August 23, 2016
Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order.
C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Schneider, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Rusty Wells, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Bill Bennett, City Treasurer
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Faye Tanner, Recording Secretary
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Schneider.
Commissioner Earl Hubbuch introduced Major Thomas Dreher, Division Commander of Metro Louisville Police Eighth Division.  Major Dreher reported that in the Eighth Division, there are 85 employees, including patrol officers, supervisors, detectives, and civilian clerks. The officers patrol and work to prevent crime. When a crime occurs they make every attempt to apprehend the responsible individual.  Also present were Officers White, Roney and Hamblin who explained the various areas in which they work, including crime prevention, block watch programs, and preparation for disasters.  There were a number of invited guests, including representatives from homeowners’ associations, apartments, Clubs and Businesses. C.A.O. Leidgen asked on behalf of the attendees what could be done to assist the police.  It was stressed that calls should always be made to the police when there is suspicious activity.  Don’t go into a house when it appears it may have been broken into, and always report suspicious individuals without confronting them.  There also was discussion about the most effective way to notify residents when there has been a crime or the possibility of a crime.
Commissioner Rusty Wells, who is also on the Board of the Lyndon Fire District, explained that safety and fire protection are the main concerns of that Board, but there is also the need for adequate staff and trying to balance that with the needs of the taxpayer.  He said that Chief David Howser and Major John Stich have done a magnificent job in that regard.  Chief Howser said the Lyndon Fire Department, which covers the City of Hurstbourne, started in 1950 with volunteer fire fighters, and full-time staff were hired in the early 1980’s.  He said they cover nineteen suburban cities with Hurstbourne accounting for about one-fourth of their taxing district.  He emphasized that when a call is received, the closest fire station or
truck will respond to that call.  He introduced Major Stich, who serves as Battalion Chief and Fire Marshall.  Major Stich distributed copies of their most current Operational Report, which also showed the number of runs they made and the pay scale for all employees.  In addition to the Chief and Major Stich, they have a number of volunteer fire fighters as well as 28 full-time paid response personnel and a full-time administrative assistant.  In response to a question from Commissioner Hubbuch, Major Stich said they still will make medical runs when it appears there may be a life threatening situation.
Commissioner Hubbuch then explained that the City of Hurstbourne supplements Police Officer coverage in the City by contracting with Kentuckiana Law Enforcement and using off-duty uniformed officers.  He then introduced John Aubrey, who is a retired LMPD officer and president of Kentuckiana Law Enforcement.  Mr. Aubrey explained that the officers he uses are independent contractors who work with the permission of their police departments and follow the same procedures that are used when they are on duty with those departments.  They can respond to calls that are placed to LMPD while they are on duty.  He communicates with C.A.O. Leidgen and Commissioner Hubbuch, and said the patrols can be adjusted at the request of the City. Activity Reports are provided to the City on a regular basis.
Mr. Edward Schadt of 9201 Whitegate Court explained that he is concerned with the City’s infrastructure, specifically the curbs and guttering. He said that several are crumbling and can affect the residents’ property values.  He thought the City should have a long-range plan to address these issues.  Commissioner Wells explained that the City does not have a specific long-range plan, but efforts have been made in prior years’ budgets and in the current budget to maintain sidewalks, curbs and gutters. He said he will look at the curbs and guttering to see what can be addressed.  C.A.O. Leidgen reported that the City spends approximately $40,000 each year on unscheduled maintenance, but spending a much larger sum in any single year may not be advisable since wear and tear is an ongoing problem on the eighteen miles of streets and will need to be managed each year.
After a minor correction, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 9, 2016. Commissioner Wells seconded the motion; motion carried unanimously.
No business items.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
Attorney Singler reported that a committee meeting to set goals and outline steps to be taken on the road closures is scheduled for August 31 at 1:00 p.m.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
Treasurer Bennett explained that the June 30 financials have not been released, but he expects the City will be under budget after adjustments.  He will be using one of the City’s savings accounts to resolve a cash-flow problem because the ad valorem tax bills are being sent out later than usual in order to use the PVA’s certified assessments.
CITY ENGINEER – Engineer Crumpton
Engineer Crumpton explained that he is still waiting to hear from MSD on the final wrap-up of their report and a summary of their recommended improvements in the City.
The masonry work should begin at any time on the entrance at Linn Station.
The sidewalk shaving by Precision Concrete should also begin in the near future.
Engineer Crumpton distributed the estimate for 2017 Fiscal Year street paving, which includes the south side of Whittington Parkway, Liberty Bank Lane/Blairwood Road except for the middle section which was paved last year, and Rugby Place from Seaton Springs to Ayershire.  The estimated cost is $108,927 if Kevlar Mix, which is supposed to last longer, is used.  After discussion, Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion to approve this recommended plan as presented; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Wells.  Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Crumpton presented a sign application for placement on the Vinings apartments.  It is a tall box-style sign to be mounted on the corner and affixed to the building.  Though he does not believe it violates the City’s sign ordinance for that area, but he wanted the Commission to be aware of it before any approval is given.
C.A.O. Leidgen reported he had received notice that masonry work on the Linn Station entrance should begin on Thursday or Friday of this week.
Mr. Leidgen presented a copy of the next Hurstbourne Herald, and there were a couple of additional items to be included.
There had been an incident where a motorist damaged yards, a speed hump, and a tree.  A neighbor witnessed this and reported it to C.A.O. Leidgen, who in turn contacted the police.  A report was taken and the City as well as individual residents will be filing claims for damages.  There was also a discussion about the proper method to use when notifying residents for various reasons.
C.A.O. Leidgen reported on individuals who may be interested in some of the office space in the City Hall Building.
Commissioner Jackson referred to the Hurstbourne Area Business Association which will hold a “Meet & Greet” on Monday, September 12.  Any proceeds from this event will go to the American Heart Association, which is located in Hurstbourne.  He also asked that future meetings be placed on the Commissioners’ calendars.
After discussion about C.A.O. Leidgen’s progress on the City’s Standard Operating Procedures, Mayor Schneider said she has some experience in this area and will work with him on this.
No report.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Commissioner Wells
Commissioner Wells reported he is still waiting on MSD to determine a meeting date and provide recommendations and hybrid solutions.  The next steps would include the implementation process and Hurstbourne Country Club detention basin cost estimate.
There was discussion about options for improvements to the bus stop at the Linn Station entrance.
Engineer Crumpton will go over Precision Concrete’s recommendations at the next Commission meeting.
The traffic at Lowe Elementary School is much better; however, cars are still standing at the crosswalk on Nottingham.  If this situation does not improve within the next thirty days, he will discuss the matter with Commissioner Hubbuch regarding the need for signs and/or enforcement.
The picnic will be on September 25 at Lowe Elementary School from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch said he appreciated the good turnout for tonight’s meeting and expressed his appreciation for the work done by the police and fire fighters.
No report.
No report.
Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn at 7:05 p.m.  His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch.  Motion carried unanimously.