JANUARY 10, 2023
Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Masick, Mayor
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Marc Norton, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Mike Rhodes, City Treasurer
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary
The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick. She wished everyone a Happy New Year.
No guests were present.
The December 13, 2022 minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Wagner made a motion for
approval and her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
The December 28, 2022 minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for
approval and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-01—Relating to Designating a Mayor Pro-Tem
Commissioner Jackson offered to retain the position. Commissioner Wagner made a motion to re-appoint
Commissioner Jackson as Mayor Pro-Tem. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion
carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-02—Relating to Appointing the Superintendents of for City Departments.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to accept the following superintendents’ assignments for the
Calendar Year 2023. General Government—Commissioner Jackson, Public Works—Commissioner
Wagner, Public Safety—Commissioner Leavell and Sanitation/Code Enforcement, Commissioner
Norton. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-03—Appointment of Additional Commissioner to Investment Committee.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to appoint Commissioner Leavell to be the additional member of
the Investment Committee. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried
Municipal Order 23-04—Relating to Re-Appointment of the City Administrator/ City
Clerk/Alcohol Beverage Control Officer/Code Enforcement Officer. Mayor Masick made a motion to
re-appoint City Administrator Tyler Johnson to the position. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner
Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-05—Relating to Re-Appointing the Attorney for the City.
Mayor Masick made a motion to re-appoint Attorney John Singler as the attorney for the City of
Hurstbourne. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-06—Relating to the re-Appointing of the City Treasurer.
Commissioner Leavell made a motion to re-appoint Mike Rhodes as City Treasurer. His motion was
seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-07—Relating to Re-Appointment the of City Engineer.
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to re-appoint Chris Crumpton as City Engineer. Her motion was
seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-08—A Municipal Order Relating to Accepting a Professional Service Contract
for Ordinance Enforcement Services in the City of Hurstbourne.
Commissioner Norton made a motion to re-appoint George Stewart/Louisville Code Enforcement and
Mediation, LLC for ordinance enforcement services. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell.
Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-09—A Municipal Order Relating to the Appointment of a Member of the
Board of Ethics of the City of Hurstbourne.
Mayor Masick made a motion to re-appoint Robert Rudd as a member of the Ethics Board and his term
shall expire on December 31, 2023. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried
Municipal Order 23-10—A Municipal Order Relating to the Appointment of Members to the Ad
Hoc Committee Hurstbourne Storm Water Advisory Committee. (HSWAC).
Mayor Masick made a motion to appoint Commissioner Wagner to the HSWAC Committee for the
calendar year 2023. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-11—Relating to Establishment of an Expense Approval Policy for the City of
Hurstbourne for the Calendar Year of 2023.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to accept the expense authorization and approval policy with
defined limits, and in full compliance with the generally accepted public accounting principles. His
motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-12–A Municipal Order relating to the Approval for Professional Services
Contract for Horticultural Consultation, Arboricultural Consultation, and Landscape
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to re-appoint Hanlon Horticultural Consultants at a monthly rate of
$1761.19 for said services. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried
Municipal Order 23-13—A Municipal Order Approving the Hourly Rate for a Professional Service
Contract with the City of Lyndon Police Department for Police Services.
Commissioner Leavell made a motion to approve the professional services of the City of Lyndon Police
Department at an hourly rate of $62.00. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion
carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 23-14—Relating to Check Register Approvals for November 2022.
Commissioner Wagner made a motion to approve MO 23-14. Her motion was seconded by
Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.
C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson—Management Report
C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported the following business activities:
-The 2023 Business Licenses have been mailed with a due date of 12/31/2022. After cross-referencing,
those businesses that are late with their payment will receive a delinquency letter.
-At the next Commission meeting, Mr. Johnson stated he will have a new personnel policy for the
Commission to review and finalize by February 2023.
-The City’s newsletter was in the process of being printed and is currently placed on the City’s website.
-The Kentucky League of Cities Official’s Academy will be held from January 18-20. Commissioner
Norton, Mayor Masick and C. A. O. Johnson will attend.
-City Hall will be closed on January 16, 2023 in the observation of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.
-The Code Enforcement Board members will be receiving a letter notifying them of the Commission’s
approval of their appointment.
-The Kentucky League of Cities issued the City a grant of $2000 to spend on cyber security. The money
will be spent on a threat detection and an off-site date backup.
Lastly, C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson stated he met with Commissioner Leavell regarding an Executive Session
at the next meeting regarding Public Safety. City Attorney Singler stated he will review if this topic
qualifies for an Executive Session and if not, it will be placed on the Regular Agenda.
Mayor Masick reported she had attended a Kentucky League of Cities meeting recently where they
discussed communications such as emails and texts used by the Commissioners that could be subject to
Open Records. C. C. A. O. Tyler Johnson will review this topic and gain additional information for future
In addition, Mayor Masick stated the City’s calendar events such as the annual yard sale, shredding date,
and junk day will be updated and placed in the newsletter.
No report. Commissioner Norton thanked the Commission for their welcoming and look forward to
working with them.
Commissioner Jackson suggested updating the Hurstbourne Directory. Commissioner Wagner suggested
issuing a copy to each of the Commissioners for review prior its publication.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell reviewed the December police activity report stating there was one warning and
three citations issued. There were one hundred seventy calls for service which equates to six visits per
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
Commissioner Wagner had no report; however, she did compliment the recent snow removal.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
No report.
City Engineer Crumpton reported the cost estimate for the wall improvements on the Hurstbourne golf
course which is downstream of the Nottingham culvert replacement is $160,000. MSD has agreed to add
this amount to the estimate of $980,000 culvert replacement which will make the total $1,140,000. This
estimate represents a 50-50 share with MSD. Mr. Crumpton stated that City Attorney Singler will create a
municipal order representing the project and the figures for the Commission.
No further actions were taken.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
No report.
At 5:17 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by
Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
_______________________ _______________________
Mayor Mary Masick Tyler Johnson, City Clerk