MAY 14, 2024

Mayor Mary Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Mary Masick, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner  
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Marc Norton, Commissioner
Chris Leahy, Commissioner

Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.  

Edward Burke, a Hurstbourne resident, was present.


The April 23, 2024 minutes were presented for approval. With a minor correction, Commissioner Norton made a motion for approval of the minutes and his motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson—Management Report
C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported the power-washing of the Oxmoor Woods entrances was completed last week. The next phase of the project is to paint the Oxmoor Woods lettering in black gloss paint.

Mr. Johnson reported he will be meeting with B-Sign Group to discuss a monument which will contain advertising signage for the tenants at City Hall.  He stated he will seek their advice on the placement of the sign for better visibility. In addition, he reported that Kelly Rowan  will not be renewing their office lease in May 2024.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson stated after the second letter was mailed to the residents regarding the new City directory, one-hundred and two residents did not reply. He added that the City-wide yard sale is this weekend, and the announcement signs were placed at the City entrances.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson introduced two contracts between Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District and the City of Hurstbourne which involves 501 Seaton Springs Court Bank Repair Project and the Wessex Place Drainage Improvement Project. These contracts are a cost-sharing agreement between the two parties.

City Attorney John Singler stated that changes were made in section (2) quoting that the City of Hurstbourne shall be responsible for reimbursing MSD 50% of the estimated costs up to a maximum of a lump sum contribution of $100,000. In section (3), the project will be substantially completed 120 days after the signature of this agreement with MSD.

After some discussion, Commissioner Leavell made a motion to approve both contracts with MSD.  His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Masick asked if the residents affected by the work will be notified of these projects.  C. A. O. Johnson replied he will confer with City Engineer Crumpton on the project deadline, and he will give the residents a month’s notice prior to the beginning of the work.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnson presented for discussion the City of Hurstbourne City Office Rental Policies. After some discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve the policy as amended and to be amended to include a determined square footage that would qualify a tenant to be able to apply signage to the building and to include that a tenant would be responsible for damage that might occur when removing signage from the City Hall building. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.

Lastly, Mr. Johnson discussed the American Rescue Plan Act funds history.   The Commission agreed to spend the remaining funds of $309,000 on road paving.  This amount is to be obligated by December 31, 2024. 


Mayor Masick reported that June 13, 2024 is Jefferson County League of Cities “City Night” at the Louisville Bats game. The fee is $25 each and the City will be paying for those Commissioners that are interested in attending along with their spouses. There will be a flyer sent with details, and those that want to attend can contact City Hall. The current President of JCLC will throw the first pitch.

Mayor Masick introduced a Memorandum of Understanding which describes the methods of emergency management should the City of Hurstbourne experience a catastrophic event and need assistance from Louisville Metro. City Attorney John Singler further explained this agreement would allow the City to call upon Metro for assistance in common emergencies.  As an example, the City of Hurstbourne can access Metro personnel to use their contractors at their rate for clean-up; however, the billing would revert to the City.  This understanding is a 30-day termination with written notice.

After additional discussion, Commissioner Norton made a motion for approval of the Memorandum of Understanding. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leahy. Motion carried unanimously.     

PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Norton
Commissioner Norton reviewed the April police activity report. He stated that he, Mayor Masick, C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson, City Attorney John Singler, Lyndon Police Chief and Assistant Chief along with Rob and Drew, two residents from Oxmoor Woods met to discuss various ideas on patrolling that area.  

Commissioner Jackson introduced Hurstbourne resident Edward Burke who requested to rent an upstairs office space at City Hall. After discussing additional details and the Commission was in agreement, City Attorney Singler stated he will create a two-year lease agreement.

PUBLIC WORKS – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell had no report.

Commissioner Leahy had no report. 

City Engineer Chris Crumpton was absent; therefore, there was no report.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney John Singler reported a citizen had requested that interest be forgiven on two properties if they pay the full amount in fines.  After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Masick made a motion to waive 50% of the interest on the penalties if they are paid within seven to ten days.  Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson.  Motion carried unanimously.

City Attorney Singler reported that an insurance claim on the Chadwick and Shelbyville Road wall was filed in 2023.  He added there has been no update on the status of the claim since February 2024.

Lastly, Mr. Singler distributed old files illustrating that NTS relinquished responsibility of the roadway, lights, and the signature wall in Oxmoor Woods to the City of Hurstbourne.  A municipal order was created for Oxmoor Woods to review before its reading and passage at the next Commission meeting.       

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
City Treasurer Mike Rhodes thanked the Commission for their well wishes during his absence.  He reported that he had reviewed the budget which will have its first reading at the next meeting.   

No further actions were taken. 

Prior to adjournment, guest Edward Burke along with the Commission discussed updating the building codes in the City.  City Attorney Singler stated he will compile the latest information on building standards for the Commission’s review. 

At 5:38 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Mary Masick
Tyler Johnson, City Clerk