AUGUST 11, 2020




Mayor Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.


  1. A. O. Jim Leidgen conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.

Present:            Ben Jackson, Commissioner

Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner

                        Bill Leavell, Commissioner

                          Lois Wagner, Commissioner



Present:            John Singler, City Attorney

                        Chris Crumpton, City Engineer

                        Bill Bennett, City Treasurer

Rheba Roten, Recording Secretary




The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Masick.





Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, body temperatures were taken of each guest.


Mr. George Stewart, City Code Enforcement Officer addressed the Commission regarding the property at 9001 Hurstwood Ct. where water is pooling, weed overgrowth and a large dead tree was reported. A letter was sent to the resident requesting them to develop a plan to resolve the problems. There was no response and the residents declined to attend the Commissioners’ meeting to discuss the issue due to Covid-19. The resident did say they had hired an arborist to examine the tree. Joey and Barbara Bailey also attended the meeting because they back up to the woods and distributed pictures illustrating the overgrowth. They described the drainage problem in the wooded area along and mosquitoes.  City Attorney Singler stated because it is a drainage problem, City Engineer Chris Crumpton should investigate the area and research if there was an original plan for drainage and determine how to resolve the problem in the most cost- effective way. Mr. Crumpton agreed to follow-up on the project.






With some minor changes, the July 28, 2020 amended minutes were presented for approval. Commissioner Jackson made a motion for approval and his motion was and was seconded by Commissioner Wagner. Motion carried unanimously.   






No report. 


PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch


City Engineer Chris Crumpton distributed an updated list and estimate of the street paving bid. The total was $367,455 and the bid should go out in the next two weeks. He added that the contractor who bid to clear the basin at Days Inn has agreed to remain at his original quote of approximately $23,000. Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to proceed with the contract bid for the Days Inn basin clearing and Mayor Masick seconded his motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hubbuch stated that the public works projects which include creek clearing, drains, Blairwood, and several other projects should be inserted in the Hurstbourne-Herald newsletter to keep the residents informed.  Mr. Crumpton added that he could supply pictures to add to the article.





Commissioner Jackson reported the former office of Neel-Shafer located at City Hall have been painted and the carpets will soon be cleaned. He asked the Commission to review the concept of leaving the office as it currently exists or renovate it into smaller office suites. Mr. Leidgen will have an update on rent by the next meeting. Mr. Jackson reviewed the current City expenditures for Covid-19 supplies from March through July of 2020 which total $47,741.15 and these expenses are to be reimbursed by the CARES Act.  He requested that an updated expenditure list be distributed and reviewed at the first Commissioners’ meeting of each month.


Mr. Jackson reported he had spoken with a couple of CPA firms and a candidate has been chosen to fill the open seat of City Treasurer. Mr. Bill Bennett stated that he had spoken to the Finance Committee and to Mayor Masick about this resignation. He added that he was not able to provide what the Commission needed   and the amount of time that is required, but he leaves on good terms. Also, he stated that he was available for any assistance the new treasurer may need. Mr. Jackson stated that the Commission accepts his resignation and appreciates Mr. Bennett’s time and respects his guidance over the years. Mr. Jackson made a motion to approve the hiring of Mike Rhodes as the new City Treasurer at $6,000 annual salary and appreciated Mr. Bennett’s years of service, dedication, and his willingness to remain involved. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.      



PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell


Commissioner Leavell discussed the possibility of using social media to inform the residents about public safety in the City, and after a discussion, it was determined that the city’s newsletter and the website was the better avenue of communication. In addition, Mr. Leavell distributed a police activity sheet comparing 2019 and 2020 illustrating the average totals of citations per month. Currently, citations are down for the year. A Public Safety Committee was formed and includes Mr. Leavell, C. A. O. Leidgen and Mayor Masick.  Mr. Leavell spoke about the benefits of contracting with another police department and after a lengthy discussion, he made a motion to establish a Police Committee comprised of himself, C. A.O. Jim Leidgen and Mayor Mary Masick to review police services and make a recommendation. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously. Is  




No report.


ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney John Singler


No report.




City Engineer Crumpton discussed the approval for the revised location of the small cell poll cite for 5G location at Lincolnshire and Oxmoor Woods Parkway.  The revised location is 93 feet back from the intersection of Lincolnshire in the median. Mr. Crumpton stated that he signed the permit and sent it to Mayor Masick.


Mr. Crumpton distributed a rendering of Del Frisco’s restaurant outdoor seating and after some discussion, Mayor Masick made a motion for approval of the plan. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion passed unanimously.   


Also, Mr. Crumpton discussed how to increase the safety at the intersection of Nottingham and Linn Station Road and suggested a 4-way stop. After a discussion, Mayor Masick made a motion to recommend a 4-way stop at that intersection. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion passed unanimously.  


TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett


No report.




Mr. Leidgen stated that he looked forward to working with the Public Safety Committee. He reported the fence project is moving forward as well as the storm grates upgrade project. The creek clearing project and entrance wrought iron painting are scheduled on the contractor’s lists.




At 6:10 p.m., Commissioner Wagner made the motion to adjourn. HerHis motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.


_______________________________________                __________________________________

Mayor Mary Masick                                                                       James E. Leidgen, City Clerk