JANUARY 12, 2021
Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and welcomed Norbert Hancock to the Board of Commissioners.
C.A.O. Jim Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Mary Masick, Mayor
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Norbert Hancock, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary
George Stewart, Code Enforcement
The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.
No guests were present.
The December 8, 2020 minutes were presented for approval. With a minor correction, Commissioner Wagner made a motion for approval of the minutes and her motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-01—Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem. Mayor Masick made a motion to re-appoint Commissioner Jackson. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-02—Appointment of Superintendents for City Departments. Commissioner Wagner made a motion for Commissioner Jackson be appointed to the General Government Department. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion for Commissioner Wagner be appointed to the Public Works Department. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion for Commissioner Leavell be appointed to the Public Safety Department. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion for Commissioner Hancock be appointed to the Sanitation/Code Enforcement Department. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve Municipal Order 21-02 as amended. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-03—Appointment of Additional Commissioner to Investment Committee. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to appoint Commissioner Leavell to serve on the Investment Committee. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-04—Relating to Re-Appointment of the City Administrative Officer/City Clerk/Alcohol Beverage Control Officer/Code Enforcement Officer. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to re-appoint Jim Leidgen to this position. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-05—Relating to the Re-Appointing of the City Attorney. Commissioner Leavell made a motion to re-appoint Attorney John Singler to this position. His motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Moton carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-06—Relating to the Re-Appointing of the City Treasurer. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to re-appoint Mike Rhodes to the position. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-07—Relating to the Re-Appointing of the City Engineer. Commissioner Leavell made a motion to re-appoint Chris Crumpton to the position. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-08—A Municipal Order Relating to Accepting a Professional Service Contract for Financial Administrative Services for the City of Hurstbourne. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to accept the contract for financial administrative services conducted by Trisha Sikkema. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-09—Relating to Accepting a Professional Service Contract for Ordinance Enforcement Services in the City of Hurstbourne. Commissioner Leavell made a motion to accept the contract of George Stewart/Louisville Code Enforcement and Mediation, LLC. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-10—Relating to the Approval for Professional Services Contract for Horticultural Consultation, Arboricultural Consultation and Landscape Management. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept a contractual agreement with Hanlon Horticultural Consultants. Her motion was seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-11—A Municipal Order Relating to the Appointment of a Member of the Board of Ethics of the City of Hurstbourne. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to re-appoint Robert Rudd. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-12—A Municipal Order Relating to the Appointment of Members to the Ad Hoc Committee Hurstbourne Storm Water Advisory Committee (HSWAC). Mayor Masick made a motion for Commissioner Wagner to be appointed to the position. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-13—Relating to Establishment of an Expense Approval Policy for the City of Hurstbourne for the Calendar Year of 2021. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to accept the Expense Approval Policy for 2021 with the revised amount of $30,000. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-14—A Municipal Order Approving the Hourly Rate for a Professional Service Contract witb the City of Graymoor-Devondale for Police Services. Commissioner Leavell made a motion to accept the rate of $50.00 per hour. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 21-15— Relating to Check Register Approvals for November 2020. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve MO 21-15. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Masick reminded the Commission, unless there is an exception, all City vendors should work through C. A. O. Jim Leidgen as the primary contact for the City. Secondly, with regards to signing checks, each Commissioner should be the first signature on their department so that can be aware of what is occurring in their departments.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
No report.
Commissioner Jackson questioned the original date of the Storm Water Account and if the expenses are being correctly deposited back into the Operating Account. City Attorney Singler suggested the Storm Water Account Ordinance should be reviewed for the date of its passage, and if the current practices of handling the funds are not in conflict as the Ordinance was created and stated. The Commission agreed that there needs to be clarification.
Commissioner Jackson reported the Finance Committee met and a certificate of deposit will mature at the end of January 2021 and another one in the middle of February 2021. Regarding the KLCIP Money Market Account, $150,00 was transferred back to the Chase Operating Account leaving $50,000 for the next investment. He also stated that when we invest the $50,000, we will transfer $50,000 back to the KLCIP from the Chase Operating Account to be prepared for the next investment opportunity. He reminded the Commission that the previously approved $500,000 was for investments with a long-term perspective. Mr. Leavell added that the idea of exploring the possibility of investing in Bond Funds that will discussed at a later date.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell distributed the December 2020 police activity report from Graymoor-Devondale and reported he has received positive input about the police visibility. He discussed the number of citations/warnings given in December. He and C. A. O. Leidgen will meet with Chief of Police Grady Throneberry to discuss future reporting and express any concerns.
No report. Commissioner Wagner stated she had enjoyed supervising this department plus the addition of George Stewart, Code Enforcement Officer.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney John Singler reported that a demand letter was written to AT&T regarding the electrical damage at Oxmoor Woods and South Lyndon and a check for the damages has been issued. In addition, he distributed a response to inquiry about homelessness in the Blairwood Business District and an ordinance for consideration and first reading will be discussed at the next Commission meeting. This ordinance states—AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POLICY FOR PEDESTRIAN AND TRAFFIC SAFETY FOR THE CITY OF HURSTBOURNE.
Mr. Crumpton welcomed Commissioner Wagner upon her return to Public Works Department. He stated that he, Commissioner Wagner, and C. A. O. Leidgen will meet to review future projects for 2021. Also, he stated that lane striping is needed in several locations in the City.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
Mr. Rhodes reported that the Operating Account balance to date is $550,000. Also, he is in the midst of completing the work on the CARES Act.
Mr. Leidgen reviewed the City of Hurstbourne Golf Cart Procedures and Permit Application. After some discussion, the Commission stated that City Attorney Singler had already reviewed and approved the application. Commissioner Wagner introduced a provision to the sign ordinance and requested Mr. Leidgen email the original sign ordinance to each Commissioner to review prior to the next Commission meeting. After some discussion, Commissioner Wagner made a motion for introduction and first reading of the new provisions. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
At 5:37 p.m. Mayor Masick made a motion to adjourn. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Mary Masick James E. Leidgen, City Clerk