AUGUST 28, 2018





Mayor Mary Schneider called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.




C.A.O. Leidgen conducted the roll call.  A quorum of the Commission was present.


Present:          Mary Schneider, Mayor

Ben Jackson, Commissioner

Earl Hubbuch, Commissioner

Norb Hancock, Commissioner

Lois Wagner, Commissioner


Present:         John Singler, City Attorney

Chris Crumpton, City Engineer

Bill Bennett, City Treasurer




The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mary Schneider.




Mr. Steve Porter, attorney for Louisville Neighbors for Responsible Growth, addressed the Commission regarding the proposed Top Golf development to be located at the vacant Sears store in the Oxmoor Shopping Center. He expressed his appreciation for the well-informed residents that he represents, and he requested that the Commission be prepared to be very vocal with their opposition at the public meeting scheduled for October 1, 2018 at Shelby Campus.




Commissioner Wagner made the motion that the minutes of the August 14, 2018 regular meeting be approved; her motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.



City Attorney John Singler introduced MO 18-31—City Expenses June and July 2018. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve MO 18-31; his motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch. Motion carried unanimously.


Attorney Singler introduced MO 18-32—KY Backhaul Transmission Networks, LLC—Cell Nodes.  This municipal order authorizes the City of Hurstbourne to enter into a uniform franchise agreement. Mr. Singler explained a non-exclusive franchise with KY Backhaul Transmission Networks, LLC since a portion of the project will be located upon rights of way owned by the City of Hurstbourne. Mr. J. Alex Brosky, representing Mobilitie, explained that a pole located on Blairwood Road is affected and it will have a meter, a radio, and a relay box attached to it, but the pole will remain uniform for the area. He further explained that this particular pole will increase the ability to supply additional data and band width for high demand areas such as the 1-64 and the Hurstbourne area. Commissioner Hubbuch made a motion to approved MO 18-32; his motion was seconded by Mayor Schneider. Motion carried unanimously.





No report.




Commissioner Jackson reported that a certificate of deposit for a term of 15 months @ 1.84% rate for the amount of $245,000 at Stock Yards will be purchased and paperwork will need to be signed.  Also, the account signature card process with US Bank was somewhat complicated, but the issue was resolved.



No report.


PUBLIC SAFETY – Commissioner Hancock


Commissioner Hancock discussed additional police coverage for Wessex Place and complimented the Kentucky Law Enforcement for their coverage of the City.


PUBLIC WORKS—Commissioner Hubbuch


Commissioner Hubbuch asked the Commission to submit any decorating ideas they may have for the upcoming Christmas season. He reported that although $16,000 is budgeted for decorations, Country Squire Florist will honor the contract that where their price is a lesser amount for the next two years.




Commissioner Jackson had no report but asked about the status of Greenscapes.  City Attorney John Singler replied that he is requesting a meeting with Greenscapes along with C. A. O. Jim Leidgen.  At that meeting, there will be discussions of inferior work that was recently discovered and their contract with the City.




Commissioner Wagner brought up the possibility of placing “No Parking” signs on streets near Lowe Elementary. After a discussion, it was decided that C.A.O. Leidgen and City Engineer Crumpton would bring potential sign locations to the Commission for review and consideration.


ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Attorney Singler


Attorney Singler distributed a letter to the Commission which was sent to Metro Development regarding street closure applications for Stamford and Cheffield.  The letter referred to further actions from the Planning Commission regarding Stamford and depending on the results of the letter, City Attorney Singler suggested that the City may want to consider legal action.


CITY ENGINEER—Chris Crumpton

City Engineer Crumpton reported that the contract for street paving will soon be finalized.  Also, some additional contacts were made regarding the replacement of the City Hall roof, and no work has begun on the creek clearing by Cornerstone.  At the next meeting, he will present the signage plan for Lowe Elementary.


TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Bennett

City Treasurer Bill Bennett discussed the year-end financials for 2017-2018 and stated that the auditors will begin their work next month.  The only new item was the Chase Savings account created for the storm drainage for $258,000. Commissioner Jackson asked City Treasurer Bill Bennett to research if the interest earned on a restricted account can go into the City’s operating fund to benefit the City. After some discussion, Mr. Bennett replied he would speak with the auditors for the correct answer.   Mr. Bennett concluded his report by stating that the City has a good cashflow, good laddered certificates of deposit, and there are no complaints.




Mr. Leidgen requested ideas for the upcoming fall issue of the Hurstbourne Herald. With regard to Pubic Works, the fall power seeding and turf treatment are underway.  The entrance to Linn Station has been demolished and is scheduled to be re-built very soon. Under the Public Safety, several street lights and street signs have been replaced and crime activities are low. Regarding Code Enforcement, there is a significant property clean-up scheduled at 8200 Paddington and a lien will be placed on that property for that work if the property owner does not pay for clean-up expenses.  In addition, he reported that the wood barrier fence panels have been power-washed and are being repaired. The color test panels will be ready for review in about 7-10 days.





At 6:07 p.m. Commissioner Wagner made the motion to adjourn. His motion was seconded by Commissioner Hubbuch; motion carried unanimously.


Mayor Mary Schneider                                                              James E. Leidgen, City Clerk