JUNE 22, 2021
Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
C.A.O. Jim Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Mary Masick, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norbert Hancock, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Others Present:
Jim Leidgen, City Administrative Officer
John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary
The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.
Ms. Jennifer De Hope, a resident at 501 Seaton Springs Court, addressed the Commission and asked for an update on the creek restoration behind her home. City Engineer Chris Crumpton replied that the next phase of the project is to file for approval with the State of Kentucky.
The June 8, 2021 minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Wagner made a motion for approval of the minutes and her motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Leidgen reviewed his management report and stated under General Government that all required applications have been finalized in order to gain allocations from the American Rescue Plan. He discussed a potential short-term lease of Suite 204 D by an interested party that is moving to Louisville. After some discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to enter a short-term lease with JiangIP, LLC for three months with the option to extend the term month-to-month for an additional nine months. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
He noted that some of the landscaping at City Hall is being replaced with boxwoods due to salt damage to the previous bushes.
Mr. Leidgen discussed the resumes that had been submitted for the Financial Assistant position. After some discussion, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to retain Trisha Sikkema, from June 30, 2021, on a month-to- month basis for up to an additional six months or until the position could be filled. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Under Public Works, he stated that Andrea Hanlon, City Horticulturist, had inspected the bridle path and has made some recommendations. Also, the Cheshire Way drainage project is 80-90% completed and City Engineer Chris Crumpton reported he is working with a resident’s request on the grading
In Public Safety issues, Mr. Leidgen has spoken with former Commissioner Rod Brown who resides in Inverness. Mr. Brown has requested additional police patrolling due to some suspicious activity on Blairwood Road which is located behind them. Mr. Leidgen also discussed additional signage requested from the Wessex Place Townhomes HOA. He will send an email to each Commissioner with sign examples for their review and approval.
Under Code Enforcement, Mr. Leidgen reviewed the 2021Hurstbourne Open Complaints /Violations report and discussed each level of the violations. There was a lengthy discussion about the Nottingham Parkway, Canton Court and Paddington Drive areas where residents had complained about slow water drainage and the Commission decided to meet with the residents to discuss their concerns. The Stormwater Committee will then take their concerns and try to devise a possible solution. Mr. Leidgen will contact those residents involved and set a time that is convenient for all to meet.
Mr. Leidgen reported that AT&T had contacted him regarding a permit for phase three of their fiber optics installation. This would involve the areas Colonel Anderson Parkway, South Lyndon Lane and Nottingham Parkway and would impact 485 homes. Commissioner Wagner suggested he contact those residents well before installations to make them aware of the upcoming work.
Commissioner Hancock reported that Panera Bread will be paying for the damage caused to the wall at Wessex Place since it was an employee who destroyed it. Mr. Hancock agreed to paint it.
Municipal Order 21-23—Relating to Check Register Approvals for May 2021. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve MO 21-23. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Masick stated there needs to be a meeting to discuss the September City picnic and she would head a committee with Commissioner Jackson and C.A.O Leidgen. The plans and estimated cost will be presented to the Commission for approval at the next meeting
No report.
No report
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
No report
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner distributed field reports for May and June 2021 from Andrea Hanlon, City Horticulturist. She asked the Commission to review the reports to see how Ms. Hanlon is so detailed and how beautiful the City looks because of her diligent work. Mayor Masick stated she had received many compliments on the City’s appearance and ask that Ms. Hanlon’s work be recognized in the newsletter.
City Engineer Chris Crumpton reported that the thermoplastic arrows that are to be placed at specific intersections are still back ordered. He discussed several locations throughout the City that need to be repaved. He stated that he should have a final list prepared at the next meeting with detailed evaluations.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney Singler stated that a lawsuit had been filed on a property on Leicester to collect code enforcement liens and to bring the property into compliance.
No report.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
Mr. Rhodes reported that as of June 22, 2021, the operating cash is $180,000. In the Kentucky League of Cities Investment Funds there is a balance of $380,000 with an unrealized gain of $4800. Year to date the city is running $137,000 favorable to budget.
At 5:53 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.