
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Ben Jackson,Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner

Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Andrea Hanlon, City Horticulturist
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary                   

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.

No guests were present.


The October 25,2022minutes were presented for approval.Commissioner Wagnermade a motion for approvaland her motion was and was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously. 

 C. A. O. Tyler Johnson—Management Report
C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported that four Flock cameras had been installed and the fifth camera is still awaitinga permit being processedfrom Louisville Metro. The invoice will not be paid until all cameras are installed. He reported that a watermain break occurred on Seaton Springs and Leicester and is in the process of being repaired. He stressed the problem is not the City’s irrigation system.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported the street paving is completed and the striping will soon begin. He added that the auditors had begun their work and should be completed by the end of the year. The signs for the street closure on Egham Road have been ordered and will be installedwhen the brush has been cleared. Also, he will provide an Octoberpolice activity report at the next meeting illustrating their service callsthroughout the City.He added thatCity Hall will be closed on Veteran’s Day November 11, 2022.

 C. A. O. Tyler Johnson discussed the three bids for fiveseparate services opened on Friday, November 4, 2022, and the cost increase was noted. City Horticulturist Andrea Hanlon was in attendance and provided her knowledge and input concerning the bidders, the cost increases, and the work ethics of some of the companies. She stated she is an independent consultant and could supply a list of other companies for future bids. After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Masick and the Commission thanked Andrea Hanlon for attending and appreciated her valuable input on the bid.

After much discussion and consideration, Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve Bramer Brothers for the LandscapeGardener services contract. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve Pro-Turf for Chemical Treatment Services contract. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve Pro-Turf for Turf Mowing and Chemical Treatments contract.   Commissioner Jackson seconded her motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept Pro-Turf for Irrigation Services contract. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept Pro-Turf for approximately one-half of the City of Hurstbourne for Snow Removal contract. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept Bramer Brothers for approximately one-half of the City of Hurstbourne for Snow Removal contract. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.  


Mayor Masick reported that she and C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson, along with the managers of Top Golf,took a tour of the facility and they were very impressed. She reported they have hired over 500 staff and their hours are Sunday through Thursday 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. through 12 p.m. She added that bartenders at Top Golf are trained to monitor the customers who may be overserved. The last call for drinks will be a half hour before closing and all clients will be gone by the closing hour. C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson added that Top Golf is encouraging the clients to use the Shelbyville Road exit. Mayor Masick stated she was pleased with their open communication with Top Golf.  


No report.

Commissioner Jackson addressed the proper procedure for those residents that are due a property tax refund check and C.A.O. Johnson agreed.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell reviewed the October police activity report. He stated there were ten warnings and two citations given.  In addition, there were twenty-seven stops on Blairwood, three at Circle-K, and six on Whittington.     

PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner deferred her report to City Engineer Chris Crumpton. He reported that Lawrence and Associates are continuing the concrete work on the sidewalks and curbs with weather permitting. He stated he met with MSD regarding the Hurstbourne County Club basins, and he expressed concerns about their downstream wall. 

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney John Singlerdistributedto the Commission for discussion and reviewOrdinance 22-07, ANORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKING. There was much discussion concerning updates to the City’s parking ordinance. In section 72.06 of the ordinance, the change involving the current street parking allowance for seven days and the time changes to 24 hours. If the residents should leave the vehicle for three days after the vehicle is marked, it will be towed.

In section 72.09 of the ordinance, any rental property owner who repeatedly fails to prevent parking violations at their rental property shall also be responsible for paying the parking violation fines of their tenants.

In section72.20 of the ordinance, all police officers, and the City Code Enforcement Officer, are empowered to authorize the impoundment of a vehicle violating vehicle-related ordinances after a citation has been issued.

In section 72.99 of the ordinance, the City may enforce violations of the provisions of this Chapter as criminal, civil or abatement actions. The Civil fines can range of no less than $100 and no more than $500 daily.

After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Wagner made a motion for introduction and first reading of Ordinance 22-07, Series 2022. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.

Due to the holidays, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to postpone the second Commissionermeeting in November. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously. 

Attorney Singler stated a Code Enforcement Board is needed. The board is consisted of a chairman, two members, and three alternates. C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson stated he had spoken with six residents who were interested in serving and that Mike Bewley agreed to serve as chairman.  Other residents that were interested were Chris Leahy, Phil Cooper, Bob Meyer, Andrea Uptain, and Chris Dickinson. Mr. Singler stated for the minutes in order to clarify so there is no conflict, and that the Commission complied with the Ethics rule, no Commissioner related to a Code Enforcement Board member are permitted to vote for their appointment to the committee. After some discussion, Mr. Singler stated the members’ terms oflength on the committee will be documented in a municipal order in the December meeting.

City Engineer Crumptonhad no further report.

No further actions were taken. 

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
No report.

At 5:54 p.m. Commissioner Jacksonmade the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by CommissionerWagner. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Mary Masick 
Tyler Johnson, City Clerk