JANUARY 8, 2019






Mayor Mary Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.




C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.


Present:             Mary Masick, Mayor

Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner

Ben Jackson, Commissioner

Bill Leavell, Commissioner


Present:            John Singler, City Attorney

Chris Crumpton, City Engineer




The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Masick.






Commissioner Jackson made the motion that the minutes of the December 11, 2018 regular meeting be approved; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.




Municipal Order 19-01 Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem—Mayor Masick nominated Commissioner Jackson and he accepted.  Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to accept Commissioner Jackson’s nomination; seconded by Mayor Masick.  Nomination and motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-02 Appointment of Superintendents for City Departments—Commissioner Hubbuch nominated Commissioner Jackson for General Government and he accepted; seconded by Mayor Masick.  Nomination and motion carried unanimously.  Commissioner Jackson nominated Commissioner Hubbuch for Public Works and he accepted; seconded by Mayor Masick.  Nomination and motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hubbuch nominated Commissioner Leavell for Public Safety and he accepted; seconded by Mayor Masick. Nomination and motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hubbuch nominated Commissioner Wagner for Sanitation/Code Enforcement and was seconded by Mayor Masick. Nomination and motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to adopt MO 19-02 as amended; seconded by Mayor Masick. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-03 Appointment of One Additional Commissioner to Investment Committee—Mayor Masick nominated Commissioner Leavell and he accepted; seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Nomination and motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-04 Re-Appointment of C. A. O., City Clerk, ABC Officer, Code Enforcement Officer—Commissioner Jackson made a motion to accept the re-appointment of Mr. James E. Leidgen; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-05 Re-Appointment of City Attorney—Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to accept the re-appointment of Mr. John Singler as City Attorney; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-06 Re-Appointment of City Treasurer—Mayor Masick made a motion to continue the services of Mr. William H. Bennett, Jr. as City Treasurer; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-07 Re-Appointment of City Engineer—Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to accept the re-appointment of Mr. Chris Crumpton of Blue Stone Engineers, PLLC; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-08 Re-Appointment of Board of Ethics Officer—Commissioner Jackson made a motion to accept Mr. Robert Rudd as a member of the Board of Ethics of the City of Hurstbourne; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-09 Appointment of HSWAC Committee–Commissioner Hubbuch volunteered to be on the HSWAC committee; Mayor Masick agreed and made a motion to accept Commissioner Hubbuch as a representative. Her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. Motion carried unanimously.


Municipal Order 19-10 Relating to Establishment of an Expense Approval Policy for the City of Hurstbourne for the Calendar Year of 2019—After much discussion about financial expense authorization levels, the Commission decided to allow C.A.O. Leidgen and City Attorney Singler to review the MO and make additional edits for presentation at the next Commission meeting.





No report.



No report.




Mayor Masick reported that she and Commissioner Leavell will attend a training session next week conducted by the Kentucky League of Cities in Lexington.   She stated that she had spoken with former Commissioner Norb Hancock and he was feeling better from his recent surgery.


PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell


Commissioner Leavell distributed an email from a resident inquiring about the City of Hurstbourne logo and should it be trademarked.  City Attorney Singler stated that he would research the process to obtain a trademark and give a report at the next Commission meeting.


PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch


Commissioner Hubbuch complimented C. A. O. Leidgen and City Engineer Crumpton for their assistance to the adjacent parking lot wall rebuilding project. City Engineer Crumpton added that he had reviewed the construction in several stages and was impressed with the company. Commissioner Hubbuch added that the entrance to the estate section on Linn Station had been power-washed, the brick re-tucked, the foliage removed and only the tree stumps need to be removed.  He and Mr. Leidgen met with Horticulturist Andrea Hanlon to obtain proposals for foliage. He reported that various potholes are filled as soon as weather permits.




Commissioner Jackson reported that C. A. O. Jim Leidgen is contacting the tenants at City Hall regarding their rental leases and that an estimate was obtained for future renovations on a second-floor rental space at City Hall for approximately $8,700. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve the audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion carried unanimously.  C. A. O. Jim Leidgen reported that the roofers at City Hall staged the roof with railings and they expressed a concern about the function of one of the air conditioners. Mr. Leidgen stated he will have the air conditioner checked for any problems. Also, Commissioner Jackson requested that a letter go to television stations WLKY and WHAS reminding them that the City of Hurstbourne does have a weather station atop City Hall.



No report.


ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler


City Attorney Singler reported that there will be a public hearing on the proposed Road Closures on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at the old jail building in downtown Louisville.


CITY ENGINEER—Chris Crumpton


City Engineer Crumpton reported that only a few residents that are affected by the parking at Lowe Elementary attended the December 19 meeting at City Hall to discuss the matter.  In order to resolve the parking issue, he recommends additional parking spaces be added to the front of the school property. Commissioner Jackson suggested that the City could partner with the school board and ask Metro for funding to improve public safety. He added that this funding request for additional parking should be separate from any NDF funds received from Metro Councilperson Marilyn Parker. Mr. Crumpton and

  1. A. O. Leidgen will follow up with North Western Mutual regarding their building renovation project to see if the encroachment permit has been applied for and deposit/bond has been paid.


TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett

No report.




Mr. Leidgen distributed copies of the winter edition of the Hurstbourne-Herald. In addition, he reported that he contacted the owners of the Vining’s Apartments regarding the banner currently displayed on their building and he had requested they apply for a banner permit for 60 days. Commissioner Jackson inquired about a house with no landscaping that could be in violation and if the City could remove a fallen tree that is on the sidewalk? Mr. Leidgen replied that he would research the incidents and give a report at the next meeting.




At 5:59 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried unanimously.


Mayor Mary Masick                                                                   James E. Leidgen, City Clerk