January 9, 2018
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
Mr. Mike Davidson, 9540 Wessex Place, expressed his concern regarding the widening of Hurstbourne Lane. He asked the Commission to consider the greater good of the community by closing the medium which would result in less traffic accidents. Mayor Schneider responded that the widening project had been placed on hold by the state, but his concerns would be expressed at future meetings. Secondly, Mr. Davidson requested that the Vining’s Apartments be held in compliance with the City’s binding elements such as the lighting and the existing banner on the building. C. A. O. Jim Leidgen responded that he will be following up with Mr. Kevin Cogan regarding those issues.
Mr. Joe Fallon, 908 Oxmoor Woods Parkway, thanked the Committee for closing off Stamford. He asked what the City is planning to place at the end of the street. City Engineer Chris Crumpton replied that six by six wooden posts with red and black reflectors is the current plan. In addition, Mr. Fallon asked about the authorization form he signed regarding the 3-foot section from the centerline of the road. City Attorney John Singler clarified the process and required steps needed to officially close the road. He also explained that the street has not been legally closed yet and it is very early in the process.
With a couple of minor changes, Commissioner Jackson made the motion that the minutes of the December 12, 2017 regular meeting be approved as distributed to the Commission. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner; motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Schneider discussed the procedure for election of department supervisors. She added that the Commissioners could express their interest in serving in a certain City Department and they can make their presentations as to why they are best suited for that division prior to the voting.
Municipal Order 18-01 Designation of Mayor Pro-Tem was distributed to the Commission. Commissioners Hancock, Hubbuch, Jackson and Wagner were interested in serving as Mayor Pro-Tem. After presentations given by each followed by votes cast, Commissioner Jackson was elected. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to approve MO 18-01; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-02 Appointment of Superintendents for City Departments was distributed to the Commission. After presentations given by each followed by votes cast, Commissioner Jackson was elected as superintendent of General Government, Commissioner Hubbuch was elected as superintendent of Public Works, Commissioner Hancock was elected as superintendent of Public Safety and Commissioner Wagner was elected as superintendent of Sanitation/Code Enforcement. All superintendents shall serve for the Calendar Year 2018. Commissioner Jackson then made the motion to approve MO 18-02; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-03 Appointment of One Additional Commissioner to Investment Committee Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve Commissioner Hancock as the additional Commissioner to serve on the committee; his motion seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-04 Re-appointment of C. A. O., City Clerk, ABC Officer, Code Enforcement Officer Commissioner Jackson made a motion to re-appoint James E. Leidgen; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-05 Re-appointment of the Attorney for the City
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to re-appoint John Singler of the law firm Hodge, Singler and Ritsert; his motion seconded by Mayor Schneider. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-06 Re-appointment of the City Treasurer
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to re-appoint William H. Bennett, Jr. as City Treasurer; her motion seconded by Commissioner Hancock. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-07 Re-appointment of the City Engineer
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to re-appoint Chris Crumpton of Blue Stone Engineers, PLLC as City Engineer; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-08 Relating to Appointing Members to the Code Enforcement Board
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve MO 18-08; his motion was seconded by Mr. Hancock. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-09 Relating to the Appointment of a Member of the Board of Ethics of the City of Hurstbourne
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. Robert Rudd, 9209 Whitegate Court; his motion was seconded by Mayor Mary Schneider. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-10 Relating to the Appointment of Members to the Ad Hoc Committee Hurstbourne Storm Water Advisory Committee (HSWAC)
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to appoint Commissioner Wagner to the Ad Hoc Committee of HSWAC; his motion was seconded by Mayor Mary Schneider. The motion passed unanimously.
Municipal Order 18-11 Relating to the Appointment of Members to the City Landscaping and Plantings Committee
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve the 2018 committee for Landscaping and Plantings Committee; her motion was seconded by Mayor Mary Schneider. The motion passed by a 4-1 vote with Commissioner Hubbuch opposing.
Municipal Order 18-12 Relating to the Check Register Approvals for November, 2017.
Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve MO 18-12; his motion seconded by Commissioner Hancock. Following a brief period of questions and answers, the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson reported that a certificate of deposit has matured. He recommended to the Investment Committee to re-invest the certificate at a local bank rather than with J. P. Chase.
There was no report regarding HSWAC.
City Attorney John Singler reported that the street closings will be filed this week.
Mayor Schneider reported that the Landscape and Plantings Committee has met a couple times and will meet again this week.
In addition, she reported that she and C. A. O. Jim Leidgen will meet with a local company called “301 Marketing” regarding updating the City’s website.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
No report.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock
Commissioner Hancock discussed the process of increasing police presence in the City. He would like to see an increase in police officers and longer scheduled patrols. C. A. O. Leidgen stated that the Public Safety budget was increased from the last fiscal year. He stated that he will review year to date expenditures with the understanding to maximize off duty police coverage in the City.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
No report.
Commissioner Jackson reported that the investment/insurance service group that was interested in renting the remaining space upstairs at City Hall has decided to rent elsewhere. Their decision was based on needing a first floor rather than a second-floor office.
Commissioner Jackson reported that going out of business signs are being placed along Linn Station and need to be removed. Also, some lights are out at the South Lyndon Lane entrance in the pillars. C.A.O. Leidgen said he would follow up on those items.
In addition, he inquired about the contract expiration date with Reach-Alert. City Attorney Singler explained that it is usually an automatic renewal; however, C. A. O. Leidgen stated that he will review the terms of the contract and report back to the Commission.
Commissioner Jackson also recommended that the publication of the Hurstbourne Herald might be better served using a vendor who is able to layout the print and artwork, print copies, postmark and mail the newsletter. Leidgen stated that he would check on it.
Furthermore, Commissioner Jackson requested that C. A. O. Leidgen present the features of the new weather station, data collection and reporting system at the next meeting. He also requested that a letter be drafted and signed by Mayor Schneider to all the chief meteorologists in Louisville, both on radio and television, stating that the City is connected to their systems. Mr. Leidgen responded that we are awaiting verification that we are actually connected to them prior to sending a letter.
Commissioner Jackson reminded the Commissioners that it is time for the internal evaluation for C. A. O. Jim Leidgen and as of this date he has not received any feedback. He encouraged them to respond.
No report.
CITY ENGINEER—Chris Crumpton
City Engineer Chris Crumpton distributed renderings of a proposed apartment complex to be located on the west side of Oxmoor Lane. There will be approximately 305 apartments along with parking garages. After much discussion regarding the potential traffic impact to the City of Hurstbourne, Commissioner Wagner asked how our concerns would best be heard. C. A. O. Jim Leidgen distributed a proposal letter from Neel Shaffer, Inc. including a quote of $2400.00 to produce analysis of the related traffic study along with their qualified opinion regarding the study and potential traffic impact to Hurstbourne.
City Attorney Singler added that this review and report of the traffic study would better determine the actual traffic impact through the City and would be helpful for use in possible future development projects. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept the proposal from Neel Schaffer, Inc. as submitted; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion passed unanimously.
City Engineer Crumpton added that he planned to attend the next Louisville Planning and Zoning Committee meeting regarding the apartment complex.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
C. A. O. Leidgen distributed renderings of an apartment design to be located at the Vikings Hurstbourne Plaza site. These plans will be discussed at the next Commission meeting scheduled for January 23rd.
At 6:54 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider; motion carried unanimously.