January 27, 2015
4:30 PM
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Rusty Wells, Commissioner
Absent: Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Others Jim Leidgen, C.A.O.
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Faye Tanner, Recording Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
Paula Gilliland of 9518 Wessex Place asked if the Commission was still considering the purchase of the clubhouse at Wessex Place to be used as a City Hall building and was told that it is not under consideration.
Commissioner Wells made the motion to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2015 regular meeting of the City Commission. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Treasurer Bill Bennett presented the financial statements for the month ended December 31, 2014. To a question from Commissioner Wells, Treasurer Bennett and C.A.O. Leidgen explained the process that is used for backing up data off-site and data recovery in the event of a disaster at City Hall. Commissioner Wells then requested formal written policies and procedures be developed and implemented. Commissioner Hubbuch suggested that current procedures and policies be looked at. It also was suggested by Commissioner Hubbuch that the inventory of City-owned property be updated.
Municipal Order 15-11 Relating to Check Register Approvals for December, 2014. Commissioner Wells made the motion to approve MO 15-11. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner; Motion carried.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler distributed a copy of an ethics ordinance that was revised in another city which was based largely on the change which Metro Louisville did in response to a number of hearings that were conducted with Metro Council members. He said that Hurstbourne’s ordinance seems to be adequate, but there might be some language the Commission may wish to consider amending or adding. He also stated that if members are added to the board, term limits should be staggered. After further discussion, Commissioner Wells made the motion that the Board of Ethics be expanded to three members, and that two other individuals be appointed to staggered terms. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; Motion carried.
C.A.O. Leidgen distributed a letter from the KY Dept. for local government outlining KRS 83A.075 pertaining to allowable adjustments in compensation for elected officials for 2015 with the percentage increase over the previous twelve month period being .8.
C.A.O. Leidgen distributed a copy of a letter from the Local Government Premium Tax Division which stated that any change to the City’s insurance premium tax must be done by ordinance by March 23, 2015. He also distributed information pertaining to the past and proposed entrance projects. Mr. Leidgen presented the latest Call Traffic Log.
Mr. Leidgen distributed a rough draft of the next Hurstbourne Herald and asked for input as soon as possible as he intends to have it print ready for approval at an upcoming Commission meeting.
MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Schneider
Mayor Schneider reported that several City officials attended the City Officials Academy, and she thought it was very informative. They were each given a City Officials’ Handbook which can be used for future reference.
PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch presented a report from Kentuckiana Law Enforcement which listed the recent violations as well as year-to-date totals. There was discussion about certain areas where additional patrol might be needed. The lights on Leesgate and Wessex Place are now working.
No report.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells
Commissioner Wells reported he has met with Engineer Crumpton to discuss issues pertaining to the proposed entrances at Linn Station and Hurstbourne Lane and a possible entrance at Blairwood. He also has met with a representative of Pro-Turf to discuss snow removal and has appointments to meet with Bramer Brothers and horticulturist Andrea Hanlon.
There was a great deal of discussion about the proposed entrances at Linn Station and Hurstbourne Parkway and dialogue that had been held with officials of the church at that corner. Various design plans were distributed to determine the preference of the Commission, and Commissioner Wells said the City will communicate with the church before a final decision is made.
Commissioner Wells said some of the stop signs on Nottingham seem to be placed in incorrect locations. After discussion, and out of safety concerns at the Lowe Elementary School crosswalk, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to move the two signs located at Cheltenham and Nottingham to Oxfordshire and Nottingham with additional signs to be placed in the medians at that intersection for increased visibility. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells; motion carried.
At 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells; Motion carried.