DECEMBER 13 2022           

MayorMasick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

C. A. O. Tyler Johnsonconducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Mary Masick, Mayor
Norb Hancock, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Ben Jackson,Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner

Others Present:
John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer

The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.

No guests were present.


The November8,2022minutes were presented for approval.Commissioner Wagnermade a motion for approvaland her motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously. 

The October Expenses were presented for approval. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval and his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.

 C. A. O. Tyler Johnson—Management Report
C. A. O. Tyler Johnson reported that the auditors have begun their work on the city’s Fiscal Year 22. The auditors have completed their field work at City Hall and will be completing the audit remotely moving forward.

C.A.O Tyler Johnson reported that 4 of the 5 Flock cameras have been installed and the Flock dashboard has been created and users can now be added. He added that the Lyndon Police Chief and Assistant Police Chief have been trained on the use of the Flock cameras through a 30-minute online training provided by Flock Safety. Commission Jackson and Commission Leavell inquired with the CAO and City Engineer Christ Crumpton on when final approval for the 5th camera would be granted by Louisville Metro. City Engineer Crumpton indicated that he would follow up with Flock and Louisville Metro again and report back to the Commission. Discussion occurred regarding the location of the camera, with City Engineer Crumpton indicating the location of the camera had already been determined.

C.A.O. Tyler Johnson reported that the city’s winter newsletter had been drafted and was ready for review by the Commission before publication.

C.A.O. Tyler Johnson reported that City Hall offices would be closed for Monday, December 26th and Tuesday, December 27th for observation of the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day holidays. The City’s December 26th Commission meeting will also be canceled because of the holiday, he reported.

C.A.O. Tyler Johnson reported that the  water leak on Seaton Spring was repaired by Louisville Water and are waiting for paving to be completed when weather allows.

Commissioner Wagner asked about the Commission swearing in date, and C.A.O. Tyler Johnson reported that the swearing in ceremony for the new Commission would be on Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.

MayorMasick made a motion to cancel the December 26th, 2022 Commission meeting due to the holiday observance. Commission Jackson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Mayor Masickreported that she had received some concerns about the lighting situation at TopGolf and would talk with C.A.O. Johnson about the reports she received. Discussion occurred regarding the city’s communication with TopGolf regarding the issue of lighting and potential mitigation efforts.

No report. Mayor Masick noted that this was Commissioner Hancock’s last meeting with the Commission. She thanked him for his time on the Commission and welcomed him back to City Hall any time.

No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell reviewed the November police activity report. He reported that after the first of the new year, he wanted to discuss the Commission’s thoughts on the police force and activity to receive feedback. He reported that Blairwood Road had 23 police calls in November. He reported 3 traffic warnings and no citations given for traffic violations.

PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Wagner
No report.

ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler
City Attorney John Singlerdistributedto the Commission for discussion and reviewMunicipal Order22-28, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD.City Attorney Singler listed the following individuals to be named to the Board: Mike Bewley, Chris Dickenson, Chris Lahey. He listed the following individuals to be named as alternates to the Board: Philip Cooper, Andrea Uptain, Bob Myer. Their appointments would fulfill the Board requirements to carry out enforcement hearings as needed. City Attorney Singler noted that Mike Bewley was listed as Chair due to his experience on the Board and having been the most consistent Member of the Board, including past Chairmanship.

Commission Jackson made a motion to adopt the municipal order, with Commission Leavell seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

City Attorney Singler presented Ordinance 22-07, ANORDINANCE RELATING TO PARKINGto the Commission for Second Reading. It was noted that changes were being made regarding towing and street parking to match Louisville Metro’s parking ordinance. Changes were also made to reflect responsibility of owners to aid in preventing parking violations at properties they own and rent out in the city limits.

Much discussion occurred regarding the rental situation in Hurstbourne. Commission Jackson asked that C.A.O. Johnson compile a complete list of rental properties in the city limits using PVA tax roll records. A letter notifying rental owners of the new parking ordinance was requested by Commissioner Jackson to inform rental owners of the changes.

After discussion around the ordinance language and enforcement policies, Mayor Masick made a motion to adopt Ordinance 22-07 as presented to the Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell and a roll call vote was conducted by C.A.O. Johnson, with Ordinance 22-07 passing unanimously.

City Attorney Singler reported findings regarding discussion surrounding the closure of a public roadway in a city. His findings included Kentucky case law, court opinions, and other legal findings regarding past attempts to close public roadways. After a lengthy presentation on the findings, Mayor Masick thanked City Attorney Singler for his work on compiling the findings and the subsequent presentation.

City Engineer Chris Crumpton updated the Commission on the traffic count study, reporting that he would follow up to get the results for the Commission.

City Engineer Crumpton reported an update on the Blairwood Road survey. His firm will be conducting a survey to find property corners, including a drone survey to present an aerial view of the property to give the city, highway district, and hotel property owners some clarity on public and private property lines.

City Engineer Crumpton reported that he was in the process of getting updates from MSD regarding ongoing and potential projects in the city, including stormwater projects and wall work at Nottingham.

City Engineer Crumpton reported that he would contact Jefferson County Public Schools to get an update on the Safe Routes to School grant project at Lowe Elementary.

No further actions were taken. 

TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Mike Rhodes
No report.

At 5:08 p.m. Commissioner Jacksonmade the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by CommissionerWagner. Motion carried unanimously.

_________________                    _______________

Mayor Mary Masick                       Tyler Johnson, City Clerk