FEBRUARY 12, 2019
Mayor Mary Masick called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
City Attorney John Singler conducted the roll call. A quorum of the Commission was present.
Present: Mary Masick, Mayor
Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner
Ben Jackson, Commissioner
Bill Leavell, Commissioner
Lois Wagner, Commissioner
Present: John Singler, City Attorney
Chris Crumpton, City Engineer
Bill Bennett, City Treasurer
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Masick.
No guests were present.
Commissioner Hubbuch made the motion that the minutes of the January 22, 2019 regular meeting be approved; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Leavell. Motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 19-10 Relating to Establishment of an Expense Approval Policy for the City of Hurstbourne for the Calendar Year of 2019— After discussion regarding language regarding authorization levels in Section 1 of MO 19-10, Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve MO 19-10 as modified; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. The motion carried unanimously.
Municipal Order 19-12 Relating to Appointing Members to the Code Enforcement Board—Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approve MO 19-12; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. The motion carried unanimously. City Attorney John Singler stated that there will be an organizational meeting with the members soon. Following some discussion about property violations, Commissioner Wagner made a motion to authorize C.A. O. Jim Leidgen to search for and retain a qualified person or agency to investigate and report findings on designated properties that are in violation of certain Hurstbourne Ordinances; after discussion, her motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson. The motion passed unanimously.
No report.
Commissioner Jackson reported that the Investment Committee had just convened, and a certificate of deposit matured on February 3, 2019 at Republic Bank in the Drainage Account. It is a 6 months certificate of deposit and will probably be rolled over into another 6 or 9-month CD. There may be future expenditures for creek clearance this season. At BB&T, a certificate of deposit matures at the end of February and it will be reduced to $245,000 and possibly be placed in an 11-month certificate of deposit.
Mayor Masick reported she had attended a special meeting of the Jefferson County League of Cities where Google Fiber was discussed. The fiberoptic project failed to launch county-wide but this does not create any issues to the City of Hurstbourne.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Leavell
Commissioner Leavell reported that a coyote had been cited in the City and he followed up with the resident explaining the difficult process of capturing a coyote. A stop sign at the corner of Rugby and Seaton Springs was down and C. A. O. Leidgen resolved the matter. Because of some come concerns on Ayrshire and Cromwell Hill, Kentucky Law Enforcement was notified to patrol this area from January through February. In addition, the LMPD was also asked to patrol this area. He also reviewed violation statistics from January 2018 through January 2019 and noticed a five-dollar increase in Kentucky Law Enforcement’s hourly rate. C. A. O. Leidgen stated that he would review KLE’s contract.
PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch
Commissioner Hubbuch reported that AT&T will be replacing their small tower poles and City Engineer Chris Crumpton added that these poles have wi-fi extenders that will boost the system throughout the City of Hurstbourne. Commissioner Hubbuch stated that the City had previously offered a tree canopy program to residents in 2014 and 2017. Both tree planting campaigns were successful. He added that he will propose the same program for 2019 and bring plan details of the upcoming tree canopy campaign before the Commission for approval.
Commissioner Jackson reported that tenant leases in the Hurstbourne City Hall building have been renewed. A short article is placed in the Hurstbourne-Herald regarding available the office space.
No report.
ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler
City Attorney Singler presented first reading and introduction of Ordinance 19-01, Series 2019—AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REPLACING CHAPTER 114 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES CONCERNING THE IMPOSITION OF FEES ON COMPANIES WHO ISSUE CERTAIN INSURANCE POLICIES IN THE CITY. He explained that this ordinance involves an insurance premium tax and Louisville Metro may raise their rates. If they do, the City of Hurstbourne should raise their rate to prevent losing money. Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion for first reading and introduction of Ordinance 19-01, Series 2019; his motion seconded by Mayor Masick. The motion carried unanimously. In addition, Attorney Singler reported there will be a public hearing meeting of the Land Development and Transportation Committee regarding the proposed City road closures on Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 1p.m.
CITY ENGINEER—Chris Crumpton
City Engineer Crumpton reported that the Viking’s property is progressing and is currently installing sewer and storm systems. The City Hall roof is nearly completed and they will give a final report for review.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett
No report.
- A. O. Leidgen reported that only the metal flashing has yet to be installed to complete the New City Hall roof. A final inspection of the work will be conducted after completion of the project. He asked the Commissioners to submit additional ideas for the upcoming issue of the Hurstbourne-Herald. Mr. Leidgen then requested that each Commissioner sign a form acknowledging receipt of two documents that are required by the Kentucky Attorney General’s office since they are to be distributed to elected officials no later than sixty days after they have taken office.
At 5:35 p.m. Commissioner Jackson made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried unanimously.
Mary Masick, Mayor Jim Leidgen, City Clerk