MARCH 28, 2017
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present:Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present:John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Schneider.
Mr. Edward W. Schadt of 9201 Whitegate Court, complimented the Commissioners on their successful efforts in governing the city. He did, however, make some suggestions such as conducting a Town Hall forum where residents could voice their concerns. In addition, he asked not to be included in the city directory and stated that theft identity could result from such a publication. He added that police presence appears to be down. Also, he gave some addresses where curbs and gutters were crumbling. After much discussion by the Commissioners, they thanked Mr. Schadt for coming and making them aware of these issues. C. A. O. Jim Leidgen assured Mr. Schadt that he would address the curb issues and invited him to call with any additional concerns.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 2017; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 17-20 relating to Check Register Approvals for February, 2017 was placed on the table for discussion. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve MO 17-20; his motion seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Committee Reports
There were no committee reports on HSWAC or Road Closures. However, Commissioner Jackson reported that the Investment Committee had just convened prior to the Commission Meeting. A certificate of deposit in the amount of $245,000 will mature on March 31, 2017. The committee recommended that the $245,000 should be reinvested in a FDIC insured certificate for nine months at a rate of one percent. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for the approval of this investment; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously. The subject of the property tax bills mailing date was discussed at length. However, since the preliminary file of the current year assessments are to be distributed to the City by the PVA in late April, no action was taken at this time.
Mayor Schneider reported that Tony Parrott, of the Metropolitan Sewer District, will be at the April 11, 2017 Commission Meeting at 6 p.m. She asked that a notice be sent to Storm Water Committee members.
Mayor Schneider also mentioned that Louisville Mayor Fischer is suing the state over HB 246 plus all 82 cities in Jefferson County along with Kentucky League of Cities and the solid waste haulers. City Attorney Singler explained that the suit was filed against the state and those that placed new members to the 109 board. Jefferson County Cities are also included in the suit as interested parties. He added that he will submit updates as they occur.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
Commissioner Hancock reported that he drives daily in the city and complimented the police regarding their coverage. He stated that the police are issuing warnings and tickets for speeding.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that a city-wide yard sale is proposed for June 10, 2017 and the junk pick-up date is set for Saturday, April 15, 2017. Concerning the Linn Station entrance, plans are to complete the fence painting, clean the brick and add landscaping before mid-April. The medians are being landscaped with mulch, flowers and bushes; all scheduled to be completed before Derby. The process for determining tree locations is ongoing. Commissioner Hubbuch and C. A. O. Jim Leidgen will place stakes on the north or northwest side of medians marking probable the sites of future tree plantings. He requested of the Commission that if anyone has any suggestions regarding the placement of trees, contact Mr. Leidgen.
A question was asked about ongoing tree removals, plantings and general landscaping; more specifically how Horticulturist, Andrea Hanlon was involved in these projects. Commissioner Hubbuch reported that Ms. Hanlon’s contract with the City had expired. He further explained that during contract negotiations, the option of an hourly rate of pay was presented to Hanlon vs. the current monthly fixed retainer amounting to approximately $20,000 per year and $2,000 for annual tree hazard inventory work. She did not agree to the terms of the proposed contract.
Commissioner Hubbuch also stated that that there was a duplication of responsibilities already provided by the Landscape Contractor, Turf Mowing Contractor, Chemicals Contractor and Irrigation Contractor that was not needed.
Mayor Schneider questioned why the proposed change did not come before the full Commission before it was presented to Hanlon as it should have been a decision voted upon by the Commission. Commissioner Wagner also expressed her concerns regarding the decision making process as well as the quality and integrity of the landscape management of the City. After some additional discussion it was suggested that all changes or new projects of any kind be brought before the Commission in the future.
A request to Metro Council Member, Marilyn Parker, for funding of what would be the City’s final phase of the A. D. A. / Sidewalks-Ramps Compliance Project is being prepared for presentation. The city is nearly in full compliance with the A. D. A. sidewalks mandate.
The Lowe Elementary principal stated that the school leadership group has decided they will no longer host a picnic and wellness event in this year. He thanked the City of Hurstbourne for past partnerships, but stated that they will go in a different direction. Mr. Hubbuch reported that he will present details of the proposed 2017 city-wide picnic at a future meeting.
Lastly, concerning the Oxmoor Woods Phase 2 irrigation project, Bramer Brothers removed rock and debris from the sides of the medians exposed by the laying of irrigation pipes. New Sod has been placed in all exposed areas.
City Engineer Crumpton added that the 2017 request for discretionary funds from Metro Council Marilyn Parker will be $30,000. This amount will be used to finalize sidewalk and handicap improvements.
Commissioner Jackson reported there will be an Oxmoor Woods Association meeting on April 25, 2017 at 6:30 which immediately follows the Commission Meeting.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
City Attorney Singler presented a draft letter to the Jefferson Development Group which will include an invoice. With a few minor suggestions, the letter was approved for mailing.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
No report.
C.A.O. Jim Leidgen distributed the C. A. O. Management Report. Mr. Leidgen announced that the shredding date for the residents is Saturday, April 1, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. until noon.
Mr. Leidgen stated that the Vining’s Apartments have requested another 60 days to display their rental banners. This would require a variance from the city. After much discussion, Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to decline their request; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to adjourn at 6:09 p.m. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.